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apehater: if you got it as a critical hit (for free), than i'd like to try it out please.
MarkoH01: Sorry that I have to ask but why does it matter if I had to pay for it? For me it is only important that you have waited for the game and missed it. Was it this way?
nope, i didn't missed it. i was just not sure to get it or not, because the reviews said its a very short game (about 3,5-5 hours playtime). so if you got it for free and don't want it, i gladly take it. but if you paid for it, than i don't want it because i could get it myself too.

edit: i see now that stg83 wants it, so i pass. please give it to him.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by apehater
Prohzac: At least I have this comfort that I got all what I really - really wanted. Now I'm just clicking... to justify why I'm still on this thread.
No justification is need to be on this thread, every insomniac is always welcome here. ;)
final_option: Still waiting for that mythical critical hit /'re all making those up, aren't you?
I thought so too, for a long while... but here, I have proof!
Pardinuz: Give it a try. Have a look at: Contact Us > My orders, payments and downloading games > Order change
JasmineMcCoy: Thanks, is it normal only some orders appear in the list?
I had the same problem that you are having, and also only found a few of my orders in the list. I just left that part blank (I think it was 'Not applicable') and listed the games in the details box.
masterp251: So I've seen xenonauts many times and decided to get it I love the new xcom and I hope this is something like it.
I haven't played the new XCOM, but from what I've been reading, it's fairly decent; I have it in my queue.
final_option: Still waiting for that mythical critical hit /'re all making those up, aren't you?
JDelekto: I don't think they're making it up, but how exactly do you get the critical hit? Clicking on the image to go to the game's page or just clicking on the "Buy Now"?
Clicking "Buy now."

I've debating if it would make sense for them next time they run this to post the number of freebies for each item up - that way once all the freebies are off the table they'll take strain off the server from everyone still clicking "Buy now" (with no intent of buying) just to see if they can win.
Finally, Xenoauts and I did not miss it.

Basically the 2nd time I bought it, with the first code I hosted a Giveaway back then. My first Giveaway on GoG, after I won Banished in a Giveaway before.

PS Got WoW 3.3.5a running, after spending 5 hours with patching installing....and finding out that the document showed the wrong realm address.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MaGo72
trentonlf: You have one chance each time a game comes up when you press the buy now button, if win will say you got a critical hit and you get the game free.
OK, I didn't know that originally, but I have been clicking on the "Buy Now" (even the ones that I own) to try and get one. I haven't been doing that from the outset (from the times I was on the site), but still trying.
masterp251: So I've seen xenonauts many times and decided to get it I love the new xcom and I hope this is something like it.
It's more similar to the old X-Com than the new one, and with a loadout interface similar to X-Com: Apocalypse. Personally, I enjoy both Xenonauts and the X-Com remake.
Redfern: No luck with freebies..:(((
Prohzac: At least I have this comfort that I got all what I really - really wanted. Now I'm just clicking... to justify why I'm still on this thread.
Yes, exactly. Bought Last Federation and now I'm just sitting here fishing for nice-to-have (or nice-to-gift) freebies :)
lol~ I'd be thinking the free games were a myth, too, if I hadn't gotten one in the last insomnia promo :p

Don't worry, folks! As long as the promo continues, you still have a chance~! ^__^
Grargar: Alright, all papers have been received.

Fresh Too deal: AI War Collection (-80%) [100]
I think that one will go fast!
I should take a page out of the generous chronic gifters here and keep better track of who asked for what.

I know someone posted they wanted AI War.

What a waste, that at a ripe old age of 35 the brain makes like corrupted flash memory....
genkicolleen: lol~ I'd be thinking the free games were a myth, too, if I hadn't gotten one in the last insomnia promo :p
Holy cow! I just got my first crit (AI War)! :O What timing~!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by genkicolleen
toxicTom: I'm hesitant buying movies, since I prefer to spend my scarce free time with games. But your post got me thinking. I recently found many of Jackie Chan's older movies on Youtube for free. I would really consider buying those from here (if they came in good quality and preferably with multiple voice tracks and subtitles).
stg83: Most definitely yes, Jackie Chan was my favorite action star growing up (he is still the man at over 60) and I really enjoy all of his earlier stuff a lot. It would indeed be great to have all those movies in high quality and DRM Free.
It think that a lot of his early movies were on a big dvd pack, but these were sold a lot in store in holland i dont know how the rest of the world handled them.

As for the quality i dont know if its any good, however if they clean up the old movies too much then it isnt ';retro' any more

i have some more recent movies for 1 tot 3 euros a piece, with mandarin voice and most of the time dutch subs, sometimes jackie had the movies in english with his own voice.

rushour 1,2,3 are very good and i still watch them from time to time for all the fun and action, not for the story cause the plot is already known.
I have them on dvd and i think its a evry decent quality , ofcourse i have dvd not the blue ray with hd and more...
i will stick to normal dvd as long as possible.
I have some old police quest movies with chan in it.
Some time theres 8 packs of quite recent movies at default dvd quality in the retail shops at 8 euros now thats a steal: 8 movies for 8 or 10 euros total.