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j0ekerr: I keep clicking, hoping it will give me a freebie.

So far no luck.
click on something you already own and dont like - has worked for me!
dedoporno: JK (at least the first one) is not that terrible, by the way. It's not a masterpiece, but there are far worse games out there :)
Cheers, that's pretty much my expectation of the game. I think poor Jack was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (at the wrong price) in the first Insomnia, and the resulting blotch has never been erased. :)
Surprised that Monkey Island isn't going faster.
I did manage to get a free game last time. Unfortunately it was Smugglers V, which I played for about fifteen minutes before deciding I got ripped off.

This time around I haven't gotten any freebies at all. Which matches my luck over at SteamGifts the past long while! My luck is nothing if not consistent.
IAmSinistar: Very likely there will be at least two more runs of each game, so you should have a further chance. It sold well but not lightning-quick like some titles, so if you're around there'll be time to grab it.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, I'll try to get it myself. The thing is I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick around for too long, since I have an 8 month old kid and have to get up every now and then. That's why I'm looking for a backup plan.
Celton88: Surprised that Monkey Island isn't going faster.
I think it's the least sold title from the original 6 LucasArts games.
dedoporno: Yeah, I'm aware of that, I'll try to get it myself. The thing is I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick around for too long, since I have an 8 month old kid and have to get up every now and then. That's why I'm looking for a backup plan.
Understood. Definitely let folks here know you're interested and when you'll be away. Hopefully someone will cover for you. We've got a few of those going on already.

EDIT: See very next post. Super Husky to the rescue! :)
Post edited March 03, 2015 by IAmSinistar
dedoporno: Yeah, I'm aware of that, I'll try to get it myself. The thing is I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick around for too long, since I have an 8 month old kid and have to get up every now and then. That's why I'm looking for a backup plan.
I got you covered, will get it when I see it again :)
IAmSinistar: Cheers, that's pretty much my expectation of the game. I think poor Jack was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (at the wrong price) in the first Insomnia, and the resulting blotch has never been erased. :)
Yeah, but that moment when it (jokingly) ended up in the next insomnia sale was PRICELESS! haha What was it, 50,000 copies?
Been here since Monster Bash/Ethan Carter.

You'd think I'd get ONE free game.


Monster Bash
Riven: The Sequel to Myst
Shadowrun Returns
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall
Alan Wake


Not bad. I love GOG, I really do.

There's been quite a few other I want, but... let's wait until they repeat. Others, I'll just have to wait for a bigger discount, 'cuz I've played them so much I know them by heart. Like Indy Atlantis.

Celton88: Surprised that Monkey Island isn't going faster.
It's the Special Edition. People seem not to like it for whatever reason. I don't like the enhanced graphics art style myself, but it still contains the original, so go figure.
hmm, Monkey Island is selling rather slow compared to the other LucasArts games
Glad you made it to the sale, BMF, and was happy to see your awesome freebie, too! :D
genkicolleen: Yeah, but that moment when it (jokingly) ended up in the next insomnia sale was PRICELESS! haha What was it, 50,000 copies?
That was great! I think it was 18,000 copies. And to add to the absurdity, a few people actually managed to buy it during the scant seconds it was up. Which caused a little problem, because GOG didn't actually have permission to put it on sale like that. :D
IAmSinistar: Cheers, that's pretty much my expectation of the game. I think poor Jack was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (at the wrong price) in the first Insomnia, and the resulting blotch has never been erased. :)
genkicolleen: Yeah, but that moment when it (jokingly) ended up in the next insomnia sale was PRICELESS! haha What was it, 50,000 copies?
Oh yeah I remember how the thread exploded when that happened. One for the history books.