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The_Blog: No this is certainly not the advice I am looking for, but it is a good on no matter what. Would still love to know how it works, but I guess that is a waste of effort.
trentonlf: The way Rep is supposed to work is each day you post you get one rep point. If you see a post from someone that made you laugh or was very helpful you give them a +, and the inverse is if someone posts very negative or offensive posts you give them a -. With enough pluses or minuses your rep moves up or down. I believe it can move 5 a day one way or the other.
Thanks for the insight :)
skeletonbow: Basically from observation over several years, how it works is the more someone cares about their rep score, the lower it becomes, and the more they ask about it in the forums, the lower it goes, while the less they care about it the higher it goes, but it doesn't matter because they don't care and anyone the care about doesn't care either. :)

That's not the numerical answer you're probably seeking, but it's the factual one from the streets. :)
The_Blog: No this is certainly not the advice I am looking for, but it is a good on no matter what. Would still love to know how it works, but I guess that is a waste of effort.
Well, if I remember a post a few pages ago right, then rep should work like this:

+1 per day you post in the forum
+1 if enough people rate a post of you as positive (green plus symbol)
+5 if you post an answer to a question thread and your answer is marked as solution
-1 if enough people rate your post as negative (red minus symbol)
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Maxvorstadt
trentonlf: The way Rep is supposed to work is each day you post you get one rep point. If you see a post from someone that made you laugh or was very helpful you give them a +, and the inverse is if someone posts very negative or offensive posts you give them a -. With enough pluses or minuses your rep moves up or down. I believe it can move 5 a day one way or the other.
Well that is definitely how it is supposed to work but as we all know it is broken and prone to abuse. For some folks it seems to be fine while other like Tarnicus have to contend with being stuck at the number of the beast for a long period of time. ;)
Post edited March 08, 2015 by stg83
trentonlf: Firefly is probably the best tv show to get cancelled. Fox did it all wrong with the show, they released episodes out of order and didn't give it a chance.
Exactly! *waves fist in the air* The network killed the show! >_< Meeeh.

<-Huge Firefly fan

Speaking of which, the intro music from Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons reminds me of this song from Firefly: If you're a Firefly Fan, you know exactly what scene this is from (starting at 1.40).
SorrowBorn: WOOHOO thank you so much for the HOPE

High five / Bro Fist / Your choice of AWESOME show of Thanks
CarrionCrow: There are only two games I can think of offhand that seem to be in the category of "good luck and fat chance seeing these discounted any time soon".
Those would be Arx Fatalis and Gothic 1.
There might be more, but I can't think of them. Someone more knowledgeable would undoubtedly have more thorough info, but the general rule is if you're willing to wait long enough, the price will drop anywhere from 50 to 90 percent by the time it's all said and done.
The best resource I'm aware of for this is with their price history data/charts and notification system. Hard to beat that. :)
ElTerprise: Firefly is superb. Period. But unfortunately too short.
I have mixed feelings about Joss Whedon. I think he's amazing at some things but at times he goes too overboard with campy humour. When he stays on more serious tones and limits the comedic relief to a good balance his shows are WAY better. Buffy suffered a lot from that. Angel suffered from that as well, but less so IMHO.
Post edited March 08, 2015 by Shendue
Shendue: I never saw Firefly. Curiously enough, i own a bluray copy of Serenity. It's an ex-rental copy i bought for a couple euros from Blockbuster at the giveaway following the bankrupcy. I never watched it because i want to see the series before, but never had the chance to. Is it any good?
trentonlf: Firefly is probably the best tv show to get cancelled. Fox did it all wrong with the show, they released episodes out of order and didn't give it a chance.

If you have Netflix I highly recommend watching it. It is 14 episodes and the movie Serenity, you will be happy you did.
Not to mention they scheduled it Friday nights IIRC - not a lot of shows have survived that, much less space-western mashups that never get a chance to develop a following.

It's a great series imo - even the weaker episodes aren't too bad and there's 4-5 just amazing episodes in a short season. You could watch the movie without the show, but I think you'd miss a lot - particularly the importance of Shepherd Book.

A bit hard to explain, but one of my favorite parodies was taken from Firefly. Someone laid the "Not going anywhere for a while?" Snickers audio over the video of Nathan Fillion nekkid in the desert (from the episode where Christina Hendricks makes her second appearance).

