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So, I know that I missed the better Shadowrun (Dragonfall), but is Shadowrun Returns any good? I'm just about done with Fallout 2 and I want to play another isometric, turn-based RPG. I also have Arcanum, so for those who have played both, which one do you prefer?
Maxvorstadt: Wich posts are downrepped and how can I see this?
Eh~ I'm not fussed enough to look. I just know that this is the only thread I've been posting in recently, and that my rep is down about 10 points since the sale started.
The_Blog: I have to agree. Atleast with GOG games I stopped doin it since I simply do not have enough disc space. Still doing it with soundtracks and .iso files ^^
Redfern: One can get 3TB harddrive (and there is newer models with 4-8TB) for 100$ now. Not fastest one, certainly, but ok for long term storage.
I think its pretty much enough to store all games...if not - read this again :)
But I don't want to spent 100€ just so I have a way to store my games ^^
Mojra: Good evening dear Insomniacs :) I would like to thank you all for keeping alive this entertaining thread. On the other hand is really hard to keep up to date with reading all of the posts...

I was lucky to have a critical hit on 'Alan Wake's American Nightmare' a while ago, and although I really appreciate GOG for the free game, since I already have this game and I would like to give it to someone. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in this game?
Well, I wouldn't mind it to say the least, but maybe someone else as well? If not, I'm up for it.
darkvamp001: So... has anyone here played Pier Solar? I got it on my brother's urging, but I really don't know anything about it. Is it good?
I played it for about one hour and I wasn`t much impressed. I`m still trying to find out where to go to solve the first quest. The game doesn`t really tell you what to do. There is not much of roleplaying in this game, levelling is automatically, no skill points to distribute. Monsters give no loot, loot is only found in chests which you find at fixed places in the world. I was awaiting a bit more, but it was a freebie, so....
Redfern: Question, that this

Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase, or go back to the main page for more great deals and chances for free games.[/i]
actually telling me?
I mean, i click on one game and have that notification, click on other - and no notification at all. And yes, i got one freebie, it had different notification...
It's just a bug. Press F5 to reload the page and you will be able to buy the game.
Shadowrun Returns is pretty snazzy. It has a ton of user content and the campaign, while pretty linear is not bad by any stretch.
evanmv13: So, I know that I missed the better Shadowrun (Dragonfall), but is Shadowrun Returns any good? I'm just about done with Fallout 2 and I want to play another isometric, turn-based RPG. I also have Arcanum, so for those who have played both, which one do you prefer?
I really like what I've played of it. I can't say how it compares to Dragonfall because I haven't played that one yet, but Returns is pretty fun. $2.99 isn't a bad price for it either.
bler144: I tried to stick to one philosophy about which site to use, but realistically I end up bouncing back and forth between GoG and "that other place" depending on what my hankering is and what's available.

Humble only occasionally has stuff I want badly enough to buy there - the bundles would be more useful if I had a broader network of gaming friends to exchange games with.
Dalthnock: You gotta be realistic. Steam isn't going anywhere & if there's a game you really want that you're unlikely to get here, I say buy it. I'll fight for good causes, but not to the point of madness and/or stupidity.

Besides, where else are you going to get Valve's catalog? When they have a sale on it, Portals 1 & 2 are worth the price they ask for everything they ever released.
Some people hold their ideology as prime importance to them. Nothing wrong with that, although I've learned over time personally that ideology can end up being a self defeating thing when taken to extremes. I used to be a very strong Linux/OSS ideologist to a point that was unbalanced and self defeating. Over many years I slowly eased up and now I'm still a Linux/OSS ideologist but a much more balanced one that can see, understand and put value on some of the proprietary solutions out there also. Now I am more likely to consider my options and balance the pros and cons of each and try to be unbiased and choose what I personally perceive to be the best solution for the specific job at hand given my own variables and things that are important to me. Sometimes that means I choose Linux, and other times I choose Windows and I accept that they really do each have their strengths and weaknesses. Much like Bruce Lee learned to value all of the martial arts and integrate the good things from each into his own style instead of just being a Wing Chun master. Likewise, I value DRM-free highly in a similar way that I value open source licensed software, and I value GOG as the best store to provide that, but I also find value in the conveniences that the Steam store, client and services provide and am willing to use it where the specific product offering meets my needs outright or with minor compromise. For example, I will compromise on some things that use just the CEG DRM, but I will not compromise on things that use 3rd party DRM or require Origin or Uplay or TAGES and their ilk. I have a line in the sand that I draw, and it extends past GOG to the outer reaches of Steam, but there are limits to what I will accept there.

I have to agree with you on Valve's catalogue. Excellent games, and you can get the entire Valve catalogue for $20 USD during GreenManGaming 75% off sales where the Valve Pack is on sale for 75% off, plus a 20% off GMG coupon. That's about a bazillion Valve games for $20. Even if those games were to come to GOG, there is no way in hell that we'd ever see them go on promo sale as a bundle for $20 in the next 10 years. :) By the time Valve puts their games on GOG, I'll have finished them all and played them to death to the point I wont even care if I lose them from a future Steam insolvency. :)
evanmv13: So, I know that I missed the better Shadowrun (Dragonfall), but is Shadowrun Returns any good? I'm just about done with Fallout 2 and I want to play another isometric, turn-based RPG. I also have Arcanum, so for those who have played both, which one do you prefer?
Yes, it's good. SR has access to fanmade content as well, which can keep the longevity up.

Arcanum is much longer than SR's base game, but older and a little buggy, so check for bugfixes and the like. Ilove them both, though

Arcanum is more of a longhaul game, while SR works better for times when I'm wanting a quicker fix.
high rated
evanmv13: So, I know that I missed the better Shadowrun (Dragonfall), but is Shadowrun Returns any good? I'm just about done with Fallout 2 and I want to play another isometric, turn-based RPG. I also have Arcanum, so for those who have played both, which one do you prefer?
I like it a lot~!
Shendue: It's just a bug. Press F5 to reload the page and you will be able to buy the game.
Actually it's not a bug. It's a notification that you almost scored a critical hit (meaning you almost got a free copy).
Zillatain: Been away for about 10 hours and a whopping... 9... games have come and gone... Only what, 50 more to go?
Lol. From the little I've been able to peruse this thread, usually its the fact that the games are going by too fast and people are missing out on certain games.
But I hear ya. The couple times I've had the chance to sit in front of a pc and view the sales, it has seemed to be slower than what I'm hearing and imagining. I'd guess I've only seen maybe 25-30 games/movies cycle thru for sale in the past week.
Redfern: One can get 3TB harddrive (and there is newer models with 4-8TB) for 100$ now. Not fastest one, certainly, but ok for long term storage.
I think its pretty much enough to store all games...if not - read this again :)
The_Blog: But I don't want to spent 100€ just so I have a way to store my games ^^
better to spend it during this promo :P ?
Maxvorstadt: Wich posts are downrepped and how can I see this?
genkicolleen: Eh~ I'm not fussed enough to look. I just know that this is the only thread I've been posting in recently, and that my rep is down about 10 points since the sale started.
Wow! Didn`t notice that. Your rep is 559 at the moment, I`ll try to keep an eye on this.
Maybe somebody doesn`t like you? Somebody from your real life, who knows your GoG name?