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Tarnicus: My grandfather died last year. Multiple people chatting about their old loves one may have you a bit confused :) opticq just found out that their last remaining grandparent is in hospital.

(sorry if this has been clarified, I am still catching up, as is the way of this thread!)
Oh, my bad... I should pay more attention to the posts. Thanks for clarification.
simonm197: Hello everybody,

I havent had much time to follow the sale (been busy with report writing).
Is there any chance that one of the following games will reappear before the sale is over?

1. AI War Collection
2. Inquisitor
3. Shadowrun Returns

Wish you all a great weekend!
MarkoH01: Inquisitor just landed in your PM box to give you more time to write your report :)
(Sorry LiefLayer but I hope this is O.K. with you).
I'm glad you noticed :) If Grimrock doesn't hurry up, I shall purchase a 4th copy. It reminds me so much of the original Eye of the Beholder, yet another nostalgic memory associated with a departed friend. I've got one large creative interactive giveaway to get sorted when I get back from camping for undetermined period of time. I suggest everyone who is interested in participating, favourite this thread so they can see a link to the giveaway thread that I shall link here. No idea of timeframe as I am not coming back from the bush until I am a non-smoker :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: If we talk about game soundtracks in general and not just chiptunes, you should absolutely listen to the Ys - The Oath in Felghana soundtrack. Ys Origins is also very good.

Anything by Chris Hülsbeck (especially Turrican, Apidya, Giana Sisters, ...) as well as Pablo Vega (Arcen Games: AI War, Bionic Dues, A Valley without Wind, etc.) is also highly recommended. Just listen to the music of the Bionic Dues trailer here on GOG. Awesome.
I have heard a lot of great thins about the Ys games soundtracks I will definitely check them out when I get the chance. Thanks for the other recommendations as well, I have the Giana Sisters extended soundtrack from a Humble Bundle I got a while go so will definitely listen to it.

Also here is a great Video Games Live performance of a track from the Chrono Cross soundtrack:
Post edited March 07, 2015 by stg83
Geralt_of_Rivia: If we talk about game soundtracks in general and not just chiptunes, you should absolutely listen to the Ys - The Oath in Felghana soundtrack. Ys Origins is also very good.

Anything by Chris Hülsbeck (especially Turrican, Apidya, Giana Sisters, ...) as well as Pablo Vega (Arcen Games: AI War, Bionic Dues, A Valley without Wind, etc.) is also highly recommended. Just listen to the music of the Bionic Dues trailer here on GOG. Awesome.
Played Ys - The Oath in Felghana a while back. Really good game with a good sountrack :)
MeganSC: Isn't it strange how such a relatively miniscule little planet can have such variations in weather?

My boyfriend currently lives in Texas, and whenever I go over to visit in the summer it's like my body just hits a wall. I can't handle the humidity, it makes me feel claustrophobic and ill.
stg83: The variation in weather is certainly strange for our planet and it is getting weirder since the past decade where some cold places are becoming warm and vice versa.

It is quite difficult for folks that are used to colder climates to adjust to hot and humid place around the world. Although sometimes folks here don't ever get used to the weather here either as my mom can't stand the humidity either eventhough she was born and raised here. :)
The weather where I live has been crazy. There is no longer a temperate climate. It is mostly cold, with hot snaps, longer dry spells, longer wet is very different from the recorded history of it and I have really struggled to adjust. A lot of that has to do with not having a fireplace indoors in this house. At least I used to be able to balance out the colder months by collecting wood and getting a blaze burning.
Just started thinking ... What would be the best promo for me if it were possible for it to happen? It doesn't have to be likely nor plausible, but just a "what if" sort of thing. I thought about it a bit and personally I'd like to just buy all of the games on my various wishlists that I'd consider my most highly wanted games and if there was a way to have a promo where you could just buy them all in one big blammo for a price per game that is the max you'd pay for that game, I'd go punch in the max I will be willing to pay for each game and buy them all at once wherever there is a match between what I'd pay and how cheap GOG and the developer is willing to sell a game for.

It'd be unlikely that my entire list would find a match but I bet a large portion of games would match. That'd be my ideal kind of sale. I'd call it the "Lets just get it over with already extravaganza promo!" :) While that would be cool for me and I imagine a handful of others it probably wouldn't thrill the larger populace nor give GOG their biggest winning profitable promo ever... but I'd probably buy many dozens of games all in one fell swoop.

The largest number of games I bought in one shopping cart full here on GOG was back in late 2012 winter promo in which I bought 57 games in one purchase and broke their shopping cart software which wasn't designed to handle more than 50 games in one purchase. That was pretty funny. They only charged me for the 50 games that went through in the order but gifted me the 7 games that were missing for the inconvenience which was generous and unnecessary as I'd have just been happy enough for them to fix me up with the missing 7 games and take the money for them. It was one of my "wow, GOG is awesome" experiences though.

But yeah, with the right promo, I'd pull in a haul of another 50/100 games if they were available at the right price. :) Now that I have over 1/3 of the GOG catalogue though I have a large number of games that come up during their seasonal promos so I'm unable to _find_ 20 games I want during the average promo let alone 50 although I have over 100 on my wishlist.

Would be cool if they had a "what would you pay?" feature that you could set a sweet spot on the site for each game in which your wallet magically opens and money starts flying out. The demographics they could gather from that would further help refine pricing perhaps.

