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My apologies if i'm missing an obvious list posted somewhere, but currently walking in the door from a 18 hour work not exactly feeling my sharpest atm.

Managed to completely luck out and snag a copy of Dragonfall on a lunch break yesterday, but no such luck with the other game i was shooting for in Jade Empire. Is Jade Empire still up in que or did i miss my shot?

Do my eyes deceive me?

Or is Legend of Keanerock almost done?
MarkoH01: What is dissapointing with this? I hate winter with a passion. I love warmth and hate the cold that's why I try to get to hell ;)
The_Blog: The other way around with me ^^
I love the fall and winter. It's not that I hate the summer, but well I do hate it when it is too hot. When there is one thing I don't like than it is too much heat. You can always pull over another blanket, but you can only remove so many clothes. When you are lying in your bed, naked and you are still not able to sleep then you have a problem. And that problem is called a hot summer ^^
Yeah, me to, I don't like summer and hot weather that much.

But you can always remove your skin, if you can, you can always ask someone, to do it for you. Like the guy in Jeepers Keepers.

Or the Predators and such.
The_Blog: Anybody loves Peach Icetea as much as I do? I am basicly drinking it nonstop for a year now. ^^
I prefer lemon ice tea. But only those whithout any artificial sweeteners! Ice tea is one of the very few products where they often mix sugar with artificial sweeteners without putting a big "light" on the bottle. Slightly problematic since I can't stand the taste of this stuff... Can't get it out of my throat for an hour or two :/
Well, that was very entertaining promo :) Bought some really great games and found that GoG community is swell :)
Cheers to all!
MeganSC: I know very little about the season patterns in Australia, apart from Christmas=barbeque weather for you (I'll never get my head around that). Is it already getting colder there?
Tarnicus: Yes although today was warm. Various species of mushrooms are already heralding the arrival of Autumn. That is how I tell when the seasons are changing, by the response from the local flora and fauna. Even that has changed! I have had casual gardening jobs for years and study herbal medicine and survival skills, and have noticed plants flowering and changing well out of normal season. It has only been this way the past maybe 5-7 years. For example, we had bushfires hit our town (a few homes destroyed) and yet the year before on the same date, it snowed! The plants don't know what to do and many wild birds that don't usually come into town have migrated here due to their food supplies being destroyed by unseasonal bushfires.
The start of spring here is usually signalled by the daffodils. This time last year they were in full flower but this year they are only just poking out of the ground if you look closely. I buy a bunch or two from the grocery store every week and place them around the house as spring is my favourite time of year. Daffodils and tulips are my favourite flowers, and speaking of which I need to get rid of my 'flopped' tulips that are on my bedroom windowsill in front of me :P
The_Blog: Anybody loves Peach Icetea as much as I do? I am basicly drinking it nonstop for a year now. ^^
real.geizterfahr: I prefer lemon ice tea. But only those whithout any artificial sweeteners! Ice tea is one of the very few products where they often mix sugar with artificial sweeteners without putting a big "light" on the bottle. Slightly problematic since I can't stand the taste of this stuff... Can't get it out of my throat for an hour or two :/
Lemon IceTea is great too. I rarely do it, but self made IceTea tastes great too.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by The_Blog
RWarehall: Do my eyes deceive me?

Or is Legend of Keanerock almost done?
only fresh ones left Mazam and RWarehall - see:
Tarnicus: I just checked my HB account and I can see a direct download for the game but not the soundtrack. Perhaps I just purchased the game and not the more expensive bundle that included the soundtrack? As I love Chiptunes and game soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't say no to your offer. Thank you :)
Grargar: Another possibility is that you got the game from a bundle that wasn't offering the soundtrack. Aquaria, for example was featured in at least 2 bundles, but only in 1 of those 2, it offered a soundtrack.
That is most likely the case Grargar, Historian of Beast Lore :D
RWarehall: Do my eyes deceive me?

Or is Legend of Keanerock almost done?
Go, Keanerock, go!
high rated
Mazam: but no such luck with the other game i was shooting for in Jade Empire. Is Jade Empire still up in que or did i miss my shot?
I bought a gift code yesterday. You find it in your PM. Enjoy it.
RWarehall: Do my eyes deceive me?

Or is Legend of Keanerock almost done?
mcleodone: only fresh ones left Mazam and RWarehall - see:
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated (and almost half relieved tbh. pretty tired ;)
Tarnicus: The weather where I live has been crazy. There is no longer a temperate climate. It is mostly cold, with hot snaps, longer dry spells, longer wet is very different from the recorded history of it and I have really struggled to adjust. A lot of that has to do with not having a fireplace indoors in this house. At least I used to be able to balance out the colder months by collecting wood and getting a blaze burning.
Indeed, it is quite difficult to cope with the Weather when it refuses to follow the usual pattern. A few years ago we had the first ever snow fall in one of the hotter cities here and at first folks were happy since they hadn't seen snowfall before but then soon they spell wore off and they found the cold to be very harsh as compared to all the previous years.
mcleodone: As were on the musical path of gaming i have to post once more this one blows me out of the socks every time again and i played the game for months at the c64 time
When we talk about game soundtracks, I want to add my favourite one as well:

Blocks That Matter

The minimalistic electro soundtrack might not be for everyone, but I love it and it's one of the few soundtracks I listen to without actually playing the game.
Tarnicus: I just checked my HB account and I can see a direct download for the game but not the soundtrack. Perhaps I just purchased the game and not the more expensive bundle that included the soundtrack? As I love Chiptunes and game soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't say no to your offer. Thank you :)
MarkoH01: I guess you know that on HB the soundtrack (if it is there) is a bit hidden in the audio tab?
I didn't know that and now I have a lot of downloading to do before I head to Oberon tomorrow afternoon! I just checked and I do not have the VVVVV soundtrack but have far more there than I realised. Thanks for pointing that out :)