"Objects in space" and "Out of gas" are both incredibly well done episodes, and it did win a primetime emmy.
stg83: Well that is definitely how it is supposed to work but as we all know it is broken and prone to abuse. For some folks it seems to be fine while other like Tarnicus have to contend with being stuck at the number of the best for a long duration of time. ;)
The rep system is most certainly broken. You are one of the most polite and engaging members here on GOG but got put into the negative on rep because of the abuse of the system. That alone speaks volumes to how broke the system is.
You know, I think I'm done with the Insomnia Sale. There are still a couple of titles I'd love to score, but the truth is that the Freshes are mostly a little rich for my wallet right now - not individually, they are generally great deals, but in the context of a Giant Sale, they tip the balances too much. And I don't seem to get any critical hits of the costy variety. Plus the withering cold outside has abated, and I gather it's safe to poke my head out. So I think I'm off to the movies. Have fun, y'alls!
Tarnicus: Can you (or anyone else) name a source of protein that is higher than hemp seed? I have continually had people tell me that I am lacking protein by being vegetarian. Even the term "protein" is misleading as there are various types, and it appears to me that we need a variety of them.

Some random article listing the "Top 10 Foods Highest in Protein" that fails to mention hemp seed. The highest source on that list has 36% protein. Even the Wiki on hemp states it is 37%. I grabbed some raw hemp protein powder the other day to test it out, as I am in dire need of some healing and rebuilding my muscles, and was surprised to see the protein content be 53%
hyexomus: Spirulina ?
+1 and cheers for reminding me of that. I cannot eat the stuff myself as it makes me feel very sick. That is one of those superfoods that many swear by but is not good for me. That appears to be the highest source of protein :)
stg83: Well that is definitely how it is supposed to work but as we all know it is broken and prone to abuse. For some folks it seems to be fine while other like Tarnicus have to contend with being stuck at the number of the best for a long duration of time. ;)
trentonlf: The rep system is most certainly broken. You are one of the most polite and engaging members here on GOG but got put into the negative on rep because of the abuse of the system. That alone speaks volumes to how broke the system is.
Yeah the whole system is definitly very open to abuse which is a shame but also the reason why the rep count shouldn't matter to much.
trentonlf: Firefly is probably the best tv show to get cancelled. Fox did it all wrong with the show, they released episodes out of order and didn't give it a chance.

If you have Netflix I highly recommend watching it. It is 14 episodes and the movie Serenity, you will be happy you did.
Netflix isn't available in Italy yet. But i read they are working on it, contractation with ISPs is in motion.
ElTerprise: Firefly is superb. Period. But unfortunately too short.
Shendue: I have mixed feelings about Joss Whedon. I think he's amazing at some things but at times he goes too overboard with campy humour. When he stays on more serious tones and limits the comedic relief to a good balance his shows are WAY better. Buffy suffered a lot from that IMO. Angel suffered from that as well, but less so IMHO.
With both Buffy and Angel, Whedon farmed out a lot of the writing. So it's hard to tell what he should get credit for (vs. say Jane Espenson) and what he should get blame for. Buffy in particular was a series with some truly fantastic episodes, and some really bad ones.

Though personally I loved a lot of the humor. Xander's "love spell" episode probably isn't technically one of the best, but it's pretty enjoyable.
bler144: Not to mention they scheduled it Friday nights IIRC - not a lot of shows have survived that, much less space-western mashups that never get a chance to develop a following.

It's a great series imo - even the weaker episodes aren't too bad and there's 4-5 just amazing episodes in a short season. You could watch the movie without the show, but I think you'd miss a lot - particularly the importance of Shepherd Book.

A bit hard to explain, but one of my favorite parodies was taken from Firefly. Someone laid the "Not going anywhere for a while?" Snickers audio over the video of Nathan Fillion nekkid in the desert (from the episode where Christina Hendricks makes her second appearance).

"Objects in space" and "Out of gas" are both incredibly well done episodes, and it did win a primetime emmy.
Out of Gas is my all time favorite episode!
Tarnicus: Can you (or anyone else) name a source of protein that is higher than hemp seed? I have continually had people tell me that I am lacking protein by being vegetarian. Even the term "protein" is misleading as there are various types, and it appears to me that we need a variety of them.
GhostwriterDoF: Brewers Yeast...

Also, I think cooking tomatoes and spinach pasta together is a whole protein source if I remember correctly...
Thanks for mentioning brewers yeast. It seems that yeasts, molds and algae can rate very high and yet I struggle to eat any of them. I believe it is due to having a very high exposure to molds when I was young and then later in life. I cannot stomach them.