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skeletonbow: Oh I've been here the whole time so I know that. :) I have a spare Torchlight code or so in my own gifts page still I think. Either way though, there are people right now today on Earth who play video games that are GOG customers who do not own Torchlight, probably more people that don't own it than do I'd bet (although there's no way to measure that currently), but at a grander scale there are more people on Earth who do not even know what is right now let alone have an account here let alone own Torchlight here, and new people join GOG every day and GOG doesn't put a free copy of Torchlight into their account automatically. Likewise there is no automated messaging system that sends a message to every new GOG customer saying "By the way, we gave away a zillion copies of Torchlight 2+ years ago just so you know.", so there are both millions of people out there who don't own Torchlight (current customer or otherwise) and who aren't even aware the game has ever been free before.

So despite its popularity as a past freebie, and despite many people having spare codes for it, everyone does not already own it and it's a cool and popular game that new people coming along that never heard of it are going to be interested in and some will want to get a copy. I mean from a purely logical perspective this is the only thing that actually makes sense. :) Now some people might say "Torchlight? Really, everyone has that already." and just be throwing that out there jokingly or sarcastically or whatever, but some people say it like they really truly mean it and that just doesn't hold up to logical analysis - that's all I'm pointing out. :) I mean even if one defined "everyone" as less than every single living person, and instead defined it as "80% of all GOG customers" I would doubt 'everyone' has Torchlight. :)

The proof is in the pudding though, and you can always find someone out there asking for a copy of Torchlight in the forums rather regularly, showing that "everyone" does not already own it despite how shocked some people are to learn this. :)

Just to be clear though, I'm not judging anyone, but rather I'm just making an observation of how humourous I find people's reactions to people asking about Torchlight or similar, whether they are sarcastic or literally dumbfounded that someone doesn't own it already. :)
Torchlight, really? Everyone has that! :-P
skeletonbow: It never ceases to amaze me all the people who say "everyone already has that game" for Torchlight or any other particular game that GOG or somewhere else has given away in a freebie, because in order for that to be true, every single person on Earth would have to be a GOG customer already and GOG by definition could never ever get any more new customers because they both had every possible customer already, and every single customer either bought or received the freebie game previously. It's really silly. :)

GOG could do an all day Torchlight freebie promo every Saturday for the next 3 years and the day after they stopped doing it, at least one if not 100 people would join the GOG website as a new customer having never heard of GOG before at all and say "Torchlight? Oh that looks cool, damn just my luck I joined up the day they stopped giving it away for free" :)
Tarnicus: You and you're typical awesome logical position! <3 EVERYONE in the world has Torchlight, didn't you get the mass email from the Overlords that told you so? I didn't either :P (but I do have it on 3 sites) lol
Well... I do it out of great respect for the late Leonard Nimoy, may his atoms live long and prosper wherever they happen to be at the moment. :)

You have to wonder though... How many games like Myst could I solve in a month if I didn't get vacuumed into the forums during sales promos? LOL
Tarnicus: You and you're typical awesome logical position! <3 EVERYONE in the world has Torchlight, didn't you get the mass email from the Overlords that told you so? I didn't either :P (but I do have it on 3 sites) lol
MarkoH01: Watching your rep I knew my bribe wouldn't last long ;)
In order for your bribe to work, you would have to manipulate the economy of scale to outweigh my buying power. And that isn't feasible given I have 3 balls of yarn, a scaled rainbow fish, and 2 twigs; in my world you just can't beat that kind of economic domination! Of course if they were scaled to world market value, that would equate to a pebble, a slight breeze, and a slight uncomfortable itch in the wrong part of your pants.
MarkoH01: When did the cookie monster wake up? Hey, I haven't even noticed you yet. Glad to have you back!
Woke up four hours ago, but had some work to do, before I could return to this lovely thread.

