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Jacob_1994: I went to sleep has never-ending nightmare appear yet?
MarkoH01: You just woke up to have some nightmares? (Couldn't resist)
No, it is still about to come.
Thanks, and lol :)
JDelekto: I have a code for Grimrock 2, I was looking to trade with uselessvu for the game Puddle and even sent a PM still awaiting a response.

If I don't hear from him soon, I'll be willing to trade.
Tarnicus: With you offer to help out for LoG2, is there anything you have missed or want? If so, please PM me and I will see what I have or can get for you :)
There are 3 people in the queue ahead of you, uselessvu has untill 12:00PM EST for the original trade, the next in line is lxamyakxim, but said that you noted you wanted it, so he won't feel bad if I offer it to you in his stead. I'm still interested in trading for Puddle, but another person is willing to trade a game I don't have if all falls through.

I'm trying to keep it fair and in order of request (thanks lxamyakxim and +1 for allowing Tarnicus to take precedence from your request).
RWarehall: Top 5 Keanes thus far...
List of Keanes over 4 hours...

MIND: Path to Keaneamus (Round 3) [400 copies] – 8 hours, 2 minutes
Gabriel Keane: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition (Round 3) [600 copies] – 7 hours, 14 minutes
Legend of Keanerock (Round 3) [800 copies] – 6 hours, 23 minutes
Shadows: Heretic Keanedoms (Round 3) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 47 minutes
Rayman Orikeanes (Round 2) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 17 minutes
What about Robbie Keane? ;)

Sorry couldn't resist.
GhostwriterDoF: I've been having a little trouble trying to respond to a response from yesterday, this morning... :/
klappis: Are you a GOG employe? Regarding my critical it doesn't even show in the gifts tab. I got the crit on the phone. Could that explain the erratically behavior? I've got two criticals before on the computer and it worked fine though.
No, I'm not a GoG employee, I don't think they have a position for a (good) Mad Scientist at the moment,
nor does CD Projekt Red, that I know of...

I did see that someone else had a similar issue yesterday, but I don't think they were using a phone
when their critical hit malfunctioned...
Post edited March 08, 2015 by GhostwriterDoF
ALH: Amen to that and thx for offering to help.Right now it seems like Anaxphone is going to hook me up!
Tarnicus: I have seen you ask a few times, and my income is limited but I do not need it to "live". I am a frugal bastard (meaning limited income living on a disability pension in Australia whilst it still exists) means I am selective with my purchases. Please PM me (and every other German who is restricted) and I will help when I can. I can find shelter, warmth, food and water almost anywhere in this land. I might not be able to get money, buy land, or even rent a space, but I can live on the basics if I have to. Money and social strata is a crazy means of division. I was raised in a wealthy household and there is no amount of money that can teach someone to be a "better person". We are who are; we all have our own skills and specialities, and some are recognised as "good" or "productive" and others are not. I fall in the latter category and it has taken me a long time to realise that this is not true.

I am glad someone is looking out for you, and when it comes to differences of region to determine the price of digital goods and distribution, I am well and truly in the verbose camp of "fuck that". I can say this knowing that there is no way that I can be banned or prevented from saying so. I have been using the net since '96 and rarely use the skills that I learned back then, but IP/country/language/etc are VERY easy to circumvent.

"Games" to me are an integral means of sharing stories, and that is part of human nature. The more stories shared, the more we can understand each other, and a find a means to understand both similarity and difference. If we were all the same, life would be very boring :D
Indeed.It can be challenging at times but the diversity of life, of human nature is what keeps things interesting.If membership is not restricted i'll join the verbose camp of "fuck that".Seems like a rebellious place to hang out!:D

And thx again for offering your help.I hope that there won't be further geolocked games for anyone here but i have my doubts.
Still unsure about Metrocide....
GhostwriterDoF: I've been having a little trouble trying to respond to a response from yesterday, this morning... :/

edit... well that went through...
Anaxphone: It's not just you. I've had times where I had to completely quit out of my browser and start it up again without keeping any tabs to make replying work again for this forum...
I have yet to see the GoGBear appear...

