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stg83: The variation in weather is certainly strange for our planet and it is getting weirder since the past decade where some cold places are becoming warm and vice versa.

It is quite difficult for folks that are used to colder climates to adjust to hot and humid place around the world. Although sometimes folks here don't ever get used to the weather here either as my mom can't stand the humidity either eventhough she was born and raised here. :)
I suppose it's just personal preference, although for some people in certain parts of the world there isn't a choice and they just have to learn to live with it :P
Tarnicus: I just checked my HB account and I can see a direct download for the game but not the soundtrack. Perhaps I just purchased the game and not the more expensive bundle that included the soundtrack? As I love Chiptunes and game soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't say no to your offer. Thank you :)
Another possibility is that you got the game from a bundle that wasn't offering the soundtrack. Aquaria, for example was featured in at least 2 bundles, but only in 1 of those 2, it offered a soundtrack.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Grargar
Matruchus: Insomnia will go on until all the games are gone. Which is probably at least two days.

And no there was no Two Worlds 2 yet in round three :)
MaxFulvus: Two more days ?! Damn, this is not Insomnia, this is Insania !
Insane? This is SPA... er ... GOG!
cecil: The hard coded timer was my second post/thought on the subject. I like the everything on sale method but the trouble with that is it tends to be like only 50% off so not really that great a "sale"... I can't complain though I got one free game from critical hit and bought 2 would have cost me 26 buck got everything for I think $4.
EDIT: Almost forgot I got one from Tarnicus need to give credit where credit is due.
Another thought I just had is that even though the Insomnia sale might lead toward a lot more whimsical purchases from people, I personally don't use it that way but rather to pick up a few games from my wishlist if I manage to spot them at the right time - but - I actually make more whimsical purchases during the seasonal promos and flash sales. :) Probably varies from person to person though.
simonm197: Hello everybody,

I havent had much time to follow the sale (been busy with report writing).
Is there any chance that one of the following games will reappear before the sale is over?

1. AI War Collection
2. Inquisitor
3. Shadowrun Returns

Wish you all a great weekend!
Inquisitor just landed in your PM box to give you more time to write your report :)
(Sorry LiefLayer but I hope this is O.K. with you).
Tarnicus: Welcome back :) We've just hit Autumn/Fall here. I am envious and miss the warmth! I'm looking forward to being in front of a campfire in the next few days :)
The_Blog: Interesting. I love the fall since i have birthday in october and I love to see the seasons change and the fresh air. It is always strange to think that the seasons are switched for half of our planet. I don't know why, but it is something I never think about. And when I do it sounds strange. The winter wasn't really snowy in Germany this year. Only like 3 days of snow. Kinda dissapointing ^^
My girlfriend is also born in October(15th), which is mid-spring here. I find it interesting that some countries start the seasons on the first of the month whereas others use the more natural transition of seasons based on equinoxes and solstices.
PaterAlf: Good morning!

I see the neverending Insomnia sale is still running (at at that speed probably will for a few more days). As much as I like the format, but the next time GOG should add an additional timer (e.g. 1hour maximum per game).
Morning cookie monster :)
Geralt_of_Rivia: See here. That thread should be marked as favorite by any soundtrack fan. :-)
Favourited! I had tried renaming the tracks but didn't think of the .ogg format. Fortunately VLC will play them without renaming but that information is very handy to know :)
The_Blog: I do have the soundtrack through the Humble Bundle. If you are interested in it I could give it to you, although I can understand if you would like to purchase it yourself. :)
Tarnicus: I just checked my HB account and I can see a direct download for the game but not the soundtrack. Perhaps I just purchased the game and not the more expensive bundle that included the soundtrack? As I love Chiptunes and game soundtracks, I certainly wouldn't say no to your offer. Thank you :)
I guess you know that on HB the soundtrack (if it is there) is a bit hidden in the audio tab?
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
cecil: Don't forget Indie Game the Movie soundtrack it's really good also I really like his EP for sound shapes.
I haven't heard that one before nor have I watched the movie. Would you recommend it?
xep624: Does anyone have the list of remaining games?
Thank you!
Tarnicus: My girlfriend is also born in October(15th), which is mid-spring here. I find it interesting that some countries start the seasons on the first of the month whereas others use the more natural transition of seasons based on equinoxes and solstices.
Winter isn't really over here tbh. Atleast not officially, but it already feels like spring. But it would be cool if it would be handled more dinamicly. Here winter ends in the northern hemisphere at the 20th of March. Afaik it ends at the 23th of September in the Southern Hemisphere.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by The_Blog
xep624: Does anyone have the list of remaining games?

Edit: Ooops, close second ;)
Thank you too!!
Matruchus: Yeah, its the same. I think its probably the same now across the whole EU.
Tannath: Not here. Than again, I think I never heard one.

Good morning everyone btw. =)
As a sidenote my elder neighbour who died last year age 88 got always stuck in the middle of what he does when this siren started. He always said how lucky we are cause he learned that every sirenalarm was meant to be last minutes on earth in the world war. I learned a lot of him, he was even with 88 very healthy and liked to have fun to sit for a while in the garden have a beer or a bottle of wine. He was also open minded to younger people e.g. respect their way of life and had a glas with us or we got to him for one or two storys and a beer.
Good times in which we live.
MarkoH01: Yes, he is. He once told that the game is exactly the way designed he thought of it - including the difficulty. And he's right. My first few trys in SH ended in mere seconds and I thought that it is not managable. Then - just for fun I tried the harder levels which were already unlocked (to the ones new to the game - it is devided in hard, harder, hardest and imo hardestest) and after a while came back to the first level. I played and played and after a while (much like this sale) all became a blur I steered instinctively and the game seems to be slower. As I said it's more like a drug - I really meant that. Games like this they need to build super soldiers ;)

On a side note - after watching this video with Terry I once again cannot get this music out of my head *sigh* . Reminder to myself: keep your eyes and fingers far from this damn game ...
When my girlfriend watched the clip, she said that it was just like the conversation we had about cricket the other evening. I was explaining to her when one first goes in to bat, that everything is so fast and it is easy to make a mistake and get out. After a while, when one has one's "eye in" the ball looks huge and everything slows down and is much easier. She said that is just what Super Hexagon is like for her. I am atrocious at it and have yet to play much. I've got great hand-eye co-ordination with ball sports and very fast reflexes with full contact sparring, however I do not seem to transition that to computer games. I have no idea why other than my guess is that I do not have the same tactile connection to a keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc that I do to my eyes, hands and er balls (sports! :P)