It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

skeletonbow: Launch the game using the Steam client (if it is a GOG game, choose add non-steam game to steam), and you may be able to bring up the Steam overlay with SHIFT-TAB and click on web browser to browse in-game in the overlay. I find this helps with some games that aren't very stable when they're ALT-TABbed out of, assuming they do work with the steam overlay. :) There is another added bonus that you can take screenshots usually with the Steam F12 screenshot key. It might even work with Steam broadcasting although I haven't tried that yet. Anyhow, it's an option... ;)
Geralt_of_Rivia: I would never install that piece of spyware on any of my computers.

On top of that I do not know any modern game that would have a problem with Alt-Tab.
I can name one modern game that has ALT-TAB problems: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The slightly older Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter games have ALT-TAB problems as well although that seems to affect nVidia users mostly.

When you alt tab out of the game and come back you get a black screen and have to alt tab out and do this special dance of random mayhem until it magically comes back into the game, but now there are two mouse pointers on the screen, the game's mouse pointer and your windows mouse pointer that wont go away and moves at a different speed. As a bonus the real mouse pointer doesn't move at the right rate now making the game almost impossible to play. There are workarounds for this problem if someone googles around and I've managed to find hack solutions to work around it but community workarounds for game bugs don't negate the existence of said game bugs so... Skyrim has quite possibly the most annoying ALT-TAB bug ever. :)

(Anyone experiencing the bug mentioned above, just search google for skyrim alt-tab bug and you'll find dozens of suggested workarounds for it.)

Mind you, we're on GOG here and many if not most of us have all kinds of older games on GOG, and tonnes of them have ALT-TAB problems, especially old games running in DOSBOX like Tomb Raider where ALT-TAB pretty much crashes the game.

At any rate, trust me - whether you ever personally experience ALT-TAB problems with games there are many many games that have problems with ALT-TAB out there even if it's less of a problem with newer games than in days gone by. Some of them are all out "happens to everyone period" in nature, and others are specific to certain hardware or other specific situations. Regardless of anyone's individual feelings about Steam, the majority of gamers out there do use it (or Steam wouldn't be the dominant PC gaming distributor), and many people (probably the majority) on GOG have it installed also, and launching games from Steam does sometimes allow one to work around ALT-TAB related bugs in games so the suggestion is useful for some people even if others would rather see Valve headquarters burned to the ground. :)

Update: I just realized... The Witcher Adventure Game also suffered from ALT-TAB related bugs in beta testing which we were told were due to bugs in the Unity engine that hadn't been addressed by the Unity developers. I've no idea if those bugs ever got fixed in Unity 3D or in The Witcher Adventure Game or not as I don't have the final released game, but someone else might know. In theory any game using Unity could potentially experience the same bugs, and it sucked as they were total game crashers and also interfered with network data transfer.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by skeletonbow
Kamamura: Just bought Challenge of the Five Realms that was not even part of the Insomnia, and it looks very good!
Of course not, if it is part of the Oldies Goldies Weekend Promo ... :)
IanM: What happened to all the people who wanted Nox? there were endless posts about it and once it passed, nothing?
That's probably because it's been bought and loaded. :)
IanM: What happened to all the people who wanted Nox? there were endless posts about it and once it passed, nothing?
Lemon_Curry: That's probably because it's been bought and loaded. :)
And if they played it they obviously stopped telling people who don't have it that they should get it. :D
IanM: What happened to all the people who wanted Nox? there were endless posts about it and once it passed, nothing?
Lemon_Curry: That's probably because it's been bought and loaded. :)

I have to admit that seeing your nick show up on GOG a number of times in the last few weeks caused me to think of one of my favourite Indian dishes one time too many - Mango Curry Chicken, of which I made not one but two batches of in the last 10 days or so for about 4 meals worth. hehehe. Thanks for the inspiration, it was delicious! :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: I would never install that piece of spyware on any of my computers.

On top of that I do not know any modern game that would have a problem with Alt-Tab.
Although it's not on GOG( nor will it be) Farcry 3 has those problems. Actually half of triple A UBI games have those problems. I guess there's something about UBI.
wizardofid: A bird story (crit)
Hog of war (crit)
LinustheBold: My crits were on Hogs of War and Nox, both of which were selling for $1.49. I appreciate a freebie, of course, but I can't pretend it would not have been more, you know, structural on a game with a higher price tag. You and I have a similar critical breakdown.

