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Shendue: I never saw Arrow yet. I watched a couple episodes of Flash and it seems okay, but nothing to write home about, i guess. In fact, i enjoyed Agents of SHIELD more.
I really want to like Agents because of the staff and Phil Colson, but it failed to strike a chord with me as much as I had anticipated. On the bright side, it's one show my dad and I canwatch together; he likes mysteries and procedurals and I like SF and comics-related media. Since he's been in the hospital I've been saving them on backlog to watch with him when he gets out.
GhostwriterDoF: Indeed, we don't want our Super Heroes' stories to end... completely.

But it would be nice to have some new ones to read about (or watch movies and or TV series in).
Shendue: There's plenty, actually...
Let me know when they come up with another Wonder Woman that looks as good as Linda Carter,
or an antagonist that has the appeal of Julie Newmar's Cat Woman. :D
bler144: Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but the Marvel: Agent Carter series that just wrapped up (on ABC?) was very well done. I'd recommend it highly as a spy show / Marvel crossover.
infinitee8: I still have the last 3 episodes on DVR. Glad to hear that it remained worth watching. That Agent Carter is a really good character.
dgwake: Yes, and I am looking forward to the new spinoff coming out.
infinitee8: I watch and like both also. But I gotta know, what spinoff? Is another crossover character going to get their own show?
Suicide Squad, I think
i almost bought Strike Suit Zero just now, but it angers me too much that Steam gets lots of bonus extras over GOGs version.
Din's Curse 75% folks!
Fresh deal: Din's Curse (-75%) [600]
Fresh Too deal: Driftmoon (-85%) [250]
Still no freebie for me...well, I'll keep clicking on games till the promo's over :)
Oh really. That is also something I would watch. I watch all the other superhero tv shows already, and if this is good, I'd be up for it. Thanks for the link!
high rated
Now that the Seasoned side is long gone, does anyone currently in this thread need Little Big Adventure 1? Let me know - I still have one left from the French site debut.
Btw, does anyone know how GOG comes up with how many games to sell each round? Feels arbitrary.
TrevorWilliams: i almost bought Strike Suit Zero just now, but it angers me too much that Steam gets lots of bonus extras over GOGs version.
You're better off without it; I got it and it doesn't run the full director's cut version on WIN8.1, I have to use the downgraded version. It's all over the support pages too, that people have this issue.
Driftmoon ... at least it's 85% off.
budejovice: Now that the Seasoned side is long gone, does anyone currently in this thread need Little Big Adventure 1? Let me know - I still have one left from the French site debut.
how can you trade it if it's in your library? My LBA1 arrived in the library, hence the question.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
TrevorWilliams: i almost bought Strike Suit Zero just now, but it angers me too much that Steam gets lots of bonus extras over GOGs version.
Ragnarblackmane: You're better off without it; I got it and it doesn't run the full director's cut version on WIN8.1, I have to use the downgraded version. It's all over the support pages too, that people have this issue.
Thanks RBM!
infinitee8: I still have the last 3 episodes on DVR. Glad to hear that it remained worth watching. That Agent Carter is a really good character.

I watch and like both also. But I gotta know, what spinoff? Is another crossover character going to get their own show?
xenocidic: Suicide Squad, I think
No Atom, Firestorm and Black Canary are teaming up in their own show.