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Matruchus: Ok, 6 hours at least I would say :)
skeletonbow: Judging from the price and quantity, and how fast Grimrock 1 moved and extrapolating ... I'd say there's a good chance this one could be a Keane killer. :)
Not really more like 20 minutes now. Its going extremely fast.
Edit : and Rakkora is offline, gosh. I'l cover for him if needed.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
hmm almost 100 gone already. might not be that slow afterall :P
Haha, it's pretty funny if you watch the homepage you can see Grimrock II total count decrement quickly one at a time down 10 points, and then slowly over the next few seconds it increments back up one point at a time to where it was. Nice visual on everyone trying to win a free copy but not actually buying it. LOL
high rated
I actually got a crit on Grimrock II. It's a game that won't work on my system so I did the whole gift thing. Anyone here who wants it?
Finally LoG2!!!!! Now I've finally got everything I wanted from this sale except X-Wing! Yay!!!
Swampland: I actually got a crit on Grimrock II. It's a game that won't work on my system so I did the whole gift thing. Anyone here who wants it?
EDIT : hahaha pardon my caps lock but I was about to by it, so...
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
skeletonbow: Haha, it's pretty funny if you watch the homepage you can see Grimrock II total count decrement quickly one at a time down 10 points, and then slowly over the next few seconds it increments back up one point at a time to where it was. Nice visual on everyone trying to win a free copy but not actually buying it. LOL
haha yeah its going up and down all the time :P im not even trying for a free copy as i dont really want it so im 'saving' my crit for something i would actually play. at least i hope thats how it works :x
I finally succumbed to sleep after 4 consecutive days of sleeping 3 hours per night.
When i logged out this morning i planned to sleep one hour and a half but i overslept the alarm and had 10 consecutive hours of sweet dreams.
It amazes me that i only missed 2 games in total. The keaning is strong in this sale.
Vranca: Hi everyone, first post here!

Does someone want Drox operative, I got my first crit and I decided to gift it to someone?
Can I have it, please?
MarkoH01: "Dust - An Elysian Tail" [...] Even the DRM-free version of the game does have German Text in it and the GOG version does not (I asked in the forum).
real.geizterfahr: Oh, Dust and the mess with the languages... I initially started to play it on my PC (German system) and I'm pretty sure everything (text) was in German. Then I decided that I wanted to play it on my laptop (Spanish system) instead and everything was Spanish. I tried everything... I changed the region settings to Germany, I deleted the Spanish files, I renamed "es" folders to "de", ... After an hour of messing around and reinstalling, I ended up with a weird mix of English and German :P
I'll check to see if I find something out how the language setting works.
Turtlesaur: :/ why so many

i mean its a good game but its 3rd round and we are at that point where most people are either broke or got what they wanted.

im a sad turtle now, cya in a few hours guys (:
Yep, I already spent most of my gaming budget and have to postpone Grimrock 2 to a later sale.
iangold: Honey cures burn wounds?!
ETA: Was it a first-degree burn or did you have boils too (second-degree)?

My first-aid class this morning covered boils :)
Tea tree oil is brilliant for boils. Kills staph :)
Matruchus: Ok, 6 hours at least I would say :)
skeletonbow: Judging from the price and quantity, and how fast Grimrock 1 moved and extrapolating ... I'd say there's a good chance this one could be a Keane killer. :)
I don't think so. Grimrock is great, the only problem with the first game was that most people have it already. Grimrock 2 should sell quite well.
Swampland: I actually got a crit on Grimrock II. It's a game that won't work on my system so I did the whole gift thing. Anyone here who wants it?
Mister-Gosh: YES!
EDIT : hahaha pardon my caps lock but I was about to by it, so...
PM sent.