bler144: Flash I find hit and miss, but it keeps drawing me back as one of the few modern comic properties that has an optimistic core and is a break from the Frank Miller trend that seems to dominate (Gotham & Archer especially, but also Agents of Shield).
Flash feels a bit naively adolescent, but I think that's both its primary flaw and charm.
The problem is that superheroes, unless they are given the Alan Moore/Frank Miller treatment and are treated as serious business, like Nolan did in the Dark Knight series, may easily go out of control and become campy and goofy, by their very nature which is not much realistic to start with. Especially with low-budget stuff like tv series. They may end up looking like b-series kid shows, a la Power Rangers, very easily.
Not that there's anything inherently wrong with Power Rangers, but i'm 36 and i'm starting to be a little old to enjoy watching people in dinosaurs foam suits slapping each other with plastic swords.