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Tarnicus: How the Rep System Really Works

1/ Buy +1s with giveaways
2/ Gather a "gang", this can include but is not limited to alternate accounts.
3/ Face off enemy gangs in "rep battles". I imagine it looks a bit like this.
4/ Employ "hackers" to run scripts to raise your "gang's" status and destroy your enemies. Action video!
5/ ???
6/ 666 REPZ!

I sincerely hope this guide helps :P
skeletonbow: LOL! Oh my... watching the video from #3 reminded me just how bad the 80s really were even though I don't remember them being that horrible. LOL
I am ashamed to admit that movie, Breakdance/Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo was one of my favourite movies when I was a child and was the soundtrack was the first CD I ever bought lol It was a crazy time back in the 80s!
Thank you for the info. I too like to archive the installed versions, but usually with 7zip, which gives better compression.
gogamess: It's a remade of the old SEGA Megadrive RPG game, you can get more info here:
Mister-Gosh: Crap, too late! Thanks though !
You are welcome :)
truhlik: Finally. Shadowgate. Was afraid that will miss it for third time :)
It looks interesting- have you played it before?
skeletonbow: But anyone who uses the forums long enough eventually is likely to realize this and join the ranks of people who don't care about the rep score at all nor use it for anything meaningful
Exactly. The only reason I noticed is that we were talking about budje hitting the 500-rep milestone.

skeletonbow: I have to admit though, it would be cool if GOG replaced the rep score system with a more intricate D&D style system that had many multiple attributes and a plethora of smart code behind it to make it mean something and avoid gamability of the numbers. :) Not sure if that's doable, but imagine if we all had a D&D style character sheet in our profiles, complete with savings throws against Insomnia sales and the like. LOL
lol~ That would be so cool~! :D
skeletonbow: Bwahahahaha... touche! :) Well, you're up to 6 now so hold in there! :)
Indeed, I am quite content with my 9 compared to Tarnicus's 18. ;)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by stg83
gogamess: It's a remade of the old SEGA Megadrive RPG game, you can get more info here:
It's not a remake, it's a new game developed for the Sega Mega Drive. There was never a pier solar. Why does everyone think it's a remake of an old game?
skeletonbow: LOL
stg83: That is probably the shortest post I have ever seen from you so I have preserved it with a screenshot. :P

Seriously though well said about the arbitrary meaningless rep number which I certainly agree with as per mine being in the negative range for quite a long time in the past. :)
I was thinking the same re skeletonbow's succinct reply. I do not know whether to feel honoured or slighted by receiving it :P

Edit: Just looked at the screenshot and I feel vindicated that the reply you were referring to is indeed very brief!!
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tarnicus
truhlik: Finally. Shadowgate. Was afraid that will miss it for third time :)
Anaxphone: It looks interesting- have you played it before?
Just saw some youtubes from old original. And read a bit about.
Tarnicus: Yes St John's Wort can be and is taken internally (besides the application you mentioned, which I haven't tried before). The best advice I can give is to use what works to you. Some will swear by it, others will say it is useless. We are a complex make-up of genetics and environment, and are the product of all of our ancestors. It is very easy for something to work on one person and not another as a result. Our systems also build up resistance, as do the little parasites within that we all carry. Mine are immune to amoxycillan (antibiotic) and yet garlic still works wonders. The same lesson can be applied to diet (which is medicine), where we thrive with a varied diet sourcing nutrition from various sources. I generally use my senses to determine that. When something tastes delicious, I am in need of it. When I consume it too much, it doesn't taste so good anymore and I can swap the source to get similar nutrition.

I prefer food to pills and herbal preparations to chemical extracts, but that is my preference and not one that I try to ram down other people's throats like I used to :)
That's pretty much my philosophy as well. I joined the "farmacy" bandwagon about 4 years ago and increasingly ever since and my health has paid off for the better ever since. I never go to the "pharmacy" anymore, by choice. Like you, it's just a personal decision that works for me though I never shove it at anyone else, although I do share info with people who are like minded or indicate interest. I do eat bacon though because... BACON
hyexomus: LOL
Actually you can replace a tablet with a mobile phone with wifi, but with the lack of sleep, didn't think much.
And on a mobile, it is harder to "tap" on a tiny (and blurry) "BUY" button ! :)
skeletonbow: Ugh, but then it's a mobile phone... I think I'd rather staple bologna to my face with a pneumatic staple gun and dip my face in acetone then sit it down on the ramp where the balls come back at a bowling alley during a bowling tournament than own a mobile phone. But that's just me! :)
That looks almost as painful as craving desperately for a freebie ! :)
hyexomus: LOL
Actually you can replace a tablet with a mobile phone with wifi, but with the lack of sleep, didn't think much.
And on a mobile, it is harder to "tap" on a tiny (and blurry) "BUY" button ! :)
skeletonbow: Ugh, but then it's a mobile phone... I think I'd rather staple bologna to my face with a pneumatic staple gun and dip my face in acetone then sit it down on the ramp where the balls come back at a bowling alley during a bowling tournament than own a mobile phone. But that's just me! :)
Oh, that isn't just you.

I finally got a smartphone recently, and it's been one nuisance after another using it. Let the monthly recharge for it lapse and not regretting it a bit.
truhlik: Just saw some youtubes from old original. And read a bit about.
Fair enough. I clicked on the game to read about it and was on the fence, so I thought I'd see what you might have to say about it. It looked like a dungeoncrawler from the title and splash image, so it being a point-and-click was a surprise.

EDIT: Oh! Now I recall playing it briefly on a friend's Mac back in the day. I didn't recognize it with shiny new graphics...
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Anaxphone
Good morning!

I see we still have the movies left
high rated
Tarnicus: G'day again :)

Only 500 posts to catch up on whilst packing.
Good day to you too.

And still carrying the rep of the beast, I see.