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hummer010: I can't complain - I have three crits, which is more than some. [...]
HunchBluntley: Hurray for reading things too quickly! -- I first read this as, "I have three clits, which is more than some." XD
Wow, Quest for Infamy seemed to go unprecedentedly fast (at least relative to the other games I've watched in this round...)



Yeah, Consortium is up!
Well, that concludes my shopping spree... Thanks Gog, for not pushing this to the end of the line.
Consortium? Tbh, I've never even heard of this game. Looks like a Star Trek TNG /Tron crossover.
zenwan: For new users, that gifting thing is very confusing, as you are asked to enter the other person's email, which you probably don't have, if you even have someone in mind. So, not knowing what else to do, and perhaps being under pressure of time if the game is selling fast, you skip the gifting part and figure you'll be able to change that later.
HunchBluntley: When in doubt, e-mail it to yourself! ;)

As to why they can't give refunds for items bought in certain promos, you'd have to ask GOG. I'm guessing it might have something to do with agreements with publishers when selling their games at a discount above a certain percentage, but that's just speculation on my part.
Thank you for the email suggestion, that is helpful. I had seen it posted already, but too late for me to have used that little trick. GOG should make it clear to us newbies that you can email it to yourself if you don't know the email address, that would be helpful.

I wasn't asking for a refund, just asking for the opportunity to gift a couple of games that I had added to my library during this promo, because I didn't know how the gifting process worked. I was told that one has to ask Support to make that change - but then someone said that GOG had been refusing to change items from this promo to gifts, even if they hadn't been downloaded.

I hope that wasn't true, but if it was, I would really like to know there seems to be no logical reason for it.

I'm big on logic. ;-)
jackster79: FINALLY!



Critical hit on game or wallet?

So I'd like to "pay it forward" while also paying someone back, as it were - so is there anyone who has given something away during the insomnia promo who would like Trine 2?
Post edited March 08, 2015 by xenocidic
expopower: Wow, Quest for Infamy seemed to go unprecedentedly fast (at least relative to the other games I've watched in this round...)
Because it is a nod to the Sierra classics.Although fresh it is somewhat seasoned.And as this sale has proven Seasoned outshines the Fresh!:D
MsParanoid: If nods in my favour I'd be most pleased to accept.
Getcomposted: What do you want to be? An odd or an even number? XD
Odd would suit me better :-)
Fresh deal: Terraria (-80%) [300]
That's an awesome discount, I already have it, in the queue to play.
YAAAAAY finally, i got you now terraria!
Gossenkind91: anyone have terraria for trade? or does someone know if it will come on sale again?
Speaking of which.... look what just showed up!


Edit: Ninja'ed by Gossenkind91 himself/herself!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by jackster79
zenwan: I wasn't asking for a refund, just asking for the opportunity to gift a couple of games that I had added to my library during this promo, because I didn't know how the gifting process worked. I was told that one has to ask Support to make that change - but then someone said that GOG had been refusing to change items from this promo to gifts, even if they hadn't been downloaded.

I hope that wasn't true, but if it was, I would really like to know there seems to be no logical reason for it.

I'm big on logic. ;-)
It can't hurt to ask. It could have been that was a critical hit, or something, rather than something purchased.