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high rated
budejovice: Not completely, however 17,700 posts is a whole bunch of legwork for a game I'll buy myself relatively soon!
What if I told you that the legwork is already done?

EDIT: And that's a nice 500 you got there, I think it deserves some celebration.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
Yeah! I got Pier Solar! Only Lumino City missing :-)
Matruchus: There are random freebies on every game that is on sale in the Insomnia. When you click on buy button for any game in the sale you have a random chance that you will get a critical freebie.
darkvamp001: Actually, then I have one more question: If I click "Buy Now," will it show a different screen for a freebie instead of going straight to the check-out page? As in, could I basically click on "Buy Now" for each game that comes up until I get a freebie?
There's a different screen with a green field notifying you of your Critical Hit.

And yes, you could click "Buy Now" for every game. I have done it for almost each and every one though and only got two criticals. One of which was X-Wing, the other Grimrock II.
zenwan: Also getting swing and miss, telling me I missed the promo.

Double dammit, I don't have much online time left, I hope they fix this soon.

It's just a bug. The price is still discounted and if you check out it will not miraculously climb.
simonm197: So I was gifted a game that I missed by a very generous member, bought two games for my little brother and have now money left for exactly one game.

My question:
Shall I get Shadowrun Returns or shall I wait for AI War Collection to appear?
(I know somewhat comparing apples and oranges but which is the "better" game on its own merits?
Matruchus: Hard to compare really. One is a linear rpg (Shadowrun) and the other one (Ai War) is a RTS game mixed up with tower defense and some other genres. Its definitely a very good game.
Have you played Shadowrun? One of the game reviews mentions that there is no loot and no inventory in the game. Is that really true?
budejovice: ... 17,700 ...
Let's keep working to make at least 20k :)
Matruchus: Hard to compare really. One is a linear rpg (Shadowrun) and the other one (Ai War) is a RTS game mixed up with tower defense and some other genres. Its definitely a very good game.
simonm197: Have you played Shadowrun? One of the game reviews mentions that there is no loot and no inventory in the game. Is that really true?
I don't know really. I got Shadowrun a day or two ago in the sale. Didn't play it yet cause I was hunting for couple other games too.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
high rated
budejovice: Not completely, however 17,700 posts is a whole bunch of legwork for a game I'll buy myself relatively soon!
HypersomniacLive: What if I told you that the legwork is already done?
I would laugh and shake my head slowly. However, I can verify the game was not on the list that trent already stealthily slipped in my PM.
Thanks everyone for answering my questions! I'm a little sad I haven't been trying for freebies this entire time, but I got two games I've really wanted to play for fairly cheap (Pier Solar and Gabriel Knight 20th Ann.) so I'm happy! :D
Tekkaman-James: If you read what it actually says:

"Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase, or go back to the main page for more great deals and chances for free games."

It seems to imply that you can no longer get the game at the reduced promo price, not the free "Critical Hit" price. By using the word "expired", it is sure to turn away potential buyers. It's happened a bunch during this sale and I don't see it getting solved before the end.
paladin181: Oh, I know what the message actually means, I'm just saying the only REAL effect is cancelling out the possibility of a crit since two messages won't proc at once. It's almost definitely not intentional, but that's the sum of the effect, besides confusing people into believing that the game is no longer discounted.
It certainly gives that impression, but I can confirm I got a crit on Pier Solar during one of the earlier rounds - so the "Swing and a Miss" bug does not preclude a Critical Hit. =D
darkvamp001: Actually, then I have one more question: If I click "Buy Now," will it show a different screen for a freebie instead of going straight to the check-out page? As in, could I basically click on "Buy Now" for each game that comes up until I get a freebie?
Swampland: There's a different screen with a green field notifying you of your Critical Hit.

And yes, you could click "Buy Now" for every game. I have done it for almost each and every one though and only got two criticals. One of which was X-Wing, the other Grimrock II.
Only 2, that's already a nice draw, believe me ! ;)
And what's more, good games (at least X-Wing, never played LoG2 but looks interesting)
high rated
budejovice: ... 17,700 ...
truhlik: Let's keep working to make at least 20k :)
I imagine that is doable. :)

We're a long way from the first Insomnia thread, though...
simonm197: Have you played Shadowrun? One of the game reviews mentions that there is no loot and no inventory in the game. Is that really true?
There is almost no loot in game, and the inventory is not traditional. You cannot pass items between members during a mission, for example. So what ever a person is given before the mission or picks up during the mission is theirs, meaning if you let a merc pick up some health packs in the level, they'll be lost to you at the completion because the merc keeps them (and won't have them even if you hire the same merc again on future missions.)
budejovice: I would laugh and shake my head slowly. However, I can verify the game was not on the list that trent already stealthily slipped in my PM.
I have a script that can filter all the posts out but yours ;-)
Just waiting for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, but looks like I can go to bed wake up and still be in time :p