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gamesfreak64: I still wanted to try that old train thing : The Last Express, but at 5.39 its a bit much,
zeneve: I just sent it to you as toxicTom owns it already.
hi, thanks for the gift, i already sended you a pm(sended , is that correct english by the way?)
(or should it be have send? )
anyways thanks again
Crewdroog: Good morning all! Oh, I see grimrock finally came down. Yay!
Good morning!
Wow, I slept for six hours and missed NOTHING, lol
Matruchus: Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?



Hint: magic
Not sure if I'd say defined it, but the term derived from D&D.
Ah well - the little monsters are up. Time to sign off the chat for a while and get them fed.

Mister-Nosh - I will be checking for LoG 2 as the day goes on so no need to cover for me =) Thx!
MarkoH01: I have to confess - I've just cheated on GOG.
Went to the humble weekend sale and bought myself a DRM-free copy of "Dust - An Elysian Tail" for 3 Euros (or $ since this seems to be nearly identical at last). I have to say though that this is a bit GOG's fault. Even the DRM-free version of the game does have German Text in it and the GOG version does not (I asked in the forum). Anyway - great deal. Probably now the game will receive German text in a few days. It happened before with "A Stoy about my uncle" I even wrote to the devs that I'd prefer the GOG version rather than buying it on "the one which name must not be said here" even though this game IS DRM-free. They told me that it will take like forever until GOG will receive the newest version because they have different plans at the moment. So I bought the game at the mentioned store and a few days later GOG updated...
Your comment just had me check my HB account, and I've still got 34 spare codes there. I think I'll do a creative giveaway combining all spare codes from all sources when I get back from camping :) Great titles you mentioned there :)
Matruchus: Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?



Hint: magic
RWarehall: Not sure if I'd say defined it, but the term derived from D&D.
Yes, you are right. Await my pm. Congratulations on winning.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
Matruchus: Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?



Hint: magic
RWarehall: Not sure if I'd say defined it, but the term derived from D&D.
might and magic ?
warhammer 2000?

i give up :
wild guess

nintendo stuff maybe zelda or so>?
i haven got any other clue
Post edited March 07, 2015 by gamesfreak64
zeneve: I just sent it to you as toxicTom owns it already.
gamesfreak64: hi, thanks for the gift, i already sended you a pm(sended , is that correct english by the way?)
(or should it be have send? )
anyways thanks again
You're welcome.
ah you guys are talking about honey. Turtle likes honey. Turtle once spilled a cup of hot (more like boiled) coffee on his stomach and it was really really ugly, that part of my stomach looked like the fat guy from Blade move.

i used (a lot) of honey, and its pretty much the only thing i used, and not a single scar was left. But it was 100% homemade, because a friend of mine umm.. brews(?), keeps, whatever, bees and he invests a lot of time in his hobby. He even moves them like 6 times a year so they can get better food... or something. But yeah its by no way comparable to market s$/#" that only smells like honey.

either way, ever since then i keep some honey at home and i like bees. a lot.

yeah, turtle that likes bees. deal with it.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Turtlesaur
RWarehall: Not sure if I'd say defined it, but the term derived from D&D.
gamesfreak64: might and magic ?
warhammer 2000?
Dungeons & Dragons :)
Shendue: I got 5. But i clicked basically on EVERY SINGLE ONE bar a few games.
bler144: I've bought 8 or 9, and easily clicked on over 250 now. But not a single crit for me.

Yet. ;)
I've clicked on 370 or so. I'm not sure if it uses just a RNG everytime you click or if some games are randomly pre-calculated to be FREE for you even before they pass.
If it's the 1st case, you just got unlucky with numbers. If it's the 2nd one, the ones you skipped were probably the winning ones.
I saw there's people that won 8+.
Grargar: No problem. I will be managing the lists till Sinistar returns, or till Insomnia ends (whichever comes first).
At this rate probably the Apocalypse will come before both of those. :P
Turtlesaur: ah you guys are talking about honey. Turtle likes honey. Turtle once spilled a cup of hot (more like boiled) coffee on his stomach and it was really really ugly, that part of my stomach looked like the fat guy from Blade move.

i used (a lot) of honey, but it was all homemade and not a single scar was left. But it was 100% homemade, because a friend of mine umm.. brews(?), keeps, whatever, bees and hes investing a lot of time in it. He even moves them like 6 times a year so they can get better food... or something. But yeah its by no way comparable to market s$/#" that only smells like honey.

either way, ever since then i keep some honey at home and i like bees. a lot.

yeah, turtle that likes bees. deal with it.
Honey cures burn wounds?!
ETA: Was it a first-degree burn or did you have boils too (second-degree)?

My first-aid class this morning covered boils :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by iangold
toxicTom: And as an added bonus (good) honey has antibiotic and anti-fungal properties.
Cavalary: Just don't heat it though, as it starts to lose some of those healing properties when heated. (Rumor has it that at past 70C or so it can even become "toxic", but doesn't seem to be reliable evidence of that. Some of what makes it so healthy does start breaking down at past 40C or so though.)
Heat changes the medicinal properties of most things depending upon the stability of the chemical constituents :) Some things are very stable under heat and require substances like citric acid (lemon juice is the main one I used) to extract the alkaloids, whereas others are destroyed rapidly due to exposure to heat, light and/or air. I am no chemist but a fine cook and preparer of natural medicines, and continue to enjoy learning the craft :)