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ws.kimble: Man this sale has been awesome!!!! I wish I would have found GoG sooner! I have been a Steam user for many years and I don't feel the same community comradeship that I have felt here in one week of hanging out on the forums.
*SNIP !*

But two kick arse people gifted me Sudeki and Age of Wonders :)

How often does GoG have sales like this (IE how much more sleep will I loose?) ?

Thank you all for being who you are .. and you have gained another family member!

PS - Still didnt get a single "crit" that everyone is talking about.
Man, you're making me envious, lol
Great haul, now you have to buy some extra lives to have the time to play them all !
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
MarkoH01: I feel like I am missing the reference here but I guess it is a funny one.
Whatever - I've shouted louder and longer so Alan Wake has to wake up.
Anaxphone: It wasn't even usually the bear. I'd hit "Post my message" and it would do the little animation and its please wait message, but never finish. First time I left it for an hour and it never completed.
That happens if there is something wrong with the post. Mostly when you mess up the quote (or perhaps also other) tags.
The_Blog: Try to google for some gameplay. Maybe evene a commentated review.
JDelekto: That's good advice... I also look to see if anyone has a Twitch stream or YouTube video of the game play to see it in action --that helps sometimes.
I got it. My poor wallet :).
The_Blog: Try to google for some gameplay. Maybe evene a commentated review.
JDelekto: That's good advice... I also look to see if anyone has a Twitch stream or YouTube video of the game play to see it in action --that helps sometimes.
Search for a "Let's play" that always helps me the most.
Everybody got all their loot already? Or did you nox?
Tarnicus: Beard keeps me warm, moustache is chewed in every meal. Does that make sense? I am a mess as it is :D
infinitee8: It makes sense, but if it keeps you warm why shave it is what I was getting at. And if the moustache is too long that it gets in the way of eating, would a trim be better than total annihilation of it?
A trim is the plan, I wasn't clear :) I must head to sleep as somehow it is 3am.

Take care everyone and thank you for the lovely conversation :)
j0ekerr: Everybody got all their loot already? Or did you nox?
Nox yet. And some of them i'll nox see again.
MarkoH01: *shouting again*
Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!, Allan!
Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!
Tarnicus: TO clarify, I do not see other species with the propensity for learning that we have. I see some amazing leaps and bounds with other species (I spend a lot of my time communicating and learning from them) but do not see the diversity and leaps and bounds that our species has made. And to counter my own argument, i do not see any other species conduct themselves out of balance with the rest of life to the extent that we do, and to the detriment of our own well-being that we do. Does that make sense? I am very close to sleep and may be on the night end of rambling :)
OK, now that you've (ahem) clarified that, GET SOME SLEEP! :)
JDelekto: That's good advice... I also look to see if anyone has a Twitch stream or YouTube video of the game play to see it in action --that helps sometimes.
ElTerprise: I got it. My poor wallet :).
If it makes you feel any better, I'm about to start taking Ramen noodles to work the next week for lunch!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by JDelekto
MarkoH01: I feel like I am missing the reference here but I guess it is a funny one.
Bill Nye the Science Guy
MarkoH01: I feel like I am missing the reference here but I guess it is a funny one.
Whatever - I've shouted louder and longer so Alan Wake has to wake up.
paladin181: Bill.
Thank you - now I know one guy more :)
j0ekerr: Everybody got all their loot already? Or did you nox?
MarkoH01: I feel like I am missing the reference here but I guess it is a funny one.
Whatever - I've shouted louder and longer so Alan Wake has to wake up.
paladin181: Bill.
I'm surprised nobody added the link yet to the dead parrot skit "Wakey Wakey!"
Tarnicus: TO clarify, I do not see other species with the propensity for learning that we have. I see some amazing leaps and bounds with other species (I spend a lot of my time communicating and learning from them) but do not see the diversity and leaps and bounds that our species has made. And to counter my own argument, i do not see any other species conduct themselves out of balance with the rest of life to the extent that we do, and to the detriment of our own well-being that we do. Does that make sense? I am very close to sleep and may be on the night end of rambling :)
JDelekto: OK, now that you've (ahem) clarified that, GET SOME SLEEP! :)
ElTerprise: I got it. My poor wallet :).
JDelekto: If it makes you feel any better, I'm about to start taking Ramen noodles to work the next week for lunch!
Get Mama Handi Rice instead! Mhhhm, delicious!!