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skeletonbow: Oh oh... what if you only have a mono sound card??? :)
Then you are doomed...
I wonder if Bucky, the Winter Soldier will appear in Civil War? Only I read that in the comics, Bucky becomes the new Captain America, and as Captain America dies in the comics Civil War storyline, it would be a possible point for Bucky to take over the role.

Of course, the MCU Civil War might be completely different to the comics.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by korell
opticq: No, there won't be any Xmen or FF as Fox has live action rights to those properties. We will see definitely Iron Man, Cap, Spiderman, and Hawkeye. Unconfirmed are Black Panther and Black Widow. I don't think Marvel Studios wants Black Panther in the movie anymore now that they have Spidey.
stg83: Black Panther unconfirmed? When did that happen since they rolled him out for the whole announcement of the movie and everything at the Con just to drop him now. If true then this is exactly what I was concerned about that with too many heroes someone is bound to get sidelined. I have seen enough of Spiderman in movies and would much rather prefer a unique new cinematic version of Black Panther instead.
It's a rumor but I can see why Feige might sideline or remove BP from the movie altogether. Having Spidey also makes the story closer to the comics.
korell: I wonder if the Bucky, the Winter Soldier will appear in Civil War? Only I read that in the comics, Bucky becomes the new Captain America, and as Captain America dies in the comics Civil War storyline, it would be possible point for Bucky to take over the role.

Of course, the MCU Civil War might be completely different to the comics.
Another rumor that either Falcon or Bucky will take over Cap's spot. It was even foreshadowed as Bucky held Cap's shield in TWS.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by opticq
iscagog: Well, I don't know abut you guys - but I've really enjoyed the last 4 days. Spent way more than the wife knows, but picked up some real bargains.

Played a few hours of games this afternoon, and so far love Sacred 2 (which I would not normally have thought about playing before this sale).
I played Sacred 1 long ago and enjoyed it, though think I quit after 50 hours, still nowhere near the finish, and kinda lost. ;)

One of the pros of that series is they make really big worlds - one of the cons is they make really big worlds.
I swear I'm being censored by these boards...

Ah, finally got it to work.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
opticq: Another rumor that either Falcon or Bucky will take over Cap's spot. It was even foreshadowed as Bucky held Cap's shield in TWS.
Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but the Marvel: Agent Carter series that just wrapped up (on ABC?) was very well done. I'd recommend it highly as a spy show / Marvel crossover.
skeletonbow: Oh oh... what if you only have a mono sound card??? :)
The_Blog: Then you are doomed...
Heh, that's funny because when I got my first PC back in 1994 the very first game I played was id Software's DOOM, however I did not buy a sound card, so it used the PC speaker in mono with those crappy beep/baahp sound effects. :)
jackster79: Just had a look at Carcassonne... and wept!

All those expansions!

Did you just only get the base game, or somehow get the lot? That is one part of today's table-top gaming that bugs me: late-comers have no chance to get a "complete" set up to the latest whatever is out without a small fortune.

As for the game itself it seems intriguing - going to look at it some more.
ViktorDavion: Carcassonne is a extremely example of expansions. I have all german official and promo exp.
Are you saying that it is not typical for a game to have that many expansions?

If so, so far many of those I have seen in my browsing that are considered among the better ones have quite a few expansions: Zombicide and Eldritch Horror to name a couple. There are some card/deck games whose names I cannot recall also have a few (basically, a good number of the Fantasy Flight catalog).

For the record, I am treating expansions, "mini-expansions", and any Kickstarter-backer-exclusive content the same (though I know they are not).
trentonlf: Last I read on Thor was when he died (about 3 years ago), have not read much of comics since.
Tekkaman-James: Death is only temporary in comic books. The most a character is ever dead is about a year. They always come back.

Fun(?) Fact: Wolverine died recently. Let's see how long that lasts. :P
That's not true at all. Many characters stayed dead for more then a year, like Captain America, Jean Grey died in 2006 and, ironically, considered she is THE PHOENIX, a character pretty notable for her inability to stay dead, did't reappear since then. Bucky Barnes died in 1964 and was only resurrected in 2005. And i'm not sure about the most recent comic books, but i'm rather sure Gwen Stacy is still deader than dead.
opticq: Another rumor that either Falcon or Bucky will take over Cap's spot. It was even foreshadowed as Bucky held Cap's shield in TWS.
bler144: Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but the Marvel: Agent Carter series that just wrapped up (on ABC?) was very well done. I'd recommend it highly as a spy show / Marvel crossover.
Yeah I liked it but I'm really excited for Daredevil
GhostwriterDoF: I predict Thor will return at some point... because Thor can't die. ;)
Shendue: I guess he's referring to the Fear Itself ending. He resurrects pretty soon, his death was just part of the plot, not something longer lasting like Captain America's or even Jean Grey's deaths.
You mean he already came back (or was resurrected)?

I haven't been keeping up with comic book lore since 1980... heh

In good (and bad) Soap Operas and dramas, the dead often return in unexpected and too often unexplainable ways.
Why should the Comic book Universe be any different :D
opticq: Another rumor that either Falcon or Bucky will take over Cap's spot. It was even foreshadowed as Bucky held Cap's shield in TWS.
bler144: Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but the Marvel: Agent Carter series that just wrapped up (on ABC?) was very well done. I'd recommend it highly as a spy show / Marvel crossover.
I intend to watch that series eventually. I have heard good things about it, and have been following most of the current Marvel movies, so guessing I have a treat in store for me. :-)
Shendue: I have mixed feelings about Joss Whedon. I think he's amazing at some things but at times he goes too overboard with campy humour. When he stays on more serious tones and limits the comedic relief to a good balance his shows are WAY better. Buffy suffered a lot from that IMO. Angel suffered from that as well, but less so IMHO.
bler144: With both Buffy and Angel, Whedon farmed out a lot of the writing. So it's hard to tell what he should get credit for (vs. say Jane Espenson) and what he should get blame for. Buffy in particular was a series with some truly fantastic episodes, and some really bad ones.

Though personally I loved a lot of the humor. Xander's "love spell" episode probably isn't technically one of the best, but it's pretty enjoyable.
"Hush" - Best episode of the series imo. Still creeps me out to this day.
I'm an hour and couple pages behind in the thread so maybe someone has already said the same since the episode has a lot, A LOT, of fans.
Never knew Josh farmed out the writing though. Thought it was him doing most of the heavy lifting since everyone always credited him.
GhostwriterDoF: You mean he already came back (or was resurrected)?
He resurrected in a few episodes.
Indeed, deaths are rarely completely permanent in superhero comic books, or at least they are in Marvel and DC ones. But some characters still take longer to be resurrected than others. Some of them stayed dead for years, like Captain America's and Batman's sidekicks Bucky and Jason Todd, Black Canary, or Betty Banner. And some of them, like Gwen Stacy, are still dead for good.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Shendue
Anyone here watch Arrow and Flash? I can't wait till they come back