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Tarnicus: Bacon is a perfect example of a difference between us, where we most likely have many similarities :) It was a visit to my mother's cousin's piggery when I was 7 that had me turn vegetarian. I went back to being omnivorous from 16 to 22, and realised that I wasn't living the way I desired, and have been a vegetarian ever since. I have never been a militant vegetarian but have certainly experienced a lot of "you should eat meat" comments, including from my old counsellor.
I've vastly increased my whole plant based food consumption incrementally over the last 4 years, and decreased my animal product consumption and my health has markedly improved for it. I eat what I want though and did not go about it in a "give up this, give up that" fashion, so I still enjoy meat/eggs etc. just far less of it than I used to eat, and bacon is the magic blanket of flesh that would be the very last thing to go if I ever wanted to go that route 100%. :) I follow T. Colin Campbell, and Esselstein and various others writings and the more I pay attention to their science based recommendations the better results I see so I keep doing it. In fact, I just bought $200 of groceries today without even realizing I didn't buy any meat, although I did get eggs. :) The key for me has been to just seek out healthy food and start eating more of it, and what has happened is that as I find healthy dishes of this nature I simply have less meals total where I am potentially eating higher amounts of less healthy or straight out unhealthy food. I've eliminated several health problems from doing this including some serious ones, so I know I'm on the right track.

Having said that though, I firmly believe that about 95% of all vegetarians and vegans out there secretly eat bacon when nobody is looking and will never admit it. I just have a hunch about it. :)
Breja: Any idea if the Door Kickers might come around again?
Tarnicus: Well how about that, it did just come around again! Check your PMs :)
You might ruin your Rep. of the beast with your generosity +1 :).
genkicolleen: The games are neck and neck! Wonder if they'll end at (around) the same time!
infinitee8: Hehe, was about to post the same thing. Photo finish coming up!
You're too Keane, don't think either will be finishing that soon
skeletonbow: Just some inspiration from 80s humour since we have a bit of an 80s theme rolling. :)
Tolmar: The reference escapes me, I'll get back to waxing cars
Wax on, wax off!
ElTerprise: I really like it a lot. Understandable it became a drug ;).
Have you ever watched "Tabletop", the show with Wil Weathon (Star Trek's Wesley Crusher) on Youtube? It's a series about, you guess, tabletop games. In every episode he plays a different game with fellow geek celebrities, it's pretty entertaining and also a good way to learn about games you may be interested in.

Carcassonne episode:
skeletonbow: Wax on, wax off!
Tarnicus: Bacon is a perfect example of a difference between us, where we most likely have many similarities :) It was a visit to my mother's cousin's piggery when I was 7 that had me turn vegetarian. I went back to being omnivorous from 16 to 22, and realised that I wasn't living the way I desired, and have been a vegetarian ever since. I have never been a militant vegetarian but have certainly experienced a lot of "you should eat meat" comments, including from my old counsellor.
skeletonbow: I've vastly increased my whole plant based food consumption incrementally over the last 4 years, and decreased my animal product consumption and my health has markedly improved for it. I eat what I want though and did not go about it in a "give up this, give up that" fashion, so I still enjoy meat/eggs etc. just far less of it than I used to eat, and bacon is the magic blanket of flesh that would be the very last thing to go if I ever wanted to go that route 100%. :) I follow T. Colin Campbell, and Esselstein and various others writings and the more I pay attention to their science based recommendations the better results I see so I keep doing it. In fact, I just bought $200 of groceries today without even realizing I didn't buy any meat, although I did get eggs. :) The key for me has been to just seek out healthy food and start eating more of it, and what has happened is that as I find healthy dishes of this nature I simply have less meals total where I am potentially eating higher amounts of less healthy or straight out unhealthy food. I've eliminated several health problems from doing this including some serious ones, so I know I'm on the right track.

Having said that though, I firmly believe that about 95% of all vegetarians and vegans out there secretly eat bacon when nobody is looking and will never admit it. I just have a hunch about it. :)
Haha I have met quite a few of those "vegetarians" who only eat meat in closets! My only meat consumption since 22 has been accidental, usually in the form of it being in takeaway or restaurant meals, often from Asian cuisine. I will never forget eating at a Chinese restaurant in the 80s and seeing under the vegetarian menu "vegetable chicken". WTF kind of vegetable is a chicken? Unless they were referring to it's state of mind :P

Increasing plant-based foods is a wise decision for most of us, and my current diet and lifestyle has been far too unhealthy. When I used to work out regularly, I had one friend who had the lowest body fat I had seen (around 5-7% from memory) and looked ripped like a Greek God. It belied his state of health, as he over-consumed animal proteins at the expense of his kidneys. I tried to suggest he get a few greens in but he considered it to be a waste of time. His breath disagreed. "Kidney breath" is a scent I know too well from being with a woman who was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure and had an autoimmune kidney disease. She started to increase her plant foods and decreased her meat consumption (was vegetarian for a while) and her kidney function improved. She is far healthier now and had been given a death sentence by her doctors. I was aghast when they wanted to put her on immunosuppressants and told her that her diet didn't matter. Seriously what kind of "specialist" can study medicine and not see how vital nutrition is?!?!
Ugh. The difference between the Steam community and this one astounds me.
Steam: Someone friends me, and starts begging for free stuff because they are poor, want what I have etc etc etc., and I get cursed out for refusing.

GoG: I join giveaways as both a donor and a winner, and openly and freely trade and gift games to others and receive similar in kind. No begging, no anger. Just people being cool.
SorrowBorn: Have they done Starpoint gemini yet?


If not "PLEASE GOG, put that game in the sale for me pretty please."
CarrionCrow: Hopefully, that one will be around with a 50 percent discount at least by Summer.
WOOHOO thank you so much for the HOPE

High five / Bro Fist / Your choice of AWESOME show of Thanks
ElTerprise: I really like it a lot. Understandable it became a drug ;).
Shendue: Have you ever watched "Tabletop", the show with Wil Weathon (Star Trek's Wesley Crusher) on Youtube? It's a series about, you guess, tabletop games. In every episode he plays a different game with fellow geek celebrities, it's pretty entertaining and also a good way to learn about games you may be interested in.

Carcassonne episode:
You expect me to watch something from Wesley?....Just kidding ;)

I've heard of it. I will give it a shot when (or if :P) the promo ends.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by ElTerprise
ElTerprise: You expect me to watch something from Wesley?....Just kidding ;)

I've heard of it. I will give it a shot when (if :P) the promo ends.
He was a crack up in the Guild. I loved that show.
high rated
Tarnicus: Well how about that, it did just come around again! Check your PMs :)
ElTerprise: You might ruin your Rep. of the beast with your generosity +1 :).
Notice a few high rated posts of mine, and yet I still have the Rep of the Beast. Locked I tell you, banished to the underworld for all of GOGternity!
paladin181: Ugh. The difference between the Steam community and this one astounds me.
Steam: Someone friends me, and starts begging for free stuff because they are poor, want what I have etc etc etc., and I get cursed out for refusing.

GoG: I join giveaways as both a donor and a winner, and openly and freely trade and gift games to others and receive similar in kind. No begging, no anger. Just people being cool.
Steam? That's the thing where you rent games and they tell you that you bought them, isn't it?
Shendue: Steam? That's the thing where you rent games and they tell you that you bought them, isn't it?
It's a place where I get many games not offered here. :P It's only a rental when the term is a set time. For all you or I know, Steam may be around longer than either of us.
How exactly does this rep thingy work? One upvote does not equal to one rep. Is there a set amount of upvotes you need for one rep? I don't really get it.