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Hello everybody,

can someone please post a link to the list with the remaining games?

thx in advance
MarkoH01: What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
My mind says one game is enougth, my library on Steam and GOG say otherwise... Have bougth a lot games a second time on GOG to have it without DRM.
Pardinuz: PM'd!
The_Blog: Noooo. I already purchased the game D:
OMG I'm so sorry. I readed this too late, and I traded it with another user T___T. I apologize T___T
simonm197: Hello everybody,

can someone please post a link to the list with the remaining games?

thx in advance
Here you go:
MarkoH01: Please people stop with all the gifting. I totally lost track of who gifted to whom and I really have to +rep all those gifters.

Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
I don't do Steam but I bought many games which I have on physical media also on GOG.
MarkoH01: Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
Did it with quite some games. Some just because I love them so much and I need to own them in case of...well...I just need to own them on any possible platform, ok? And the others just because I missed I already owned them somewhere else or just for the fact of owning them DRM-Free.
My phone ate my post attempts at work, so here it is again.

I have The Legend of Grimrock 2! GOG be praised!
It came up during my lunch break so I could buy it.
MarkoH01: Please people stop with all the gifting. I totally lost track of who gifted to whom and I really have to +rep all those gifters.

Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
At the sale price, it might be worth it for a game with replayability, but we're talking about Alan Wake here. The first game I'd possibly give it a second playthrough, but American Nightmare was just a one-run, for me at least.
The_Blog: Noooo. I already purchased the game D:
gogamess: OMG I'm so sorry. I readed this too late, and I traded it with another user T___T. I apologize T___T
Don't worry, it's fine. I will find another loving and caring person for my spare copy ^^
I already owned the 2 games so no loss for me ;)
MarkoH01: Please people stop with all the gifting. I totally lost track of who gifted to whom and I really have to +rep all those gifters.

Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
I did it at times, you know, for the DRM-Free and hassle-free thing, but in the end I almost never had time to play any of the versions ! :)
The true insomnia part is not waiting for the game, but trying to play a small subset of all the games you frenetically bought ! :D
Oh, I lost Drox :/

Well, just checked the price, I wouldn't have paid either way, I already have a respectable library and I'm only buying things cheaper than the snacks I have.
Getcomposted: My phone ate my post attempts at work, so here it is again.

I have The Legend of Grimrock 2! GOG be praised!
It came up during my lunch break so I could buy it.
Good to you :)
simonm197: Hello everybody,

can someone please post a link to the list with the remaining games?

thx in advance
Matruchus: Here you go:
thank you very much +1
MarkoH01: Please people stop with all the gifting. I totally lost track of who gifted to whom and I really have to +rep all those gifters.

Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
I bought a few games on Steam, like the Batman: Arkham series, because I couldn't buy them here.

Now that WB is on GOG, if & when those games land here, I'll buy them so fast I'll crash the site.

AND, if by some unbelievable Miracle - with a capital M - GOG manages to get Rockstar's catalog, I'll jump on a plane to Poland & throw real money at them. As in, literally out of my wallet & into their faces.

So yeah... if there's a DRM free alternative, I'll buy it again.
MarkoH01: Please people stop with all the gifting. I totally lost track of who gifted to whom and I really have to +rep all those gifters.

Still thinking of buying Alan Wake (both games). I have the SE which works with - you know, the other store - so this would be DRM free. What is your opinion of buying games twice just to have them DRM-free on GOG?
Dalthnock: I bought a few games on Steam, like the Batman: Arkham series, because I couldn't buy them here.

Now that WB is on GOG, if & when those games land here, I'll buy them so fast I'll crash the site.

AND, if by some unbelievable Miracle - with a capital M - GOG manages to get Rockstar's catalog, I'll jump on a plane to Poland & throw real money at them. As in, literally out of my wallet & into their faces.

So yeah... if there's a DRM free alternative, I'll buy it again.
Yeah, I'm also hoping we are going to get the Arkham games here now that WB is on board.