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skeletonbow: Firstly, I wouldn't try to "prove" yourself to anyone if someone appears to be conflictual or biased. If they truly want to understand protein, there are plenty of resources online showing the WHO recommendations for protein intake and the breakdown into individual amino acids, corelated with data on various plant sources which shows that virtually the majority of plants provide adequate amount of protein. Additionally the WHO recommendations are about 4 times what the average healthy person needs as they are intended to accommodate people in countries taht are protein deficient as well. I've got bookmarks buried with all this info in it to official sources, I could dig them up sometime. Another thing to indicate is that cows are vegetarians, giraffes are vegetarians, elephants, hippos, and all of those animals don't seem to have any problems getting their protein. But perhaps my favourite way nowadays to share the info with people, is this: Enjoy. :)

Although I get my protein from those sources, I do also get some from bacon, chicken, pork, eggs still, just not large amounts. :) Love the video though. :)
Tarnicus: I love the video, very informative and amusing :) That's going to the bookmark list to share with friends who ask me the same question again and again. Thank you :)

WTF am I still doing in this thread? Maybe I am trapped :(
Hehe, yeah I had to bookmark that one because even though I am not vegan/vegetarian I've studied and grok the science that shows that a *proper* plant based diet is one of the healthiest there is for preventing and fighting disease and when discussing the details with friends/family etc. these questions often do arise, and it is fun to share that video and the article with cited references with people when the question about protein comes up. :) Saves time. :)
Maxvorstadt: Well, if I remember a post a few pages ago right, then rep should work like this:

+1 per day you post in the forum
+1 if enough people rate a post of you as positive (green plus symbol)
+5 if you post an answer to a question thread and your answer is marked as solution
-1 if enough people rate your post as negative (red minus symbol)
Not sickly yellow plus symbol and dull orange minus symbol? I guess that's my colour-blindness once again :D
trentonlf: Out of Gas is my all time favorite episode!
huN73R: That, Jaynestown, and Ariel are the top 3 episodes of that series.
I think i must rewatch the show again soon.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by ElTerprise
trentonlf: Firefly is probably the best tv show to get cancelled. Fox did it all wrong with the show, they released episodes out of order and didn't give it a chance.

If you have Netflix I highly recommend watching it. It is 14 episodes and the movie Serenity, you will be happy you did.
Shendue: Netflix isn't available in Italy yet. But i read they are working on it, contractation with ISPs is in motion.
But I do not think that will put the entire catalog ...
I believe that will put only some series already localized, certainly few series sub (which instead would attract many customers).
I personally believe that at this time in Italy the only real step forward was made with vvvvid on the anime.
Wow just tried Doorkickers for 5 mins. I suck but it's fun!
Jacob_1994: Has never-ending nightmare appeared for third time yet?
It has not made it's final appearance yet ;)
To the german fellas here. Is netflix available in germany with the full catalog or only the localized versions?
Is it even available at all here? I never looked further into it before.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by The_Blog
bler144: With both Buffy and Angel, Whedon farmed out a lot of the writing. So it's hard to tell what he should get credit for (vs. say Jane Espenson) and what he should get blame for. Buffy in particular was a series with some truly fantastic episodes, and some really bad ones.

Though personally I loved a lot of the humor. Xander's "love spell" episode probably isn't technically one of the best, but it's pretty enjoyable.
It's not that i dislike parodies and campy humour. It's just that it becomes difficult to believe the more serious tones of a show when the very same show gets totally parodistic at times. To a certain point, comedic relief is nice and it improves the overall quality, but if it gets too cartoonish then it kills the seriousness of the edgier episodes. I find it hard to be emotionally involved in a character that is sacrificing himself in an eroic effort when the very same character two episodes ago was singing in a "special musical episode" or was acting like a total buffoon completely out of character.
I'd rather have parodies being parodies and drama being drama, with maybe bits of comedy.
Buffy at times (i recall the cyborgs episodes, for example), is as serious and believable as let's say, Power Rangers. It's just too campy for my taste.
Angel had some Whedon's campyness as well in a few episodes (the lucha libre superhero being a perfect example) but for the most part it was more dark, with enjoyable but not too over-the-top humour and that made the show better for me.
Spike was awesome in both, anyway. ^_^
trentonlf: The rep system is most certainly broken. You are one of the most polite and engaging members here on GOG but got put into the negative on rep because of the abuse of the system. That alone speaks volumes to how broke the system is.
stg83: Aw thanks for the kind words trentonlf, I appreciate it and was honestly not fishing for a compliment. :)
Yeah and I definitely was wary of you at first(due to negative rep) until I saw your continuous pleasant, friendly, informative and humourous posts. The system is indeed easily manipulated and I'm glad to see you stayed around and held your head high :)
Shendue: Netflix isn't available in Italy yet. But i read they are working on it, contractation with ISPs is in motion.
LiefLayer: But I do not think that will put the entire catalog ...
I believe that will put only some series already localized, certainly few series sub (which instead would attract many customers).
I personally believe that at this time in Italy the only real step forward was made with vvvvid on the anime.
Same here in germany. Netflix has a far smaller catalog. Even some of their originals can't be shown on netflix due to conflicting rights.
ElTerprise: Same here in germany. Netflix has a far smaller catalog. Even some of their originals can't be shown on netflix due to conflicting rights.
Well that is a shame though I kinda expected it.
Shendue: Is anybody into tabletop games? I just bought myself a copy of Carcassonne this afternoon.
I have heard for years that the game was very popular, and when i recently found that there was a mobile app version for Android i bought it and it became a drug for me, so i had to buy the original thing.
Just sort of re-discovering them now myself (also gagging at the prices a bit - oh how the times have changed in 25 years, but I digress!).

Two latest acquisitions are Galaxy Defenders and Eclipse. Enjoy them both, and if I had a tablet I might look into getting the mobile app version of Eclipse. Disclaimer: Have not actually played Eclipse yet with a group, as I want to learn it first before attempting to explain it to others, but I have enjoyed it quite a bit so far. Nifty little Twilight Imperium-like/-lite/Master of Orion-ish game.
skeletonbow: Found some of my bookmarks on protein that you might find useful:

The first article is great because he includes direct links to all of the official sources of his information including various government websites and government studies, and other scientific materials, so people so inclined can go right to the horse's mouth and read it themselves as well. I read some of the original materials in the references although not all of them. Very interesting reading though for people such as myself interested in learning more about nutrition when not playing video games.
Thanks for the links :) I've read a bit on the "protein myth" before and there should be a few tasty morsels of research to read there. Okay Tarnicus, stpo procrasting and get your body moving and start packing!

Cheers for the enjoyable conversation everyone, especially you skeletonbow :) Your avatar has a left-handed compound bow like mine :)
ElTerprise: Same here in germany. Netflix has a far smaller catalog. Even some of their originals can't be shown on netflix due to conflicting rights.
The_Blog: Well that is a shame though I kinda expected it.
Recent example would be the third season of house of cards which is currently a sky exclusive.
GhostwriterDoF: Well, brewers yeast isn't really a yeast, it is a byproduct of making beer, so you can rest assured you are not being exposed to something unpleasant in a different form... heh! And it comes in pill or powdered form. It has all the essential amino acids and is high in B complex vitamins as well. A good supplement for any vegetarian or vegan. :)
Last comment for now - it is the main component of what we call Vegemite. I can tolerate Vegemite in small amounts and the B-vitamins in it are a great brain boost. When I tried brewers yeast years ago (I cannot remember how) I remember finding it very difficult to stomach.