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MarkoH01: Just bought "The Raven" and now we are one step closer to my absolute final game (though I did say this before) Alan Wake. Hmmmm... but Banished is hyped so much in this forum ..... aaaaaaargh! Have to get up! Have to turn off computer! take a walk or whatever *sigh*
But Alan Wake was given away for free sometime, wasn't it? I didn't think there were too many people that missed it... Or maybe I'm mixing that up with AW- American Nightmare. My memory is apparently not as good as it used to be.
MarkoH01: Just bought "The Raven" and now we are one step closer to my absolute final game (though I did say this before) Alan Wake. Hmmmm... but Banished is hyped so much in this forum ..... aaaaaaargh! Have to get up! Have to turn off computer! take a walk or whatever *sigh*
WildHobgoblin: But Alan Wake was given away for free sometime, wasn't it? I didn't think there were too many people that missed it... Or maybe I'm mixing that up with AW- American Nightmare. My memory is apparently not as good as it used to be.
American Nightmare was given away for 30 min.
MarkoH01: Just bought "The Raven" and now we are one step closer to my absolute final game (though I did say this before) Alan Wake. Hmmmm... but Banished is hyped so much in this forum ..... aaaaaaargh! Have to get up! Have to turn off computer! take a walk or whatever *sigh*
WildHobgoblin: But Alan Wake was given away for free sometime, wasn't it? I didn't think there were too many people that missed it... Or maybe I'm mixing that up with AW- American Nightmare. My memory is apparently not as good as it used to be.
the giveaway was american nightmare, maybe was an insomnia promo dont remember, there were 4 giveaways that time
ElTerprise: snip
This too made me check my Humble account and I have....absolutely nothing because I've given out all the Steam codes I had already.
karac: Well, to spice things up a bit I have some gifts from various humble bundles to giveaway. If anyone is interested, please send me a PM, so we don't make to much mess out of this thread.

Attached pic is a screenshot from my Humble account and available games. I will send the gifts as soon as possible. All gifts are steam keys obviously.


Given away - Van Helsing, Civ III, Sonic Generations, Night into Dreams, Sonic All Stars.
martigasin: if you still have available the dreamcast collection , that will be great, if not no problem, thank you very kind
PM sent :)
MarkoH01: Just bought "The Raven" and now we are one step closer to my absolute final game (though I did say this before) Alan Wake. Hmmmm... but Banished is hyped so much in this forum ..... aaaaaaargh! Have to get up! Have to turn off computer! take a walk or whatever *sigh*
WildHobgoblin: But Alan Wake was given away for free sometime, wasn't it? I didn't think there were too many people that missed it... Or maybe I'm mixing that up with AW- American Nightmare. My memory is apparently not as good as it used to be.
Yes, the free one was American Nightmare. Did miss it then and didn't try to get it because I have both games on "the store" but now that I was convinced to buy both again (and I love both games even if the first obe is much better) I'll have to buy Alan Wake as well.

Ninja'd again - multiple times.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by MarkoH01
Wow, just randomly clicked Defenders Quest and got a critical hit. W00t, my 3rd one in this sale :O
LynetteC: Just a quick check-in from my tablet as my laptop is still packed from work last night and it may as well stay in the case for work this afternoon!

Do I see that Jack has actually been dethroned? We're now no longer Keaning, but Minding? :-)

l haven't been able to check the sale regularly since Friday afternoon so I'm totally clueless as to where we are at with games left, etc. All know is I've already spent WAY too much, both on games for myself and gift codes. I don't think I dare try to add up how much I've spent, even avoiding the bigger games like Wasteland 2 (although I was very naughty and snagged Dreamfall even though it was out of my 'official' price range!)

It's nice see some new names around here and I hope some of you choose to stick around once the sale is over. The Spring Insomnia last year was my first contact with the forums and the amazing generosity and the friendliness of the community was what inspired me to stay.

For those who've messaged me since Friday I'll reply this evening when I get home from my gig and have more time to respond. Right now, it's time to put on the war-paint (oops, l mean makeup) and pack the car.

Have fun guys (and girls). x
Fingers crossed for your gig - pretty sure with this slow down now we have time to think about adding some more games to the wishlist at least here i have now 2 more which were not yet on my radar ;-)

And also here: welcome to all new names, hope you stay in this nice cozy place with coffein addicted people
final_option: Well, MIND wasn't a freebie as well...guess I'll have a few hours of sleep then. Good night and happy hunting everyone :)
Cyraxpt: Do you want me to transfer my freebie Din's Curse to you so that you can at least say that you got a freebie on the insomnia sales? :)
Nah, it's fine. I'm not giving up so easily ;) Better give that game to someone who really wants it.

Still no freebie, tough. It's getting personal, GOG...
Post edited March 08, 2015 by final_option
Good morning, everyone (just!).
I see that not many games passed during my lovely SLEEP!
Wonderful, blissful, resty sleep! (Which for me means I only woke up three times during the night.)
Zillatain: Pretty sure Age of Wonders was a glitch, since it didn't seem to fit while I was working on the stats. Also there many many other glitches of multiple entries.

Speaking of stats: Unless I messed it up (not impossible) MIND: Path to Thalamus is the longest (so far) at 8:02:22.

If you''re bored, you can look at the stats I have put together so far of the sale. It's up to date (at this time), but doesn't have all of the stats yet.
Just saw this now. Nice work!
ElTerprise: snip
opticq: This too made me check my Humble account and I have....absolutely nothing because I've given out all the Steam codes I had already.
I was really good to be reminded of these unclaimed keys i had. I totally forgot about them.
Getcomposted: Good morning, everyone (just!).
I see that not many games passed during my lovely SLEEP!
Wonderful, blissful, resty sleep! (Which for me means I only woke up three times during the night.)
Morning :) Yeah, same here. Slept 9 hours, missed exactly nothing...
Zillatain: Speaking of stats: Unless I messed it up (not impossible) MIND: Path to Thalamus is the longest (so far) at 8:02:22.
Yup. New Keane.
zenwan: I missed FTL, so if it comes again, that will be one less.
zeneve: If you check your PM, you will see that you have it already. :)
Nice little robot :) Here, one +|battery| for you.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by gamefood