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iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
12.000 copies of nox at 23% off. you heard it here first
Grargar: I do. Check the first post; Sinistar has replaced his link with mine. ;)
Thanks for the awesome work!
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
That's an interesting thought that never came into my mind. Hmmmm .... maybe a "sold out" sign on one of them?
And I'm page jumping ... again :(
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
skeletonbow: Thanks for your thoughts. :) I don't always comment on things but when I do I often prefer to articulate myself and my rationale to have a more complete and unambiguous thought/opinion on a given topic, which in turn often ends up being longer than the average comment out there per se. I do have to admit that the GOG forum code max-post-size limiter bites me in the ass on replies sometimes though too. hehehe
Turtlesaur: showoff, we get it you know a few fancy words. I do too ! So now im gonna say something fancy.

Luminous images are very pretty...stic. prettystic. I bet that one is new to you, probably because its not very popular yet (im pushing it though).

Prettystic :
English(?) word that describes things that are somewhat pretty but not pretty enough to be called pretty.
Hmm, so if I understand correctly it would describe things that are high enough on the scale to avoid defenestration, but only by a narrow margin rather than overly so? :)
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
Ugly hole... Definitely.
Tarnicus: That's what does it for me too, I cannot stand artificial sweeteners. For anyone who thinks they are a "healthy alternative" just look at how they are a superfood for Candida albicans (commonly know as thrush when out of balance). I'll take honey any day if I need a sweetener!
RWarehall: It's interesting because a year or two ago I figured out that artificial sweeteners trigger migraines in me. And I found out by trying to be more healthy! Never again!
I feel really nauseous when I have them. I've had too many sugars this life-time as it is, but the artificial ones (add any extracts ending in -itol ie manitol, xylitol, etc) have a similar effect. I have found that the more complex the sugar is, the more work my body has to do and the easier it is for me to consume. I liken it to the difference between coca leaf and cocaine. The former is actually quite pleasant and very well tolerated when used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, whereas cocaine is processed far differently. The same rule seems to apply for most foods and medicines. The closer to the living source of it, the more well tolerated or beneficial it is.
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
MarkoH01: That's an interesting thought that never came into my mind. Hmmmm .... maybe a "sold out" sign on one of them?
And I'm page jumping ... again :(
Or a GogBear.

Edit: Also page-travelling 10 pages back *sigh*.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by ElTerprise
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
No idea what they WILL do, but what would be funny is for them to put up 20000 copies of Jack Keane 2 at $11.99 each or something like that just for another laugh in the ongoing saga of Keanlitude. ;)
Rakkora: Gratz thk47! My older son was the lucky one to nab a critical 2 days ago on Bard's Tale while I was out picking up the younger one from school. He wasn't sure if I wanted it and there were only a few copies left, so he clicked on "Buy" and got lucky!
thk47: Thanks Rakkora, wish you'll have a wonderful time playing a Bard's Tale with your Sons :)
I just got back home from work then I checked gog that's Drox Operative come up on sale clicked buy button and there are a critical hit message appear :D
Gratz as well on your crit on Drox!!

I'm only just downloading Bard's Tale right now (about another 20 minutes or so to download) and then I'll be enjoying it with them.
Tarnicus: I'll take honey any day if I need a sweetener!
toxicTom: And as an added bonus (good) honey has antibiotic and anti-fungal properties.
I'm glad you added (good) honey :) There is a vast difference between raw honey with its amazing medicinal properties and processed crap with added glucose! :)
Turtlesaur: showoff, we get it you know a few fancy words. I do too ! So now im gonna say something fancy.

Luminous images are very pretty...stic. prettystic. I bet that one is new to you, probably because its not very popular yet (im pushing it though).

Prettystic :
English(?) word that describes things that are somewhat pretty but not pretty enough to be called pretty.
skeletonbow: Hmm, so if I understand correctly it would describe things that are high enough on the scale to avoid defenestration, but only by a narrow margin rather than overly so? :)
no, not that high. On a scale of 1-88 Id say 65-68 would be its upper range, but yeah other than that you got it right.

besides, there are other ways to avoid defene...tanations. thing.
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
I guess the Fresh advert will increase in size and it will change in to a Single Insomnia promo.
Tarnicus: I'm glad you added (good) honey :) There is a vast difference between raw honey with its amazing medicinal properties and processed crap with added glucose! :)
That's why I only buy natural honey from biological food stores or directly from the apiarist. The usual supermarket stuff is just plain sugar syrup with some honey added for flavor.
Tarnicus: I want to say that even though I don't respond often to your verbosity, that I read almost everything I see you write and really appreciate your writing. Cheers mate! :)
skeletonbow: Thanks for your thoughts. :) I don't always comment on things but when I do I often prefer to articulate myself and my rationale to have a more complete and unambiguous thought/opinion on a given topic, which in turn often ends up being longer than the average comment out there per se. I do have to admit that the GOG forum code max-post-size limiter bites me in the ass on replies sometimes though too. hehehe
In a thread like this I *try* to keep things a little more succinct, especially when I am chatting to multiple people at once. Whenever I start my own thread, it is a struggle to fit it within the limit! I appreciate verbosity, especially when it is far less rambling and tangential than my own :)
I have to confess - I've just cheated on GOG.
Went to the humble weekend sale and bought myself a DRM-free copy of "Dust - An Elysian Tail" for 3 Euros (or $ since this seems to be nearly identical at last). I have to say though that this is a bit GOG's fault. Even the DRM-free version of the game does have German Text in it and the GOG version does not (I asked in the forum). Anyway - great deal. Probably now the game will receive German text in a few days. It happened before with "A Stoy about my uncle" I even wrote to the devs that I'd prefer the GOG version rather than buying it on "the one which name must not be said here" even though this game IS DRM-free. They told me that it will take like forever until GOG will receive the newest version because they have different plans at the moment. So I bought the game at the mentioned store and a few days later GOG updated...