<oils the Forum>
RWarehall: Top 5 Keanes thus far...
List of Keanes over 4 hours...

MIND: Path to Keaneamus (Round 3) [400 copies] – 8 hours, 2 minutes
Gabriel Keane: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition (Round 3) [600 copies] – 7 hours, 14 minutes
Legend of Keanerock (Round 3) [800 copies] – 6 hours, 23 minutes
Shadows: Heretic Keanedoms (Round 3) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 47 minutes
Rayman Orikeanes (Round 2) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 17 minutes
ElTerprise: What about Robbie Keane? ;)

Sorry couldn't resist.
Tarnicus: When I was in primary(elementary to the rest of the world) school and people used to try to burn, harm or kill insects and arachnids, I would "go psycho" at them. I saved snails, slugs, spiders, ants and all manner of creepy crawlies. I handled "deadly" creatures(I live in Australia) in order to save them. I still, to this day, cannot understand why our species thinks so highly of itself. I do not see any other out of balance to the extent we are. I do not see any other species cause the amount of harm that we do as a species. And yet, on some strange level, I still love my fellow human being. Why? We have a propensity for learning that I do not see with other species.

I understand the concept of survival; my adrenal response far outweighs most I know. With that said, why is it we feel the need to dominate and destroy so many other for our "survival"? I am misanthropic to some extent, and yet I keep meeting pretty darn nice people, who when assumptions and beliefs are challenged, they cannot explain why they wish to cause harm without though to others. This differs from survival.

To thwart a magnifying glass, one merely needs to wait til nightfall til the sun has gone down :) And then the stabby, poisonous, bitey things can come out and wreak havock :P
JDelekto: <grin> I never deliberately went after ants, in fact, I owned several ant-farms when I was a child. (Hey, they didn't have YouTube or Netflix back then.) You probably won't see me having a funnelweb spider as a pet though!

I may have to disagree with other species having the propensity for learning. When I see things like hawks on a hunt for prey or dolphins interacting with other humans, it is difficult to not think they are intelligent within their own species.

Sure, you don't see bears making weapons to hunt, but that's because they were already born with them!
TO clarify, I do not see other species with the propensity for learning that we have. I see some amazing leaps and bounds with other species (I spend a lot of my time communicating and learning from them) but do not see the diversity and leaps and bounds that our species has made. And to counter my own argument, i do not see any other species conduct themselves out of balance with the rest of life to the extent that we do, and to the detriment of our own well-being that we do. Does that make sense? I am very close to sleep and may be on the night end of rambling :)
ElTerprise: What about Robbie Keane? ;)

Sorry couldn't resist.
JDelekto: Ugh!
Sorry. I know that was bad :).
PaterAlf: Congrats! Critical hits on Broken Agen and Indiana Jones aren't too bad (and Cognition is a good game as well).
Thanks. There was a few other games I was glancing and had 1 finger on the buy button but in the end just didn't click. Need to leave something for later occasion :)
ElTerprise: Still unsure about Metrocide....
You better hurry, it's about to go Metrocide on "Broken Age"... 14 left.
GhostwriterDoF: I have yet to see the GoGBear appear...

<oils the Forum>
It wasn't even usually the bear. I'd hit "Post my message" and it would do the little animation and its please wait message, but never finish. First time I left it for an hour and it never completed.
ElTerprise: Still unsure about Metrocide....
JDelekto: You better hurry, it's about to go Metrocide on "Broken Age"... 14 left.
What i meant was that i'm still not sure if it's worth as the review are not that helpful.
And back just in time for Metrocide to move along... Very nice.
I swear, I never even saw some games during this promo (being a bit busy during the week), but now it seems like everything stays up forever and ever...