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GhostwriterDoF: You mean he already came back (or was resurrected)?
Shendue: He resurrected in a few episodes.
Indeed, deaths are rarely completely permanent in superhero comic books, or at least they are in Marvel and DC ones. But some characters still take longer to be resurrected than others. Some of them stayed dead for years, like Captain America's and Batman's sidekicks Bucky and Jason Todd, Black Canary, or Betty Banner. And some of them, like Gwen Stacy, are still dead for good.
Indeed, we don't want our Super Heroes' stories to end... completely.

But it would be nice to have some new ones to read about (or watch movies and or TV series in).
Good night, friends. CU tomorrow :D
PalioDeMonte: Good night, friends. CU tomorrow :D
Good evening to you too. :)
opticq: Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back
Yes, and I am looking forward to the new spinoff coming out.
Finished the "Stock" Campaign of Shadowrun returns... guess that counts as a finished game. Enjoyable, a bit short though. But pleasantly surprised that there is a good number of fan made campaign available. Anyway Backlog -1.^^
opticq: Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back
dgwake: Yes, and I am looking forward to the new spinoff coming out.
Oh yeah that idea sounds very interesting. I also can't wait for the upcoming Suicide Squad episode
opticq: Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back
I recently started watching Arrow on netlix. I really like it so far.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
GhostwriterDoF: Indeed, we don't want our Super Heroes' stories to end... completely.

But it would be nice to have some new ones to read about (or watch movies and or TV series in).
There's plenty, actually...
Anyone here watch Doctor Who DVDs that they get by mail from Netflix? No? Oh.
Well, judging by replies it seems a lot of people liked my recommendation of last night.

This is another music streaming station I love, plays almost exclusively medieval and rennaissance-era music. Fairly sure I mentioned this in other music threads too:

I haven't caught up with the thread otherwise really.Just tried to get a free Kronos, no such luck:P
opticq: Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back
I never saw Arrow yet. I watched a couple episodes of Flash and it seems okay, but nothing to write home about, i guess. In fact, i enjoyed Agents of SHIELD more.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Shendue
Shendue: That's not true at all. Many characters stayed dead for more then a year, like Captain America, Jean Grey died in 2006 and, ironically, considered she is THE PHOENIX, a character pretty notable for her inability to stay dead, did't reappear since then. Bucky Barnes died in 1964 and was only resurrected in 2005. And i'm not sure about the most recent comic books, but i'm rather sure Gwen Stacy is still deader than dead.
Perhaps I should have worded my statement a bit better. Most main characters aren't ever dead for more than a year. Side characters such as Bucky or Gwen Stacy are different (well, maybe not Gwen so much, now that Spider-Gwen is getting her own book). If Cap was dead longer than a year, it couldn't have been by much. He's certainly not dead right now, just de-powered. As for Jean, I give them credit for writing her out of the comics for as long as they have, but she's not dead. A body was never found and someone who looked amazingly like Jean saved Emma Frost from Madelyne Pryor not too long ago. She'll be back officially soon enough.

Tentpole characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man and Captain America will never be gone for long. Even now, with Falcon taking over as Cap, Steve Rogers will find a way to re-awaken the Super Soldier Serum in his body and be back to leading some form of the Avengers sooner or later. For better or worse, the status quo is never shaken up for long in the world of comics.

EDIT: Spelling. >_<;
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Tekkaman-James
Ragnarblackmane: Well, judging by replies it seems a lot of people liked my recommendation of last night.

This is another music streaming station I love, plays almost exclusively medieval and rennaissance-era music. Fairly sure I mentioned this in other music threads too:

I haven't caught up with the thread otherwise really.Just tried to get a free Kronos, no such luck:P
Much appreciated. That's some really interesting music.
opticq: Another rumor that either Falcon or Bucky will take over Cap's spot. It was even foreshadowed as Bucky held Cap's shield in TWS.
bler144: Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but the Marvel: Agent Carter series that just wrapped up (on ABC?) was very well done. I'd recommend it highly as a spy show / Marvel crossover.
I still have the last 3 episodes on DVR. Glad to hear that it remained worth watching. That Agent Carter is a really good character.
opticq: Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back
dgwake: Yes, and I am looking forward to the new spinoff coming out.
I watch and like both also. But I gotta know, what spinoff? Is another crossover character going to get their own show?
Post edited March 08, 2015 by infinitee8
Ragnarblackmane: Well, judging by replies it seems a lot of people liked my recommendation of last night.

This is another music streaming station I love, plays almost exclusively medieval and rennaissance-era music. Fairly sure I mentioned this in other music threads too:

I haven't caught up with the thread otherwise really.Just tried to get a free Kronos, no such luck:P
Good that I decided to have a last look at this thread...thanks for the recommendation! Gonna have a listen to