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JDelekto: I don't think they're making it up, but how exactly do you get the critical hit? Clicking on the image to go to the game's page or just clicking on the "Buy Now"?
bler144: Clicking "Buy now."

I've debating if it would make sense for them next time they run this to post the number of freebies for each item up - that way once all the freebies are off the table they'll take strain off the server from everyone still clicking "Buy now" (with no intent of buying) just to see if they can win.
But there would also then be fewer people staking out the site who might succumb to temptation and buy something else. I think they'd rather have strained servers if it means more sales...and hopefully, more sales will (eventually) mean more/better servers. :)
trentonlf: You have one chance each time a game comes up when you press the buy now button, if win will say you got a critical hit and you get the game free.
HunchBluntley: That does bring to mind a question I've had: Has anyone actually gotten a critical on a game in the second or third round that they'd already tried in an earlier round? I'm kind of wondering if it's not just "one chance for each game in the sale, full stop". In other words, if I clicked "Buy now" on (for example) Papers, Please in the first round, and didn't get it for free, would there really still be a chance to get it free in the second or third round?
Some people have reported having two or three critical hits, so I think it's not a full stop, just the luck of the draw.
toxicTom: Simon the Sorcerer 2?
JDelekto: Actually, it was one of the 'cartoons' in the early edition (I think first) of the D&D Dungeon Master's Guide. <grin>
Interesting. I just know that in Simon 2 you meet those role players (in a fantasy world) who play a game set in "our" world. I only ever played the German version of Simon 2, there it was called "Büros und Buchhalter" ("Offices and accountants"). I don't know how the game was called in the original English version, so I guessed this could be it.
ALH: I did pick it up!Looks like my kinda gig and i enjoy supporting offbeat projects like Kentucky Route Zero.
Good for you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And please give the office bears a hug from me :)
New game imminent!
ALH: I did pick it up!Looks like my kinda gig and i enjoy supporting offbeat projects like Kentucky Route Zero.
WildHobgoblin: Good for you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And please give the office bears a hug from me :)
Sounds dangerous but will do!
JDelekto: Actually, it was one of the 'cartoons' in the early edition (I think first) of the D&D Dungeon Master's Guide. <grin>
toxicTom: Interesting. I just know that in Simon 2 you meet those role players (in a fantasy world) who play a game set in "our" world. I only ever played the German version of Simon 2, there it was called "Büros und Buchhalter" ("Offices and accountants"). I don't know how the game was called in the original English version, so I guessed this could be it.
Well, the comic I referred to was in the original set of 'books' from the tabletop game created by Gary Gygax long ago. It would not surprise me if anything created in the future were influenced by it at all. :)
Is anyone looking for Papers, Please and just missed it?
I got a crit for it and want to gift it on, as I got gifted a couple of games by some generous people here in this sale. :)
So far, the only person to reply to me is MsParanoid. I'll wait until Xenonauts reaches 35. :)

Quest for Infamy!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by CalicoPup
infinitee8: New game imminent!
Quest for Infamy arrives!
Fresh too: Quest for Infamy (-80%) [200]
Post edited March 08, 2015 by trentonlf
Getcomposted: I just rolled a crit on Papers, Please, and I wasn't even meaning to click on it as I already had it.
Why couldn't I have gotten a crit for Metrocide or Kentucky Route Zero? O_o

But my good fortune means someone gets to share in it. :)

To pass the time while we're waiting for Xenonauts and Kentucky Route Zero to go, tell me what your guess for the next game in the round is.
Or why you need Papers, Please in your life.
Or what you thought when you first happened onto this thread and the community for all the newcomers.
Or how you would persuade someone on the fence to buy a copy of Xenonauts or Kentucky Route Zero.
Or actually anything conversational. :)
I am no newcomer but I remember coming into this forum and mentioning a game which was then gifted to me. I did not understand why anybody should give me something without payment or sth. to trade for it. After I started giving myself I finally understood. This is the one place where you can do something good to people even if you don't have that much. I love it. And even if it is none of the questions you asked I'd like to add that this few days I experienced the friendly people here in the forum were one of the finest. People from different countries and everybody wants to hel another stranger. Unfortunately rel life is different but here wen can live it and I am glad that I experienced it.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MarkoH01
zenwan: For new users, that gifting thing is very confusing, as you are asked to enter the other person's email, which you probably don't have, if you even have someone in mind. So, not knowing what else to do, and perhaps being under pressure of time if the game is selling fast, you skip the gifting part and figure you'll be able to change that later.
When in doubt, e-mail it to yourself! ;)

As to why they can't give refunds for items bought in certain promos, you'd have to ask GOG. I'm guessing it might have something to do with agreements with publishers when selling their games at a discount above a certain percentage, but that's just speculation on my part.
Currently no reports of Quest for Infamy or Xenonauts as a Critical Hit.
CalicoPup: Huzzah!

Quest for Infamy!
I just snagged up a copy to give away later! :)