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ElTerprise: You might ruin your Rep. of the beast with your generosity +1 :).
Tarnicus: Notice a few high rated posts of mine, and yet I still have the Rep of the Beast. Locked I tell you, banished to the underworld for all of GOGternity!
Stuck in an everlasting insomnia sale where the only game for sale is Jack Keane 2
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tolmar
Tarnicus: Notice a few high rated posts of mine, and yet I still have the Rep of the Beast. Locked I tell you, banished to the underworld for all of GOGternity!
I've been plussing all your posts since you got to 666 LOL
ElTerprise: You expect me to watch something from Wesley?....Just kidding ;)

I've heard of it. I will give it a shot when (if :P) the promo ends.
paladin181: He was a crack up in the Guild. I loved that show.
I must admit i haven't heard of that show. Must have missed it.
paladin181: Ugh. The difference between the Steam community and this one astounds me.
Steam: Someone friends me, and starts begging for free stuff because they are poor, want what I have etc etc etc., and I get cursed out for refusing.

GoG: I join giveaways as both a donor and a winner, and openly and freely trade and gift games to others and receive similar in kind. No begging, no anger. Just people being cool.
It is pretty amazing here.
ElTerprise: You expect me to watch something from Wesley?....Just kidding ;)

I've heard of it. I will give it a shot when (or if :P) the promo ends.
Well, he's actually a pretty cool guy. He's basically a huge geek himself, so even he himself admitted that he totally hated Wesley Crusher. You know a character is bad when even the actor that portrayed him says he was an annoying Gary Stu. XD
BTW, everything else he does is basically totally awesome. He's funny as hell as the evil version of himself in Big Bang Theory and he's a pretty good dubber and writer.
Tarnicus: Notice a few high rated posts of mine, and yet I still have the Rep of the Beast. Locked I tell you, banished to the underworld for all of GOGternity!
Tolmar: Stuck in an everlasting insomnia sale where the only game for sale is Jack Keane 2
and a small chance at a bonus Daikatana
Shendue: Steam? That's the thing where you rent games and they tell you that you bought them, isn't it?
paladin181: It's a place where I get many games not offered here. :P It's only a rental when the term is a set time. For all you or I know, Steam may be around longer than either of us.
You mean, like Atari? Or Blockbuster? Even Sega nowadays is on the verge of bankrupt. It may happen to any company, no matter how healty they are.

Anyway, it's actually more of a matter of principle rather than an actual worrying of mine. If i buy a game, i should own it.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Shendue
Shendue: Well, he's actually a pretty cool guy. He's basically a huge geek himself, so even he himself admitted that he totally hated Wesley Crusher. You know a character is bad when even the actor that portrayed him says he was an annoying Gary Stu. XD
BTW, everything else he does is basically totally awesome. He's funny as hell as the evil version of himself in Big Bang Theory and he's a pretty good dubber and writer.
If you are interested in the Firefly Online game to come out later this spring or summer, Wil Wheaton will be the one who does the voice acting for the male main character in the game.
Tarnicus: Increasing plant-based foods is a wise decision for most of us, and my current diet and lifestyle has been far too unhealthy. When I used to work out regularly, I had one friend who had the lowest body fat I had seen (around 5-7% from memory) and looked ripped like a Greek God. It belied his state of health, as he over-consumed animal proteins at the expense of his kidneys. I tried to suggest he get a few greens in but he considered it to be a waste of time. His breath disagreed. "Kidney breath" is a scent I know too well from being with a woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure and had an autoimmune kidney disease. She started to increase her plant foods and decreased her meat consumption (was vegetarian for a while) and her kidney function improved. She is far healthier now and had been given a death sentence by her doctors. I was aghast when they wanted to put her on immunosuppressants and told her that her diet didn't matter. Seriously what kind of "specialist" can study medicine and not see how vital nutrition is?!?!
Indeed, but things are changing slowly now. More and more scientific studies are coming out showing the benefits of a whole foods based dietary base, and top doctors are now recommending lifestyle changes in addition to their traditional approach. More importantly though, individual people are seeking out the information themselves and making proactive changes in their dietary lifestyle without being prompted externally. It's happening enough for example that McDonalds is dropping the Big Mac, and other unhealthy food stuff is slowly being de-favoured for healthier choices. There's a long way to go yet, but the ancient dietary advice of the 70s/80s/90s is slowly being replaced by modern science suggesting otherwise and people are making the move for themselves at their own paces and sticking with what seems to work for them.

I don't know about you but I'd say at least 1/3 of my friends/family/contacts have spent some time learning some of this stuff and making changes to their lifestyle and seeing some good results, so we share a lot of info, recipes, reading materials, books, videos, etc. between each other and it's interesting to see how many people have opened up to making such changes these days. 10 years ago discussing such topics was generally highly controversial, and while it still is for many people now, there's a lot more people open to it and to questioning old long held (but false) "wisdom". :) I'll pretty much discuss such things with anyone with an open mind who is interested in learning more about it, although I will pretty much walk away from discussions where people are clearly biased and try to challenge everything and have a highly conflictual nature/bias as it's not worth my time to try to convince anyone of anything they don't have any interest in or desire to learn more about. I'd rather spend whatever time I'd end up wasting doing that further doing more research into next week's meal plan. :) Well, or wasting time on GOG forums LOL
Damn, should I get Ethan Carter? Should I not? I already saw about half of the game through a steam stream of a friend. Btw. yes you can stream games through steam to your friends or everyone public now. It is actually really cool to show you friends something. The quality is good too. ^^
Shendue: Is anybody into tabletop games? I just bought myself a copy of Carcassonne this afternoon.
I have heard for years that the game was very popular, and when i recently found that there was a mobile app version for Android i bought it and it became a drug for me, so i had to buy the original thing.
Good decision. I consider boardgames as even more amazing than their digital brothers and sisters.
The_Blog: How exactly does this rep thingy work? One upvote does not equal to one rep. Is there a set amount of upvotes you need for one rep? I don't really get it.
The simplest explanation is to be polite and friendly and generally positive and non-conflictual in the forums and just not give a crap about rep points or how they work. The rest takes care of itself. ;)
Shendue: You mean, like Atari? Or Blockbuster? Even Sega nowadays is on the verge of bankrupt. It may happen to any company, no matter how healty they are.

Anyway, it's actually more of a matter of principle rather than an actual worrying of mine. If i buy a game, i should own it.
That's fine. you have your likes and I have mine. :P
The_Blog: How exactly does this rep thingy work? One upvote does not equal to one rep. Is there a set amount of upvotes you need for one rep? I don't really get it.
skeletonbow: The simplest explanation is to be polite and friendly and generally positive and non-conflictual in the forums and just not give a crap about rep points or how they work. The rest takes care of itself. ;)
That certainly is a good advise, but I am generally interested in how things work. Not to exploit, but to understand the mechanics. =)
trentonlf: If you are interested in the Firefly Online game to come out later this spring or summer, Wil Wheaton will be the one who does the voice acting for the male main character in the game.
I never saw Firefly. Curiously enough, i own a bluray copy of Serenity. It's an ex-rental copy i bought for a couple euros from Blockbuster at the giveaway following the bankrupcy. I never watched it because i want to see the series before, but never had the chance to. Is it any good?