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stg83: Yeah, that is pretty much what I read about it as well. Captain America: Civil War is really starting to get cramped with heroes since it was announced that Hawkeye will also have a significant role in the movie.
huN73R: Completely unrelated, played some Door Kickers and I have to warn you, if your guy dies in campaign he dies forever. All that progress gained by xp is lost. Mission deaths are fine though. I did not come across any warning saying that would happen and I lost my 2 best guys. :'(

trentonlf: In the comics the male Thor died and now a woman is Thor. It's just Marvel trying to appeal to women, just not sure why they picked Thor as a gateway though.
huN73R: That is a bit strange and Thor isn't a totally an original concept, he is from mythology so it seems a bit silly.
What if you re-attempt the campaign level and then move forward?
huN73R: Completely unrelated, played some Door Kickers and I have to warn you, if your guy dies in campaign he dies forever. All that progress gained by xp is lost. Mission deaths are fine though. I did not come across any warning saying that would happen and I lost my 2 best guys. :'(
I knew the game was tough since I had seen a stream for it but that is really harsh regarding the campaign though sort of like a rogue like then, thanks for the warning and I will check it out for myself soon.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by stg83
trentonlf: In the comics the male Thor died and now a woman is Thor. It's just Marvel trying to appeal to women, just not sure why they picked Thor as a gateway though.
Actually, male Thor (the real Thor) isn't dead. He was deemed "unworthy" and was stripped of his hammer, his title and (for reasons I cannot understand) his name. Mjornir was given to a female Asgardian who was then dubbed "Thor, God(dess?) of Lightning". Male Thor, feeling this turn of events was ridiculous, has taken up a mighty, enchanted axe called Jarnbjorn in replacement of his former weapon and is working to try to clear his name and reclaim his rightful place in the Asgardian Pantheon.

TL;DR - Comic books.
korell: Well, considering the Marvel Civil War comic storyline is exactly this, and includes tons of characters (including the X-Men and Brotherhood), this would seem to be as expected. :)
Are there going to be X-men in CA3? I hope it's more than just Wolverine though if it is.
ElTerprise: It might be. English is not my first language.
bugamn: According to a dictionary, you are looking for the word acoustic.
Huh? No, a larsen (I just checked, it exists) is the horrible noise amplifiers make when a microphone or a guitar or whatever is plugged is too close and/or in the output sound cone. Like a loud whistle. Made by a dislexic whale. Wasted. On hot beer.
Sorry if my explanation isn't clear, I'm not a native either.
EDIT : Close enough :
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
ElTerprise: It might be. English is not my first language.
bugamn: According to a dictionary, you are looking for the word acoustic.
Thank you. That would make sense.
"The Sale goes ever on and on,
Down from the page where it began.
Now far ahead the Sale has gone,
And I must follow, if I can".
bugamn: According to a dictionary, you are looking for the word acoustic.
Mister-Gosh: Huh? No, a larsen (I just checked, it exists) is the horrible noise amplifiers make when a microphone or a guitar or whatever is plugged is too close and/or in the output sound cone. Like a loud whistle. Made by a dislexic whale. Wasted. On hot beer.
Sorry if my explanation isn't clear, I'm not a native either.
You mean feedback?
Post edited March 08, 2015 by opticq
huN73R: Are there going to be X-men in CA3? I hope it's more than just Wolverine though if it is.
No, FOX owns the X-Men movie rights (and Fantastic Four) and, unlike Sony, refuses to play nice with Marvel/Disney.
Shendue: snip
jackster79: Just had a look at Carcassonne... and wept!

All those expansions!

Did you just only get the base game, or somehow get the lot? That is one part of today's table-top gaming that bugs me: late-comers have no chance to get a "complete" set up to the latest whatever is out without a small fortune.

As for the game itself it seems intriguing - going to look at it some more.
Carcassonne is a extremely example of expansions. I have all german official and promo exp.
bugamn: According to a dictionary, you are looking for the word acoustic.
Mister-Gosh: Huh? No, a larsen (I just checked, it exists) is the horrible noise amplifiers make when a microphone or a guitar or whatever is plugged is too close and/or in the output sound cone. Like a loud whistle. Made by a dislexic whale. Wasted. On hot beer.
Sorry if my explanation isn't clear, I'm not a native either.
I certainly know the effect. I guess everybody heard that atleast once. In German it is called "Akkustische Rückkoplung".
It can be translated into acoustic feedback or as you know it Larsen Effect. Since the principle of the effect was discovered by a scientist called Søren Absalon Larsen.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by The_Blog
Anyone know what the system requirements are for strike suit euro on mac? Since the Mac version is a "bonus" feature should that make me weary of it maybe disappearing?
bugamn: According to a dictionary, you are looking for the word acoustic.
Mister-Gosh: Huh? No, a larsen (I just checked, it exists) is the horrible noise amplifiers make when a microphone or a guitar or whatever is plugged is too close and/or in the output sound cone. Like a loud whistle. Made by a dislexic whale. Wasted. On hot beer.
Sorry if my explanation isn't clear, I'm not a native either.
EDIT : Close enough :
Now i get it. Good one.
opticq: Feedback?
Yup, the more common name is audio feedback, I just read that. It's a loop between an input and an output.
opticq: What if you re-attempt the campaign level and then move forward?
Then they'd be replaced by newbies in the next campaign, and the dead ones will be unusable for rest of the current campaign. If everyone dies you'll fail or you can just click on next campaign to abandon the current one.