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toxicTom: Please share any ideas ;-)
Hahaha. I'll tell her that it's my gaming budget for pretty much the whole year. I bought over 20 games, but they were discounted, so while it's more now, it's less over a period of time. I hope it works.
Geralt_of_Rivia: No problem. I have bought a few games in the Insomnia sale and also got some gifts from other people the last few days. Grimrock 2 would have been the icing on the cake that I would play immediately, but it's not as if I had nothing to play for the next few months until the next sale. ;-)

I think it's great that you as a newcomer here starts gifting immediately. If I still had some keys I would gift you something for your generosity but I also gave away 5 games the last days and I'm fresh out of keys so I can only +1 your giveaway.
gildia: Check your PM. Enjoy Grimrock II!
Thank you!
Raneenjah: Omg! I just got my first critical hit! And it is Drox Operative, a cool game i really wanted!
Tarnicus: And with that said, it is time for me to head to rest. Take care everyone and thanks for some wonderfully stimulating, enlightening and enjoyable conversation. I'm not sure if I will get a chance to be back on before I go bush, but I will if I can. Favourite this thread to see a massive giveaway with games from this sale and others. I will create the giveaway and link it here when I return, which at this point is "when I am healthier and ready to"

Have a good rest! I know it's not that easy for you.
MarkoH01: "Dust - An Elysian Tail" [...] Even the DRM-free version of the game does have German Text in it and the GOG version does not (I asked in the forum).
real.geizterfahr: Oh, Dust and the mess with the languages... I initially started to play it on my PC (German system) and I'm pretty sure everything (text) was in German. Then I decided that I wanted to play it on my laptop (Spanish system) instead and everything was Spanish. I tried everything... I changed the region settings to Germany, I deleted the Spanish files, I renamed "es" folders to "de", ... After an hour of messing around and reinstalling, I ended up with a weird mix of English and German :P
Pretty funn. I tried it myself a bit. If you delete all the language subfolders it defaults to english so that is easy. I then set my system to spanish and half was spanish half German. I wonder were he gets the German information even after I turned my system to Spanish? No keys in registry either so that is going to be a tough one (I like challenges like this).
skeletonbow: Once the wound has healed over and is no longer open/raw, applying a collagen cream to the wounded area can help greatly to avoid or greatly reduce any scarring also. I've used collagen creams to avoid scarring on many cuts/burns/injuries over time, works great. The one I have here is Swiss Formula Collagen Elastin cream, but any collagen creams should work I imagine.

Tarnicus: I prefer Aloe vera, a fresh piece snapped off the plant. It is very soothing and healing for burns :)
Indeed, I used to have a massive Aloe plant back in my early 20s. The leaves were about 4-6cm wide at the bottom, you could almost use them to saw someone's head off, then apply the aloe to the wound and heal them. Alas eventually my girlfriend knocked it over or otherwise destroyed it somehow and I never managed to acquire another one. I used to be a big fan of cacti and succulents back then but eventually all of them died from not watering them enough. It is a myth that such plants don't need water. :) They can survive longer than other plants with inadequate water, but they still need it to thrive. :) Some day I need to get back into that if for no other reason than it is just oodles of fun watching visitors fascinated by cacti go over and touch them and end up writhing in pain from getting stabbed or having a zillion things to remove from their finger. It's almost as fun as video games. :)
The more you know... Very interesting, will look into all of this. Do you know of a reference with this kind of information?

I used to consider a career in ethnobotany. Interesting field of study which instills a great respect for the natural world (plants) and the plethora of fascinating and useful properties it represents (medicinal, amongst many others).
Turtlesaur: which reminds me i did use something else on top of honey for my boiled coffee incident , but that was a few days after my honey treatment.

