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LinustheBold: Wha? A third crit, on Shadowrun Returns! I never win these things - who am I?

I got three crits this sale after not getting any from previous sales. I tried so hard and my perseverance had finally paid off!

Hooray for you, too! We celebrate together by playing games we didn't necessarily want!
Matruchus: Tomb Raiders
Grargar: Hmmm?
Yeah, I mixed that up. Obviously new Tomb Raiders from Square Enix next to classics you pointed me too :)
Redfern: Can anyone tell me how Shadowrun(s) here related with that old Shadowrun i played on SNES?
toxicTom: Shadowrun is a PnP roleplaying system and world. The games are adaptions of this.
Yeah, i mean there was real DRAGON in SNES Shadowrun...and dragonfall, huh?
Any plot relations?
Dalthnock: I bought a few games on Steam, like the Batman: Arkham series, because I couldn't buy them here.

Now that WB is on GOG, if & when those games land here, I'll buy them so fast I'll crash the site.

AND, if by some unbelievable Miracle - with a capital M - GOG manages to get Rockstar's catalog, I'll jump on a plane to Poland & throw real money at them. As in, literally out of my wallet & into their faces.

So yeah... if there's a DRM free alternative, I'll buy it again.
Redfern: Say, as Drm-free alternative only GOG you see, that about Humble, Desura?
Nope. I know about GOG since it began, but the reason I took this long to register & buy games here is that I want ONE place to have most of my games, so I have to TRUST that place.

Most businesses usually shit all over their own standards in practices within 2-3 years - GOG is on it's 7th year & despite some unusual decisions in the past month, has surprisingly managed to hold on to its motto of DRM-free all this time, so it's the safest bet you'll ever have.

I know about putting all your eggs in one basket, but the hassle of keeping track of a growing collection spread out over several sites is much, much more inconvenient than DRM. Besides, if things turn sour, it's much easier to suicide bomb a couple of buildings than a whole mess of 'em.

So I use GOG for about 95% of my needs, while using Steam for those games that I really, really want but it's highly unlikely that I will get them here.
No crits here after trying every day since the start of the sale.
Dalthnock: I bought a few games on Steam, like the Batman: Arkham series, because I couldn't buy them here.

Now that WB is on GOG, if & when those games land here, I'll buy them so fast I'll crash the site.

AND, if by some unbelievable Miracle - with a capital M - GOG manages to get Rockstar's catalog, I'll jump on a plane to Poland & throw real money at them. As in, literally out of my wallet & into their faces.

So yeah... if there's a DRM free alternative, I'll buy it again.
Matruchus: Take-Two catalog would be nice too. All those CIV games, GTAs, Borderlands, etc.
Take 2 will be hard pressed to come to gog, WB unlikely, not in the near future, have their games on steam or else where any ways, Besides most of their games make use of the steam MP, so most games with MP with only be single player...
Getcomposted: My phone ate my post attempts at work, so here it is again.

I have The Legend of Grimrock 2! GOG be praised!
It came up during my lunch break so I could buy it.
Congrats on that :)
innerring: No crits here after trying every day since the start of the sale.
Bad mojo ? :)
bugamn: Maybe you should leave some items on the ground?
Yeah, I know. :) But I hate that, you never know what it's worth and what you may need later ...
I already hate to sell stuff instead of shelving it somewhere. :P

Maybe not my kind of game then.
Oh you people with your "yes, I buy it twice to have it DRM-free", "I did this several times" blablablablabla
When I asked you, I expected you to shake your head and ask me if I am crazy or sth.

Did just buy Alan Wake AN the second time. Now have to wait for Alan Wake original to have both games DRM-free.
And of course still waiting for Mind since I've seen a Let's play and was blown away by the style of it (I love surealism).
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
innerring: No crits here after trying every day since the start of the sale.
truhlik: Bad mojo ? :)
Dunno, but I did complain a lot about the move from dollar to euro and the subsequent "adjustments of prices".
Dalthnock: I bought a few games on Steam, like the Batman: Arkham series, because I couldn't buy them here.

Now that WB is on GOG, if & when those games land here, I'll buy them so fast I'll crash the site.

AND, if by some unbelievable Miracle - with a capital M - GOG manages to get Rockstar's catalog, I'll jump on a plane to Poland & throw real money at them. As in, literally out of my wallet & into their faces.

So yeah... if there's a DRM free alternative, I'll buy it again.
CalicoPup: I have all of the Arkham games on PS3 so I don't need to go to Steam for that. Or for anything, really. My backlog is such that if there's something I want that's only Steam, I'll just ignore it until it's not Steam Only anymore. That's my biggest complaint with Humble.
My first, last & only console was a Sega Mega Drive. Talk about DRM... it's WAY worse than Steam. With Steam, even if you buy another computer, your games will still work. Console games are locked into that particular hardware.

Seriously, it makes no sense to cry about DRM on PC while buying console games at the same time. That's one helluva double standard.
bugamn: Maybe you should leave some items on the ground?
eiii: Yeah, I know. :) But I hate that, you never know what it's worth and what you may need later ...
I already hate to sell stuff instead of shelving it somewhere. :P

Maybe not my kind of game then.
I understand you. We are kind of maniacs, aren't we? But what I liked about Din's Curse is that it forced me to act differently. I can't spend all my time searching for the best loot, there are demons and they won't patiently wait for me to go after, they will also attack. Anyway, I can see why people wouldn't like that, the same way that I don't like RTS games with time limits, or hard time limits in general.
innerring: No crits here after trying every day since the start of the sale.
truhlik: Bad mojo ? :)
I know of many dark, ancient rituals dating back to the 1980's used to appease the RNGods. Unfortunately, they haven't helped me get a crit, either.
MarkoH01: Oh you people with your "yes, I buy it twice to have it DRM-free", "I did this several times" blablablablabla
When I asked you, I expected you to shake your head and ask me if I am crazy or sth.

Did just buy Alan Wake AN the second time. Now have to wait for Alan Wake original to have both games DRM-free.
And of course still waiting for Mind since I've seen a Let's play and was blown away by the style of it (I love surealism).
Reacquiring a game a second time through GOG is always preferred. Sometimes the cost might be higher for a while, but eventually, anything from the competition that comes here gets a repurchase.

It's the difference between having a rental and actually owning the game.