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Pardinuz: Not really.
I'm sorry to hear that. If I'd known somebody was wanting those, I'd have grabbed copies.

Anaxphone: I'm sorry to hear that. If I'd known somebody was wanting those, I'd have grabbed copies.

How about you? Which ones are you waiting for? Maybe I can help. ;)
Maxvorstadt: Well, if his eyes are not capable of receiving the color information, then some glasses won`t help, I guess.
jadeblackhawk: Uh, they do help, in 80% of color blind people.
But how? If you have a tv that only shows black/white, then you can input as much color movies as you want, it will still show black/white, the same thing applies for the eyes of a color blind.
Shendue: I swear by god every single copy in exsistence should be collected, put into a rocket and fired to the sun.
This is something that should be treasured, not destroyed.
Pardinuz: How about you? Which ones are you waiting for? Maybe I can help. ;)
I have quite a few left that I'm hoping to snag, but I don't want to name them and look like I'm begging.

Thanks, though.
stg83: Yeah, the visual effects and cinematography are top notch in the movie and good actors were used including James Van Der Beek. Its not a regular fan film actually made by a movie director Joseph Kahn and produced by Adi Shankar who brought us the movie Dredd (2012).
Yaeh, that explains a lot. I was wondering if that was actually made by a director as a pilot/trial to show to productions in an attempt to get an official license and funding, much like what they did with Mortal Kombat Legacy. It's just too good.
Anaxphone: I have quite a few left that I'm hoping to snag, but I don't want to name them and look like I'm begging.

Thanks, though.
Well, if you need to go to sleep and really want something just PM me. :P
skeletonbow: Windows 7 has built in voice control although I've never tried to configure it to work with a game before so I don't know if or how well that would work but it does work fairly well with desktopy stuff.

There are at least 2 other voice control programs made for gaming:

So... there ya go. "Only my gun truly understands me" can now be used to draw your gun. :)
Shendue: If i ever decide to go trought the annoyance of installing and configuring the thing, i promise i'll try to make a video of me peeing on people in Postal 2 by shouting it at the screen.
Oh, that'd be epic! Set them on fire first!
Soooo...fwiw, it looks like there are 43 items left on the sales list. How many have sold so far today? 13. Plus the two up live now, which look like they each have a few more hours in them. At this pace: nearly 3 more days.

All day I've been looking at the subtitle on the sales page "Caffeine-fueled non-stop bonanza" and it kinda seems like they need to up the ante from caffeine up to some sort of amphetamine/cocaine cocktail.

[edit - Archer Season 5 went up on Netflix today, speaking of cocaine]
Post edited March 08, 2015 by bler144
Maxvorstadt: Well, if his eyes are not capable of receiving the color information, then some glasses won`t help, I guess.
jadeblackhawk: Uh, they do help, in 80% of color blind people.
That's what THEY claim. I wonder if they really work. If that's true, an acquaintance of mine may be interested as well.
infinityeight: And another (wo)man is lured to the Dark Side.
Ragnarblackmane: Obviously you don't pay attention to my avatar, nor have you seen my posts elsewhere:Very much a male, very much proudly bearded:)
I noted you avatar and assumed that you are male, but one never can tell on the internet. My avatar has gotten me mistaken for a man on occasion. There was always the danger that you might have been a mere beard supporter instead of the proud owner of your own majestic beard.
Shendue: I swear by god every single copy in exsistence should be collected, put into a rocket and fired to the sun.
huN73R: This is something that should be treasured, not destroyed.
**Vomits blood**
Shendue: Yaeh, that explains a lot. I was wondering if that was actually made by a director as a pilot/trial to show to productions in an attempt to get an official license and funding, much like what they did with Mortal Kombat Legacy. It's just too good.
It was just a passion project for these guys as far as I know. They didn't make it with any intention to do something more with it according to the director. Mortal Kombat Legacy was good and I also liked the recent Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist as well.
jadeblackhawk: Uh, they do help, in 80% of color blind people.
Shendue: That's what THEY claim. I wonder if they really work. If that's true, an acquaintance of mine may be interested as well.
Well, I wish those glasses could help you, but I have very strong doubts about that.
bler144: Soooo...fwiw, it looks like there are 43 items left on the sales list. How many have sold so far today? 13. Plus the two up live now, which look like they each have a few more hours in them. At this pace: nearly 3 more days.

All day I've been looking at the subtitle on the sales page "Caffeine-fueled non-stop bonanza" and it kinda seems like they need to up the ante from caffeine up to some sort of amphetamine/cocaine cocktail.