I kept Hogs of War, about which I'm curious, and gifted Nox to one of the many who missed it. I've had the game for ages, though I haven't played it yet.
I got gifted nox, and bought a copy to gift to some one else as well :P

I think in the next sale we should hype a game again, to see if we can't either crash the servers or get it sold in under a minute.But it has to be a good game, nox is a pretty good game, so the hype is justified.
Lemon_Curry: That's probably because it's been bought and loaded. :)
tinyE: And if they played it they obviously stopped telling people who don't have it that they should get it. :D
I believe you just hit the n... erm pinned the tail on the donkey!
heh, looks like this sale is gonna go on for quite a while... perhaps my excitement level will go back up if/when I get another crit.

Also, off topic, but...

Post edited March 07, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59
The games seem to be taking so long to sell now
It's almost as if most people that wanted a game, already got it... :p
skeletonbow: I have to admit that seeing your nick show up on GOG a number of times in the last few weeks caused me to think of one of my favourite Indian dishes one time too many - Mango Curry Chicken, of which I made not one but two batches of in the last 10 days or so for about 4 meals worth. hehehe. Thanks for the inspiration, it was delicious! :)
You're welcome... Hey, what about my portion?!
IanM: What happened to all the people who wanted Nox? there were endless posts about it and once it passed, nothing?
Lemon_Curry: That's probably because it's been bought and loaded. :)
Not by me, sadly. I waited for it from 5am and stayed up much later than usual, checking back every 5-10 minutes, but it still snuck past me. I was not charmed at all, had noxious nightmares all night. ;-)
BillyMaysFan59: heh, looks like this sale is gonna go on for quite a while... perhaps my excitement level will go back up if/when I get another crit.

Also, off topic, but...

"another crit" shut up! XD

You know Vince was a way better salesman! :P
skeletonbow: I have to admit that seeing your nick show up on GOG a number of times in the last few weeks caused me to think of one of my favourite Indian dishes one time too many - Mango Curry Chicken, of which I made not one but two batches of in the last 10 days or so for about 4 meals worth. hehehe. Thanks for the inspiration, it was delicious! :)
Lemon_Curry: You're welcome... Hey, what about my portion?!
Sorry man, it is soooo gone. :) There's some extra basmati rice left over though. :) I've got Korma, Balti, and Vindaloo in the cupboard for another day if you're near the hub of the Great Lakes. :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: I would never install that piece of spyware on any of my computers.

On top of that I do not know any modern game that would have a problem with Alt-Tab.
skeletonbow: I can name one modern game that has ALT-TAB problems: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The slightly older Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter games have ALT-TAB problems as well although that seems to affect nVidia users mostly.

When you alt tab out of the game and come back you get a black screen and have to alt tab out and do this special dance of random mayhem until it magically comes back into the game, but now there are two mouse pointers on the screen, the game's mouse pointer and your windows mouse pointer that wont go away and moves at a different speed. As a bonus the real mouse pointer doesn't move at the right rate now making the game almost impossible to play. There are workarounds for this problem if someone googles around and I've managed to find hack solutions to work around it but community workarounds for game bugs don't negate the existence of said game bugs so... Skyrim has quite possibly the most annoying ALT-TAB bug ever. :)

(Anyone experiencing the bug mentioned above, just search google for skyrim alt-tab bug and you'll find dozens of suggested workarounds for it.)

Mind you, we're on GOG here and many if not most of us have all kinds of older games on GOG, and tonnes of them have ALT-TAB problems, especially old games running in DOSBOX like Tomb Raider where ALT-TAB pretty much crashes the game.

At any rate, trust me - whether you ever personally experience ALT-TAB problems with games there are many many games that have problems with ALT-TAB out there even if it's less of a problem with newer games than in days gone by. Some of them are all out "happens to everyone period" in nature, and others are specific to certain hardware or other specific situations. Regardless of anyone's individual feelings about Steam, the majority of gamers out there do use it (or Steam wouldn't be the dominant PC gaming distributor), and many people (probably the majority) on GOG have it installed also, and launching games from Steam does sometimes allow one to work around ALT-TAB related bugs in games so the suggestion is useful for some people even if others would rather see Valve headquarters burned to the ground. :)
There seems to be a little misunderstanding. I know there are quite a few games with Alt-Tab problems. But most of them are from a time where no one could image a computer with enough RAM and a processor fast enough to run a AAA game and many background tasks at the same time. Since task switching didn't make sense not many people cared to handle it gracefully. That's why I wrote "modern game". Alt-Tab problems mostly seem to be a thing from the past.

I don't remember having played any game in the last 5-10 years that had problems with task switching. And I play a lot of games. Nothing from Steam though so i can't vouch for Skyrim. And I pretty regularly Alt-Tab out of games.