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MsParanoid: I haven't had much luck using the search function. The hits all contain the search string but the sequence of the posts seem jumbled, not in chronological order. And if there are, say, five pages of hits the 5th and 1st pages seem to contain the same posts.

If I'm doing something wrong I'll probably figure it out.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Yeah, the forum search is pretty much broken. You are far better off using Google.
DuckDuckGo > Google. Stop doing the CIA's work <3
skeletonbow: Just to be clear though, I'm not judging anyone, but rather I'm just making an observation of how humourous I find people's reactions to people asking about Torchlight or similar, whether they are sarcastic or literally dumbfounded that someone doesn't own it already. :)
I agree as I am never surprised by people buying Torchlight or The Witcher either and find it amusing when people suggest that everyone has it while wondering out loud why GOG puts up the game on every promo. The reason is simple as you put forth in your logical analysis, because it sells really well every time. :)
trentonlf: It has not appeared yet :)
skeletonbow: Or... it did appear, but it's faster than light so nobody saw it! ;)
;-) nice one
JDelekto: There ought to be a rule that there should only be one Keaner at a time.
I think the sale is simply too long. Most people probably spent their money on the first two days (I did for sure). In the third round most people are only waiting for one or two specific titles to show up and finally get them. There isn't much impulse buying anymore and with the fresh titles being the more expensive ones, it takes forever to sell them.

I expect more or less every remaining game to be a Keaner for the rest of the sale.
skeletonbow: Well... I do it out of great respect for the late Leonard Nimoy, may his atoms live long and prosper wherever they happen to be at the moment. :)

You have to wonder though... How many games like Myst could I solve in a month if I didn't get vacuumed into the forums during sales promos? LOL
JDelekto: One I first read your post, I mis-read 'atoms' as 'albums', it reminded me of that song Bilbo Baggins.
I just played that song for a buddy a few days ago who never saw it before. No matter how many times I watch that it makes me crack up. :) They all seem so happy too, must be the drugs. :)
Maxvorstadt: Hmm, before the sale started there were 960 games on GoG. When the sale started they added a few games temporarely for the sale, it where then 965: now those temporarely available games are gone, but two new games were added to the catalogue, Trainfever and some puzzle game, So there should be 962 games in GoGs catalogue, but there are only 961 games. Hmm, weird.
Train Fever already was in the catalogue (as an upcoming game), so it didn't create a new entry.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by PaterAlf
I really people activate the keys I sent them, because I kinda lost track of all the keys I traded away and the keys that I bought for myself. Not that I "steal" someone accidently his gift :S
skeletonbow: Well... I do it out of great respect for the late Leonard Nimoy, may his atoms live long and prosper wherever they happen to be at the moment. :)

You have to wonder though... How many games like Myst could I solve in a month if I didn't get vacuumed into the forums during sales promos? LOL
JDelekto: One I first read your post, I mis-read 'atoms' as 'albums', it reminded me of that song Bilbo Baggins.
The GEMA thinks that song is bad or some artist gets undeserved competition for me and blocks it.
Quetzar: I'm hoping for Xenonauts to pop up again - missed it on Friday and have regretted ever since... But yeah, BA and Metrocide are going to hang there for a while...
Check your PMs, you appear to have a key for Xenonauts in there :)
skeletonbow: Very weird because it shows 963 in my browser.
ElTerprise: Technically there are 963 games on GoG at the moment - 961 only for us germans :(.
Yeah, Commandos where taken off the gog caralogue. But there must have been an other game they removed. They put Mortal Combat back for us germans, and Commandoes is, as far as I know, a double pack containen Commandos 1 + 2, so it should be listed as one game. So which game did they took out the catalogue now?
ElTerprise: Technically there are 963 games on GoG at the moment - 961 only for us germans :(.
Maxvorstadt: Yeah, Commandos where taken off the gog caralogue. But there must have been an other game they removed. They put Mortal Combat back for us germans, and Commandoes is, as far as I know, a double pack containen Commandos 1 + 2, so it should be listed as one game. So which game did they took out the catalogue now?
It's 2 entries, Commandos Ammo Pack and Commandos 2+3
skeletonbow: Just to be clear though, I'm not judging anyone, but rather I'm just making an observation of how humourous I find people's reactions to people asking about Torchlight or similar, whether they are sarcastic or literally dumbfounded that someone doesn't own it already. :)
stg83: I agree as I am never surprised by people buying Torchlight or The Witcher either and find it amusing when people suggest that everyone has it while wondering out loud why GOG puts up the game on every promo. The reason is simple as you put forth in your logical analysis, because it sells really well every time. :)
Indeed, popular games sell, and giving them away on freebie promotion... well er... um... promotes them so they end up selling even more. :) I imagine there is also the potential for loss lead making people want to play Torchlight 2 and get multiplayer. I know once I played Torchlight here on GOG I really wanted to play multiplayer bad and after waiting about 12 months for Torchlight 2 to show up on GOG my buddies and I ended up throwing are arms in the air and just grabbing it on Steam. Both games are awesome and worth playing for any fan of ARPGs IMHO, but Torchlight 2 is arguably the bigger and better game with more replayability and of course multiplayer.

Sadly, Runic seems to have dried up. Either that or they are working in a bunker deep in the ground on Torchlight 3 or something and not coming out until they're done. :)
stg83: Torchlight is the only game I deliberately chose not to click on incase I get a crit hit by accident. :P
hummer010: Ditto. Until this morning when my tablet decided to click on it for me. I also avoided the Witchers.
Same here. Didn't mean to click on TL and was trying to slide to another part of the screen. And then not only did I see my first crit of the sale but when I tried to use the gift option, it somehow added it right into my account. When I hit the back button while praying I could undo it, I gogbeared. Oh what a cluster of misclicks.

I think it was GOG's trick to keep the sale moving.
ElTerprise: Technically there are 963 games on GoG at the moment - 961 only for us germans :(.
Maxvorstadt: Yeah, Commandos where taken off the gog caralogue. But there must have been an other game they removed. They put Mortal Combat back for us germans, and Commandoes is, as far as I know, a double pack containen Commandos 1 + 2, so it should be listed as one game. So which game did they took out the catalogue now?
Commandos are two packs. One is Commandos Ammo Pack ( 1+ Addon) and 2+3 in one pack.
But nontheless one game is missing.

Edit: Ninja'd.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
MsParanoid: If I'm doing something wrong I'll probably figure it out.
stg83: Nope its not your fault, the search function is archaic and terrible on the forum.
Geralt_of_Rivia: Yeah, the forum search is pretty much broken. You are far better off using Google.
Ok, thanks, gotit.

Edit: rearranged quotes
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MsParanoid