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Have they done Starpoint gemini yet?


If not "PLEASE GOG, put that game in the sale for me pretty please."
Damn, Ethan and Shadowgate look awesome. My poor wallet though. muuuuust.... resiiiiiiiiist.....
I f you guys had to get one of both, which one would it be?
Tolmar: I agree its an enticing image, I just wondered if there was a specific reason.
skeletonbow: Just some inspiration from 80s humour since we have a bit of an 80s theme rolling. :)
The reference escapes me, I'll get back to waxing cars
SorrowBorn: Have they done Starpoint gemini yet?


If not "PLEASE GOG, put that game in the sale for me pretty please."
Starpoint Gemini is not in the promo. I'm sorry:
ajensen: It's yours, CarrionCrow! My daughter should wake up from her nap any minute and since I put the offer out there, I'd like to unload it before I have to run. Look for a PM soon, and enjoy!
CarrionCrow: That is very much an unexpected but really awesome surprise. Thank you. =)
Glad to share the love. Hope you had a good Insomnia! My has been costly but a ton of fun :)
SorrowBorn: Have they done Starpoint gemini yet?


If not "PLEASE GOG, put that game in the sale for me pretty please."
Hopefully, that one will be around with a 50 percent discount at least by Summer.
Tolmar: I have a smart phone because my generous brother-in-law leads a team that designs them.
Outside company execs I believe I'm the only person in Europe to have this phone as its not yet released here :D

Still I will generally only use it for texting and the odd call.
Me too. I prefer texting to phone calls.
CarrionCrow: That is very much an unexpected but really awesome surprise. Thank you. =)
ajensen: Glad to share the love. Hope you had a good Insomnia! My has been costly but a ton of fun :)
Oh yeah, definitely, in both the enjoyment and cost departments. -laughs-
CarrionCrow: That is very much an unexpected but really awesome surprise. Thank you. =)
Whee~! It's so nice to see YOU getting gifted for a change. XD
skeletonbow: Just some inspiration from 80s humour since we have a bit of an 80s theme rolling. :)
Tolmar: The reference escapes me, I'll get back to waxing cars
It's borrowed from Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest's "I Hate When That Happens" sketches/song they used to perform on Saturday Night Live in the 80s, and Billy's comedy album. I modified it with some of my own additions for emphasis. :)

Billy Crystal - I Hate When That Happens
Post edited March 07, 2015 by skeletonbow
jackster79: Good to see I am not the only one very late to the cell phone craze. Just bought my very first one last November, and even then it was when I had no choice. Very basic setup and all, and only intended for use in emergencies. Right now I can count on one 6-fingered-hand the folks who have the number, and will likely be the only ones with the number for a while.
CarrionCrow: At this point, I'd be inclined to sell the smartphone to someone and get a flip phone instead.
Increased durability, increased battery life, and it still makes calls.

I use a phone to make calls. Texts are useful solely for times that a ringing phone would be inappropriate, but even then I would need a triple-sized phone to do so without it being a huge pain in the ass since my hands aren't exactly petite.
Flip phone? Not the same thing as a smart phone? The one I got flips, so if they are different my bad.

A phone is a phone to me. Yeah, some can do some things better than others, but it is still primarily a phone. That is the philosophy I am working hard to adhere to (I fear that if I ever get one that can do all the fancy stuff I might get sucked into that vortex, much the same way I got sucked into the PC vortex when I got my first desktop freshman year of college).
Tolmar: The reference escapes me, I'll get back to waxing cars
skeletonbow: It's borrowed from Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest's "I Hate When That Happens" sketches/song they used to perform on Saturday Night Live in the 80s, and Billy's comedy album. I modified it with some of my own additions for emphasis. :) Lemme see if I can find it on youtube...
Ah, didn't get SNL in the UK.
Also can't get YouTube in China so I'll trust you that its funny
Mister-Gosh: Damn, Ethan and Shadowgate look awesome. My poor wallet though. muuuuust.... resiiiiiiiiist.....
I f you guys had to get one of both, which one would it be?
I haven't played either of the games so take my opinion with a grain of salt. :)

Tough question I guess because it depends on whether you prefer the old school PnC adventure approach or a more modern aesthetic. Ethan Carter is a short game from what I have heard with incredible visuals and nice innovative gameplay for the crime scene recreation in it. Shadowgate is probably one of the best remakes of an old classic game that I have seen so far, where it has been contemporized without sacrificing the gameplay and great puzzle design which made it so memorable in the first place.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by stg83
Tarnicus: *snip*
We are a complex make-up of genetics and environment, and are the product of all of our ancestors. It is very easy for something to work on one person and not another as a result.
skeletonbow: That's pretty much my philosophy as well. I joined the "farmacy" bandwagon about 4 years ago and increasingly ever since and my health has paid off for the better ever since. I never go to the "pharmacy" anymore, by choice. Like you, it's just a personal decision that works for me though I never shove it at anyone else, although I do share info with people who are like minded or indicate interest. I do eat bacon though because... BACON
I used be very dogmatic about things I learned, in particular herbal medicine. I have since learned a lot more through experience, observation, research and communication. The conclusion that makes the most sense to me now is the above statement. The amount of times I have had doctors say to me "this should be doing x" and I say "no it isn't" and they disagree has been countless. I know what works for myself better than anyone else as I have inhabited this sack of flesh for almost 39 years. I don't care what a study says other than to use it as a possibility that something may work, and I will only "know" when I try. Some things that have worked in the past no longer do, and things that haven't worked may work, hence my comment on complexity. The learning still continues :)

Bacon is a perfect example of a difference between us, where we most likely have many similarities :) It was a visit to my mother's cousin's piggery when I was 7 that had me turn vegetarian. I went back to being omnivorous from 16 to 22, and realised that I wasn't living the way I desired, and have been a vegetarian ever since. I have never been a militant vegetarian but have certainly experienced a lot of "you should eat meat" comments, including from my old counsellor.

During our last meeting, she asked me once again if I was eating meat and I stated that I wasn't. She attempted to "should" me, and our conversation explored the nature of listening to one's senses. I told her that the only meat that has ever smelled good to me is my own burning flesh, and if that is the case(playing Devil's advocate) then should I not choose "long pig" as my meat of choice? Her first response was "But that is against the law" which in no way invalidated my statement about listening to one's senses for choosing what to eat. For the record, I still haven't eaten human :P In a survival situation if plant food was lacking, I would choose insects and grubs first. I am not sure that my digestive tract could handle meat anymore.
CarrionCrow: That is very much an unexpected but really awesome surprise. Thank you. =)
genkicolleen: Whee~! It's so nice to see YOU getting gifted for a change. XD
Seconded! :-)