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svipak: So, no one wants Shadowrun? It's been on the front page for like 3 hours.....
Jack Keane II strikes back?
Dalthnock: Dude, come clean. You MUST have at least thought about it yourself. I mean, that gorgeous hair... damn, son! Who wouldn't?
skeletonbow: LOL

The funny thing is, all these years Romero took the bad rap for that ad, but he didn't even come up with the ad or even say that. They hired a new marketing genius who came up with that and presented it to Romero and he didn't like it at all and was opposed to it, but the guy convinced him it would work out great, so he reluctantly gave it the ok to have it blow up in his face and make him look really bad forever. ;o) I watched a documentary with an interview with him from recent years where he discussed this and other inside id things, was very interesting. :)
Yeah, I read that. Like I said, I have virtually no interest in FPS games, but I think I know a lot more about Daikatana & Ion Storm than any but the most old-school fanatic FPS players.

Makes you wonder, though... I mean, there were so many bone-headed decisions, what's one more? So maybe the marketing guy really was to blame, but these guys pioneered the shit-talking.

Maybe if that ad had been released today, the current generation would've lapped it up. Who knows? More to teh point, who cares? It was just a very entertaining event in video-game history, though I bet "entertaining" isn't a word those guys would use to describe it.
high rated
budejovice: My only hope was that you would take "no breadcrumbs" at face value.

I do understand it's difficult to take ANYTHING at face value after going through the mafia wringer. There are scum everywhere... :)
HypersomniacLive: I have you leaning town though; leaning means it's questioning time - was it a Fresh Deal?
Remember, as town you can't lie.
As merely pro-town, I can neither confirm nor deny the freshness of the game. I did more than enough by eliminating trenton's list from contention. ;)

EDIT: And thanks everyone re: 500!
Post edited March 07, 2015 by budejovice
svipak: So, no one wants Shadowrun? It's been on the front page for like 3 hours.....
Plenty of people wanted it, but they posted 900 copies :)

Very ambitious number for round 3 for most titles. If I did end up buying one it would be to gift/trade, but I don't know how many people who want it still don't have it.
ariaspi: Also, for some games, it seems to be big discrepancies between the listed installer size and the downloaded size. For example: Jagged Alliance 2 - listed 546 MB, downloaded 412 MB; Deus Ex GOTY - listed 431 MB, downloaded 364.
I'm downloading the Windows versions from the browser, not using the GOG Downloader. I don't think it's about corrupted downloads because I downloaded them twice and the connection is stable between 2-4 MB/s.
The files are compressed when you get them -- the larger value is probably how much room it takes up when it's installed :)
500 rep on page 888. What a beautiful event. :D Congratulations!
Tekkaman-James: They don't need to fix the problem for you to get the sale price. Just proceed with the purchase as normal and it will be fine. This has happened very time a $4.89 game has come up and no one has gotten ripped off yet. Don't worry.
bler144: Yup, I just bought P.S. and the receipt shows the sale price. So even if they erroneously overcharged my card (doubtful) it would be pretty easy to fix with customer service.
Don't worry, the Swing and miss message is a bug. You can even make the message disappear by reloading the checkout page.
svipak: So, no one wants Shadowrun? It's been on the front page for like 3 hours.....
Telnet: Jack Keane II strikes back?
I'd go for it if I didn't already own it... it's a great game! :)
svipak: So, no one wants Shadowrun? It's been on the front page for like 3 hours.....
As the sale goes on the forums are eating more and more of my posts.

I think it's not that no one wants it as much as 900 units was an ambitious goal for this title in round 3. If I do end up succumbing to buy it it would be to exchange or gift, and I'm not sure there are that many people who would want it who don't have it.
Matruchus: Take-Two catalog would be nice too. All those CIV games, GTAs, Borderlands, etc.
wizardofid: Take 2 will be hard pressed to come to gog, WB unlikely, not in the near future, have their games on steam or else where any ways, Besides most of their games make use of the steam MP, so most games with MP with only be single player...
Warner Brothers is already on GOG, they just joined the site a few months ago with a nice game drop. Hopefully another game drop is in the near future as it was with Disney/Lucasarts.

As for multiplayer service backend, GOG Galaxy multiplayer is already launched and works even though only a few games are currently using it, but it would likely be fairly easy for a big company to retrofit their games with Galaxy multiplayer if they were to bring them here. I believe one of the Star Wars games might have done this but not certain.
Shadow gate gone yet?
budejovice: As merely pro-town, I can neither confirm nor deny the freshness of the game. I did more than enough by eliminating trenton's list from contention. ;)

EDIT: And thanks everyone re: 500!
Since you came looking for the game after all the Seasoned were gone it is more than likely Fresh, and one that just recently passed ;-)
Niggles: Shadow gate gone yet?
No not yet:
simonm197: Hm, I didnt expect that. Thank you for the info.
As I am completly new to the Shadowrun universe, will I be able to understand/enjoy the storyline without any background knowledge?
Absolutely. The game mechanics and characters are introduced in asuch a way that it makes sense (even if they're not completely lore accurate). There are a few facets of Shadowrun that don't make it to SR:R, but overall, even a complete newbie to the universe should be able to catch on quickly. Chummer is an acquaintance, soykaf is like coffee, and Jake Armitage (my avatar) is a badass. :P
Niggles: Shadow gate gone yet?