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Quetzar: Tarnicus is officially this thread's Santa in spring. Thanks so much, dude :).
Tarnicus: Mispelling on your part. For most of this sale I was at 666 rep :P And it is Autumn/Fall here :D Money is a strange human construct that has no intrinsic value. As per my PM response, smiles do. And putting a smile on the face of another is priceless, pay it forward as I suggested :)

I am shaving my beard tomorrow before I search for a nice piece of bushland to call my own temporarily. I shall be more visibly toothless but at least I shan't be chewing my own moustache with camp cooking.

With that said, my leonine curiosity is wondering what else others have missed that they dearly wished for in this sale? I might have a spare code or two laying about before I head to the Land of Silence (ie no phone or net connection when I hunt for my camping spot tomorrow)
Well, my apologies for butting in to the conversation like this, but since you asked, I missed the X-Wing Special Edition this sale, and am having hell of a time trying to find a spare copy someone might be interested in trading for my stuff.

P.S. My "for trade" stuff is at
Mark of the Ninja looks really good from the screenies and the reviews. Anyone played it?
Thanks. Post for Day Seven is now live. Hope I didn't make any mistake.
toxicTom: Mark of the Ninja looks really good from the screenies and the reviews. Anyone played it?
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Grargar
Is it possible that there is anybody who missed the new king "MIND: Path to Thalamus"? It was online a long time but I was wondering if it still has been missed by somebody who wanted it.
toxicTom: Mark of the Ninja looks really good from the screenies and the reviews. Anyone played it?
Cool sneaker game - buy it!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MarkoH01
toxicTom: Mark of the Ninja looks really good from the screenies and the reviews. Anyone played it?
It's VERY good. I bought it in a previous sale, and finished it some months ago. It's a good stealth game, but in 2d.
toxicTom: Mark of the Ninja looks really good from the screenies and the reviews. Anyone played it?
Grargar: YES. BUY IT.
Will do. Next time. I've already overspent my budget by far (my wife is going to rip my head off...). So wishlist it is.
Grargar: Thanks. Post for Day Seven is now live. Hope I didn't make any mistake.
These per day lists are getting shorter and shorter. Thanks again for the update. :)
Prohzac: I've just run through Movies catalogue. It's so meh. Why no Sci-fi movies from the 90s? There's lots of classics that would sell. And a lot of not really known titles or forgotten masterpieces like eXistenz or The 13th floor.
Dayum, I'd even gladly get second Mortal Kombat which was a major crap, but what can I do, I'm a sucker for the series. If it only was available.
JDelekto: Wow, I have eXistenz on DVD... that was one "trippy" movie with some stars in the cast. There were also some good sci-fi movies from the 80's (like Looker or Brainstorm) which I would love to see too.

However, seems like acquiring anything from big movie companies as opposed to "Indie" films is a bit more costly. Kind of sad considering that there are probably people out there stealing them when they could probably instead rake in a buck or two.
I'm not sure how much cost has to do with it. GOG has already stated quite bluntly that none of the big movie studios wants to be the first to try selling DRM-free digital-download films; add to that the problems others have mentioned with regional distribution, and you can start to see why GOG still only has tiny little indie films, many of which have been free to watch on YouTube.
Grargar: Thanks. Post for Day Seven is now live. Hope I didn't make any mistake.
stg83: These per day lists are getting shorter and shorter. Thanks again for the update. :)
Thanks seconded, and another +1 for the work Grargar is putting into this.
high rated
Grargar: YES. BUY IT.
toxicTom: Will do. Next time. I've already overspent my budget by far (my wife is going to rip my head off...). So wishlist it is.
You might check your PM.
high rated
toxicTom: Will do. Next time. I've already overspent my budget by far (my wife is going to rip my head off...). So wishlist it is.
It's a really good game, and I don't like platformers. EITerprise beat me to it or I would have given it to you.

ElTerprise: You might check your PM.
NIcely done!!
MrBanballow: Freedom Planet [ __ ]
Papers, Please [ X ]
QUBE [ __ ]
Huh, I thought Qube had come and gone already? It's missing on my "yet to come" list...
HunchBluntley: I'm not sure how much cost has to do with it. GOG has already stated quite bluntly that none of the big movie studios wants to be the first to try selling DRM-free digital-download films; add to that the problems others have mentioned with regional distribution, and you can start to see why GOG still only has tiny little indie films, many of which have been free to watch on YouTube.
I'm hesitant buying movies, since I prefer to spend my scarce free time with games. But your post got me thinking. I recently found many of Jackie Chan's older movies on Youtube for free. I would really consider buying those from here (if they came in good quality and preferably with multiple voice tracks and subtitles).
No crits still, though I was hoping for one on Papers, Please. It looks challenging and very atmospheric, but i don't know if the bleakness of the setting would make me regret it eventually or not. I feel like a cog in a machine enough in real life that playing one in a game could be too much.
genkicolleen: OK, my friends. You know how yesterday I was talking about trolls randomly down-repping people? Here's a good example:
Low-Rated Post by Sage

I know, rep is dead, but it still offends me to see a post by one of the sweetest, kindest members on GOG low-rated. >_< Y'all please take a moment to offset the frickin' trolls by uprating her post, please?

*stops scowling and smiles at the lovely peeps* And good morning, everyone! ^__^
and +1 for you also, for being such a good friend.

I didn't realise that these forums were also frequented by trolls, they are everywhere, it seems. :-(