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OMG it's the movie!!!
Well, see you in two weeks :(
JDelekto: That's good advice... I also look to see if anyone has a Twitch stream or YouTube video of the game play to see it in action --that helps sometimes.
I never really bother with those, I tend to go with my gut.

But my gut also likes anchovies and pickle brine, so make of that what you will.
j0ekerr: Everybody got all their loot already? Or did you nox?
Waiting on Freedom Planet, Papers Please and QUBE.
Hm. Never saw one stuck on 1 before.

"Here, I saved the last Metrocide for you."

"Oh, no, I couldn't possibly. You have it."

"Oh, no no no, I absolutely insist..."

Ah, never mind...someone bought it.
So, my wife just got a critical hit on Ink. Anyone want it?
MarkoH01: *shouting again*
Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!
Maxvorstadt: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!
Argh! Instead of making fun of my well formulated desire you should really help me getting my last (yes, this time it is) game of the sale. But this reference I get as a series Fan also :)
GhostwriterDoF: I have yet to see the GoGBear appear...

<oils the Forum>
Anaxphone: It wasn't even usually the bear. I'd hit "Post my message" and it would do the little animation and its please wait message, but never finish. First time I left it for an hour and it never completed.
Your patience in waiting is admirable, however, If it hangs,
and doesn't go through, don't wait more than a few minutes
before cancelling it and trying again. At least here on GoG.

Nobody will throw a fit if you double post in a Thread...
In other Forums people might complain. ;)
Geralt_of_Rivia: That happens if there is something wrong with the post. Mostly when you mess up the quote (or perhaps also other) tags.
But oddly, copying it to clipboard, quitting out and pasting it back in made it post okay.

The internet works in mysterious ways sometimes.
RetiredBard: So, my wife just got a critical hit on Ink. Anyone want it?
If you give me $4 AND INK, I'll take it. ;)
MarkoH01: OMG it's the movie!!!
Well, see you in two weeks :(
At least it's only 50 pieces. Let's listen to some music. I recommend: No Doubt, Tragic Keanedom
MarkoH01: *shouting again*
Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!
Maxvorstadt: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!
Oh funny! You know, I haven't watched that show since Charlie left --it just isn't the same without him.
Lol, I got a critical hit with the movie :-P
MarkoH01: OMG it's the movie!!!
Well, see you in two weeks :(
I bet it will be gone before Broken Age. After all it's just 50 copies. And it's a good movie.
RetiredBard: So, my wife just got a critical hit on Ink. Anyone want it?
No, but thank her for reducing the number.
Maxvorstadt: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!
JDelekto: Oh funny! You know, I haven't watched that show since Charlie left --it just isn't the same without him.
Yeah. Ashton Kutscher is not bad, but he`s obviously no Charlie Sheen, sorry Ashton!