Seems I missed an epic keaning while I was asleep. But when I look at the front page it seems the next one (or even a double-keaning) is already there.
hamidrj: has FTL appeared in this round yet?
trentonlf: It has not appeared yet :)
Or... it did appear, but it's faster than light so nobody saw it! ;)
MarkoH01: When did the cookie monster wake up? Hey, I haven't even noticed you yet. Glad to have you back!
PaterAlf: Woke up four hours ago, but had some work to do, before I could return to this lovely thread.

Seems I missed an epic keaning while I was asleep. But when I look at the front page it seems the next one (or even a double-keaning) is already there.
There ought to be a rule that there should only be one Keaner at a time.
trentonlf: It has not appeared yet :)
skeletonbow: Or... it did appear, but it's faster than light so nobody saw it! ;)
Doubt it, last round it was slower than keane
trentonlf: Torchlight, really? Everyone has that! :-P
Only when you're awake! LOL
MarkoH01: Watching your rep I knew my bribe wouldn't last long ;)
Tarnicus: In order for your bribe to work, you would have to manipulate the economy of scale to outweigh my buying power. And that isn't feasible given I have 3 balls of yarn, a scaled rainbow fish, and 2 twigs; in my world you just can't beat that kind of economic domination! Of course if they were scaled to world market value, that would equate to a pebble, a slight breeze, and a slight uncomfortable itch in the wrong part of your pants.
You'd be surprised what MacGyver can do with 3 balls of yarn, a scaled rainbow fish and 2 twigs. :-)
trentonlf: It has not appeared yet :)
skeletonbow: Or... it did appear, but it's faster than light so nobody saw it! ;)
It was definitely sub-light the secound time around :).
Hmm, before the sale started there were 960 games on GoG. When the sale started they added a few games temporarely for the sale, it where then 965: now those temporarely available games are gone, but two new games were added to the catalogue, Trainfever and some puzzle game, So there should be 962 games in GoGs catalogue, but there are only 961 games. Hmm, weird.
Tarnicus: And what limits accounts?... there is no physical way to do so :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: Sure, but what good will it do to create 100 accounts? You won't get a single gift key out of them since none of the accounts have the game.
You're not looking at the big picture. Limiting gifts to an account basis is easily surmountable. Many have done it on here to gain from the generosity of this community. It doesn't take much to think in advance to both manipulate the system and the community. I hate to say this word, but many long-timers will know the name, and the person in question will get a hard-on from me mentioning it: Wakalo. There I said it in order to mention a massive flaw in account and IP based and community gifting. Every sale, every sucker, that person has a great time here at the expense of others.

(hi wakalo, my offer to chat on a deeper level still stands if you wish)
Maxvorstadt: Hmm, before the sale started there were 960 games on GoG. When the sale started they added a few games temporarely for the sale, it where then 965: now those temporarely available games are gone, but two new games were added to the catalogue, Trainfever and some puzzle game, So there should be 962 games in GoGs catalogue, but there are only 961 games. Hmm, weird.
Very weird because it shows 963 in my browser.

Edit: Ahh, you're in Germany. I think some games are blocked from Germany due to German law not allowing GOG to sell them there or something like that. Some people were whining about that sort of thing last week. Could be it...
Post edited March 08, 2015 by skeletonbow
Maxvorstadt: Hmm, before the sale started there were 960 games on GoG. When the sale started they added a few games temporarely for the sale, it where then 965: now those temporarely available games are gone, but two new games were added to the catalogue, Trainfever and some puzzle game, So there should be 962 games in GoGs catalogue, but there are only 961 games. Hmm, weird.
skeletonbow: Very weird because it shows 963 in my browser.
Technically there are 963 games on GoG at the moment - 961 only for us germans :(.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
skeletonbow: Well... I do it out of great respect for the late Leonard Nimoy, may his atoms live long and prosper wherever they happen to be at the moment. :)

You have to wonder though... How many games like Myst could I solve in a month if I didn't get vacuumed into the forums during sales promos? LOL
One I first read your post, I mis-read 'atoms' as 'albums', it reminded me of that song Bilbo Baggins.