I know it was some kind of oil, but not lavender. it was something else. It has red...ish color, dark red or so. I believe its english name is St something something. that happened years ago but i remember how i was told i should use that oil to prevent scars.
Tarnicus: I know the plant you speak of well as it grows wild where I live. Hypericum perforatum aka St John's Wort, a very good anti-depressant and easy to identify. The flowers are yellow but turn red when crushed. Leave in a dark jar with an oil such as olive oil, sealed airtight and in 3 weeks the actives will leech into the oil to provide an even dosage. One teaspoon per day does wonders but can have the side effect of photo-sensitivity.

And with that said, it is time for me to head to rest. Take care everyone and thanks for some wonderfully stimulating, enlightening and enjoyable conversation. I'm not sure if I will get a chance to be back on before I go bush, but I will if I can. Favourite this thread to see a massive giveaway with games from this sale and others. I will create the giveaway and link it here when I return, which at this point is "when I am healthier and ready to"

yeah that one. But wait dont go yet, that .. 1 teaspoon per day, you dont mean we should drink it right?

But on the other hand, if you say side effect could be x vision, im all for it.

ah and im off too for a bit, so cya all and thanks for making insomnia sale so much fun. My first gog sale and i really loved it. Even with $ value going out of hands. someone do something about it ffs, soon enough everything except $ is going to be worthless :D
Tarnicus: And with that said, it is time for me to head to rest. Take care everyone and thanks for some wonderfully stimulating, enlightening and enjoyable conversation. I'm not sure if I will get a chance to be back on before I go bush, but I will if I can. Favourite this thread to see a massive giveaway with games from this sale and others. I will create the giveaway and link it here when I return, which at this point is "when I am healthier and ready to"

Good night. Come back when you are well rested.
MarkoH01: I then set my system to spanish and half was spanish half German.
That's how I played it (English/German). Controls and some other stuff (some descriptions?) were German and the rest was English. I just gave up at this point :D
Swampland: Sorry, already gone. :/
Geralt_of_Rivia: No problem. I have bought a few games in the Insomnia sale and also got some gifts from other people the last few days. Grimrock 2 would have been the icing on the cake that I would play immediately, but it's not as if I had nothing to play for the next few months until the next sale. ;-)

I think it's great that you as a newcomer here start gifting immediately. If I still had some keys I would gift you something for your generosity but I also gave away 5 games the last days and I'm fresh out of keys so I can only +1 your giveaway.
Thanks a lot for the kind words. :)

I have answered a question two days back in here and in return got a game. So I figured that if the game I won and thus didn't have to pay for would be better off with someone who can actually run it instead of keeping it in my library without playing it.
And I went ahead and gave it to the first person who said a word, simply because otherwise I would have to favor someone for something subjective and speed seemed like a fair way to do this.
And the code has been redeemed, so all is good. :)

I hope you still find your Grimrock II in some way or another.
Hey, can someone link me a copy of the rotating fresh game list, I wanna see if there's another chance of Terraria going round again. :-)
I think I won the Double Somnia, buying every game I intended to hit. But then, I feel like GoG won because of the $80+ I spent that I never intended to.
Turtlesaur: ah i didnt know you can gift freebies, i thought people who are giving their crits away already own game in question.
Whenever you put something in your cart freebie or regular, there is a checkbox on the right side to indicate if you want the purchase to go into your own account or to be a gift instead. The default is to add it to your own library if you do already own it and do not specify otherwise, or if you do own it already in your library then you must make it a gift purchase as you already have it. You then need to supply an email address of whom the gift is for, and if you're buying it as a spare code for yourself to gift to someone later on, just put your own email address. No matter what email you use on a gift, the gift code goes on your GOG Gifts shelf and you can obtain the gift code and give it to someone later on if you wish. The email address you use is not bound to the code, so for example if you send a code to your friend and he never redeems it, you can just take the game code later on and give it to someone else. Whoever redeems a code first, gets it.

Hope this helps.
paladin181: to explain the credit card bill to the wife.
toxicTom: Please share any ideas ;-)
Get a new credit card, transfer the balance and have the new card sent to your work address....