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infinitee8: Thanks for looking out. I don't hoard or collect game codes and keys so don't have much in the way of trade. I typically always use what I buy, win or get gifted. If you have a link to a list of what you are looking for, there is probably a small 2% chance I may have a match. Worth a shot?
JDelekto: At the moment, Puddle is pretty much it. BTW, do you have the first Legend of Grimrock? I'm going to post it as a giveaway and if you don't already have it, I'll gift that one to you.
I feel silly saying this but I've not even heard of Puddle before now. Maybe I did in passing but it didn't stay resident in my memory if that doesn't sound corny. Anyhoo, I appreciate the thought and I do have LoG and enjoyed it a great deal which led to my interest in the second one. I wish you luck and uselessvu contacts you for a successful trade.
Maxvorstadt: By the way, does somebody know which of the games that were on the GoG twitch insomnia stream was in this sale?I`m just curious, because they said that they would show games that would be in the sale.
PaterAlf: As far as I can see these games were on the Twitch stream during the sale: Vampire: The Masquerade, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Neverending Nightmares, The Banner Saga, Banished, Quest for Infamy and Rayman: Origins.
Afair Banner Saga, Banished and Quest for Infamy were on the sale, right? That would be at least thre titles that were connected to the sale. But I thought that there would be more games in the stream related to the sale.
JDelekto: When you have that super high-tech magnifying glass as your secret weapon, the ants will bend to your will!
Tarnicus: When I was in primary(elementary to the rest of the world) school and people used to try to burn, harm or kill insects and arachnids, I would "go psycho" at them. I saved snails, slugs, spiders, ants and all manner of creepy crawlies. I handled "deadly" creatures(I live in Australia) in order to save them. I still, to this day, cannot understand why our species thinks so highly of itself. I do not see any other out of balance to the extent we are. I do not see any other species cause the amount of harm that we do as a species. And yet, on some strange level, I still love my fellow human being. Why? We have a propensity for learning that I do not see with other species.

I understand the concept of survival; my adrenal response far outweighs most I know. With that said, why is it we feel the need to dominate and destroy so many other for our "survival"? I am misanthropic to some extent, and yet I keep meeting pretty darn nice people, who when assumptions and beliefs are challenged, they cannot explain why they wish to cause harm without though to others. This differs from survival.

To thwart a magnifying glass, one merely needs to wait til nightfall til the sun has gone down :) And then the stabby, poisonous, bitey things can come out and wreak havock :P
<grin> I never deliberately went after ants, in fact, I owned several ant-farms when I was a child. (Hey, they didn't have YouTube or Netflix back then.) You probably won't see me having a funnelweb spider as a pet though!

I may have to disagree with other species having the propensity for learning. When I see things like hawks on a hunt for prey or dolphins interacting with other humans, it is difficult to not think they are intelligent within their own species.

Sure, you don't see bears making weapons to hunt, but that's because they were already born with them!
Post edited March 08, 2015 by JDelekto
infinitee8: No worries, was worth an ask I think. Enjoy the camping trip but you got me wondering, why shave your beard for it? I'm not an outdoors person with the ticks and mosquiters and nature for that matter (although I do love nature, I'm not one to be able to survive in it) so that part struck me as odd.
Tarnicus: Beard keeps me warm, moustache is chewed in every meal. Does that make sense? I am a mess as it is :D
It makes sense, but if it keeps you warm why shave it is what I was getting at. And if the moustache is too long that it gets in the way of eating, would a trim be better than total annihilation of it?
I'll probably get snapped at again for daring to post something interesting here, but oh well.
PaterAlf: As far as I can see these games were on the Twitch stream during the sale: Vampire: The Masquerade, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Neverending Nightmares, The Banner Saga, Banished, Quest for Infamy and Rayman: Origins.
Maxvorstadt: Afair Banner Saga, Banished and Quest for Infamy were on the sale, right? That would be at least thre titles that were connected to the sale. But I thought that there would be more games in the stream related to the sale.
All the games that I mentioned were on sale.

If you want a complete list of games that were on the 96-Hours-Insomnia-Twitch-Stream, you could find it here:
The_Blog: Defender's Quest?
toxicTom: Check your PM :-)
+1 for you and I am glad that the_Blog got "Defender's Quest" after all - he really deserved it.
And everything worked out with ALH. Enjoy your game, sir/miss/amorphous virtual entity!
Top 5 Keanes thus far...
List of Keanes over 4 hours...

MIND: Path to Keaneamus (Round 3) [400 copies] – 8 hours, 2 minutes
Gabriel Keane: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition (Round 3) [600 copies] – 7 hours, 14 minutes
Legend of Keanerock (Round 3) [800 copies] – 6 hours, 23 minutes
Shadows: Heretic Keanedoms (Round 3) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 47 minutes
Rayman Orikeanes (Round 2) [400 copies] – 5 hours, 17 minutes
I don't have such pretty attachments from my humble account like the others had and there is no need since there are only 2 games left on it I am able to gift away, Yes, it's no trading and no gifting thread but since it is keaning here it's better than doing nothing.

I have Ste*m Giftcodes for "Zenbound 2" and "Osmos" left. If anybody is interested just PM me.
Anaxphone: And everything worked out with ALH. Enjoy your game, sir/miss/amorphous virtual entity!
Major kudos to Anaxphone for helping me out.Very much appreciated and enjoy Train Fever!
Anaxphone: And everything worked out with ALH. Enjoy your game, sir/miss/amorphous virtual entity!
Which proves that GOG does not prevent gifting here. Great to know.
Overall decent luck on the sale for me. Managed to grab Cognition, Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis and now just a moment ago I got a lucky hit and got Broken Age for Free. A bit sad that I missed Sam & Max all three times it was up, but had to sleep sometime :)
Anaxphone: And everything worked out with ALH. Enjoy your game, sir/miss/amorphous virtual entity!
MarkoH01: Which proves that GOG does not prevent gifting here. Great to know.
Yeah.I fear it might come in handy in the future again.
RWarehall: MIND: Path to Keaneamus (Round 3) [400 copies] – 8 hours, 2 minutes
Gabriel Keane: Sins of the Fathers – 20th Anniversary Edition (Round 3) [600 copies] – 7 hours, 14 minutes
MIND-72.3 seconds to sell one copy.
GK- 43.4 seconds to sell one copy.

It's clear who is the heir to the Keane throne here.