Just some random brainfarts on the topic anyway, although I'm more than happy with GOG continuing on as-is and surprising us from time to time with some fun new things. :)
Anybody loves Peach Icetea as much as I do? I am basicly drinking it nonstop for a year now. ^^
The_Blog: The winter wasn't really snowy in Germany this year. Only like 3 days of snow. Kinda dissapointing ^^
What is dissapointing with this? I hate winter with a passion. I love warmth and hate the cold that's why I try to get to hell ;)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
MeganSC: I know very little about the season patterns in Australia, apart from Christmas=barbeque weather for you (I'll never get my head around that). Is it already getting colder there?
Yes although today was warm. Various species of mushrooms are already heralding the arrival of Autumn. That is how I tell when the seasons are changing, by the response from the local flora and fauna. Even that has changed! I have had casual gardening jobs for years and study herbal medicine and survival skills, and have noticed plants flowering and changing well out of normal season. It has only been this way the past maybe 5-7 years. For example, we had bushfires hit our town (a few homes destroyed) and yet the year before on the same date, it snowed! The plants don't know what to do and many wild birds that don't usually come into town have migrated here due to their food supplies being destroyed by unseasonal bushfires.
Geralt_of_Rivia: If we talk about game soundtracks in general and not just chiptunes, you should absolutely listen to the Ys - The Oath in Felghana soundtrack. Ys Origins is also very good.

Anything by Chris Hülsbeck (especially Turrican, Apidya, Giana Sisters, ...) as well as Pablo Vega (Arcen Games: AI War, Bionic Dues, A Valley without Wind, etc.) is also highly recommended. Just listen to the music of the Bionic Dues trailer here on GOG. Awesome.
stg83: I have heard a lot of great thins about the Ys games soundtracks I will definitely check them out when I get the chance. Thanks for the other recommendations as well, I have the Giana Sisters extended soundtrack from a Humble Bundle I got a while go so will definitely listen to it.

Also here is a great Video Game Live performance of a track from the Chrono Cross soundtrack:
As were on the musical path of gaming i have to post once more this one blows me out of the socks every time again and i played the game for months at the c64 time
The_Blog: The winter wasn't really snowy in Germany this year. Only like 3 days of snow. Kinda dissapointing ^^
MarkoH01: What is dissapointing with this? I hate winter with a passion. I love warmth and hate the cold that's why I try to get to hell ;)
The other way around with me ^^
I love the fall and winter. It's not that I hate the summer, but well I do hate it when it is too hot. When there is one thing I don't like than it is too much heat. You can always pull over another blanket, but you can only remove so many clothes. When you are lying in your bed, naked and you are still not able to sleep then you have a problem. And that problem is called a hot summer ^^

I also love the view of a snow covered scenery. It gives everything a sort of magical tough. When I look through the window and see snow I can look probably for an hour and I wouldn't really get bored.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by The_Blog
Matruchus: Insomnia will go on until all the games are gone. Which is probably at least two days.

And no there was no Two Worlds 2 yet in round three :)
MaxFulvus: Two more days ?! Damn, this is not Insomnia, this is Insania !
Since I saw your post when it was written 33 minutes ago(my lucky number, no matter what Skeletonbow says :P), you are the lucky winner of my spare Two Worlds 2 code! Check your PMs :)
simonm197: Hello everybody,

I havent had much time to follow the sale (been busy with report writing).
Is there any chance that one of the following games will reappear before the sale is over?

1. AI War Collection
2. Inquisitor
3. Shadowrun Returns

Wish you all a great weekend!
MarkoH01: Inquisitor just landed in your PM box to give you more time to write your report :)
(Sorry LiefLayer but I hope this is O.K. with you).
wow... just wow. I didn't expect this at all
thank you very much for your kindness and generosity :)
will start downloading right away!

best wishes simon
Tarnicus: Welcome back :) We've just hit Autumn/Fall here. I am envious and miss the warmth! I'm looking forward to being in front of a campfire in the next few days :)
The_Blog: Interesting. I love the fall since i have birthday in october and I love to see the seasons change and the fresh air. It is always strange to think that the seasons are switched for half of our planet. I don't know why, but it is something I never think about. And when I do it sounds strange. The winter wasn't really snowy in Germany this year. Only like 3 days of snow. Kinda dissapointing ^^
Come visit Canada, we've got metric shitloads of the whitestuff you can have free of charge hehe. I never liked winter since I was about 11 years old or so, but have progressively disliked it as I've gotten older. Some as-yet-unknown health issue has resulted in my body feeling about 5 degrees Celsius colder than the thermometer says for the last 5 years or so, causing me to have to increase the heat 5 degrees indoors to compensate and watch the heating bill go through the roof, but the real pain comes when I have to go outside into Canadian winter which is cold enough as it is, but is now 5C colder. Ugh. :) Needless to say I've become an extroverted hermit that rarely ever leaves the house. When I do get out shopping I stockpile goods to avoid having to endure the cold again anytime soon, and I've been shopping online for more and more things to avoid the glaciation also. Man... if only we could market and sell Canadian snow/ice over the Internet and ship it around the world or something... :)
Tarnicus: Haha I'll be stuck on 666 for life then eh? I am one of those who did not realise there was a single instrument in that song! lol
MarkoH01: Depends on how long my bribe will last ... ooops - did I say that out loud? And yes, the song is afaik pure a-capella. Listen closely and you'll see - ähm - hear.
Oh wow it is, just like Pentatonix!