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Adding new games to my wishlist is quite fun and distracting
I wonder how insomnia would work if there was a timer like x copies or 4 hours whichever comes first
opticq: Oh man, I don't normally share personal info on the web but I just got news my last living grandparent is in the hospital. :(
My best wishes for your grand parent to have a swift recovery, it is indeed always very hard and distressing when a member of the family ends up in the hospital.

The_Blog: Have to go to a funeral of my my great-grandmother today. Wish you good luck he/she get's better soon.
My condolences as well, its never easy losing a loved one but as long as we remember and talk about them their memory lives on in our hearts.
Tarnicus: ...interaction here....
opticq: Wow, reading that thread just makes me upset and not want to give out any more codes in those ninja threads :/
Back from dinner and watching a Chinese dating show called If You Are the One.

I let the greedy nature of others have me stop gifting at one stage, and have since found a balance through observation and interaction where I still feel comfortable giving. I don't gift publicly so much anymore, however it won't stop me sharing. Sometimes deception from others get the better of me, however it is worth the risk as I find the Insomnia threads and community in general on these forums to be wonderful forum companions. Someone can only take what one gives, and we all set out own boundaries. One cannot give more than one chooses to. Just be smart about it and selective, and aware that there are people here with multiple accounts who take as much as they can. And then there are those who give so much and are almost impossible to find a gift for, as they almost always refuse.

The generosity from many in this community, especially during the Insomnia sales, creates a wonderful atmosphere, and it isn't worth letting a few rotten ones spoil all the fun :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tarnicus
Since it was getting slower here I took the time and changed tabs to a bit of a Let's Play of Freedom Planet and Mind. Freedom Planet seems nice but Mind blew mine. Now really waiting for this one. I come back and I think my firefox and the counter is broken. Really - please can somebody do us a favour and buy - let's say - 20 copys of both games?
The_Blog: I just found this yesterday and I thought I might aswell share it here since it might come in handy. I already posted this yesterday here but since many were asleep then I thought it makes sense to post it again. This is not meant as promotion or anything! :)
The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.

I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
The_Blog: Conclusion:

7 x Freebies (gifted away one of them)
1x Game bought and activated
2 x Game gifted by MarkoH01 and Ixamyakxim
28 x Games bought and gifted away
17 x Games bought and not activated yet

Sorry for the wall of text :S
Thank you again for your gifts.
Ragnarblackmane: is an excellent streaming site for fantasy soundtracks, I used to listen to it nonstop when rping on NWN servers.
Thanks mate, that will go well with certain creative writing. I always write to music :)
Tarnicus: The generosity from many in this community, especially during the Insomnia sales, creates a wonderful atmosphere, and it isn't worth letting a few rotten ones spoil all the fun :)
Absolutely right. Even if you believe in the good in people you also have to accept that not everybody really IS good. So everytime you gift you are at the risk of gifting to somebody who does not deserve it. But still why stopping? The feeling you get by helping someone who REALLY wants to have a game and cannot afford or missed it is worth the risk I think.

Thats being said - who really wants a gift key for "The Inquisitor"?
Tarnicus: The generosity from many in this community, especially during the Insomnia sales, creates a wonderful atmosphere, and it isn't worth letting a few rotten ones spoil all the fun :)
MarkoH01: Absolutely right. Even if you believe in the good in people you also have to accept that not everybody really IS good. So everytime you gift you are at the risk of gifting to somebody who does not deserve it. But still why stopping? The feeling you get by helping someone who REALLY wants to have a game and cannot afford or missed it is worth the risk I think.

Thats being said - who really wants a gift key for "The Inquisitor"?
I would like to play it
Ragnarblackmane: is an excellent streaming site for fantasy soundtracks, I used to listen to it nonstop when rping on NWN servers.
Tarnicus: Thanks mate, that will go well with certain creative writing. I always write to music :)
I take it the music you are listening to runs backwards?
opticq: Oh man, I don't normally share personal info on the web but I just got news my last living grandparent is in the hospital. :(
Aw I am sorry to hear that :( I lost my last remaining grandparent last year and I still miss the old bugger dearly. I did everything I could to fly to see him to say goodbye, and am glad we had that last goodbye. I hope that your grandparent "gets well soon" and that you have an opportunity to see them :)
Grimrock 4 hours 30 minutes now.
The_Blog: I just found this yesterday and I thought I might aswell share it here since it might come in handy. I already posted this yesterday here but since many were asleep then I thought it makes sense to post it again. This is not meant as promotion or anything! :)
The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.

Tarnicus: I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
I highly recommend the VVVVVV soundtrack to you then. The album is called PPPPPP. I really like the track "Positive Force".
Post edited March 07, 2015 by The_Blog
opticq: Wow, reading that thread just makes me upset and not want to give out any more codes in those ninja threads :/
Tarnicus: Back from dinner and watching a Chinese dating show called If You Are the One.

I let the greedy nature of others have me stop gifting at one stage, and have since found a balance through observation and interaction where I still feel comfortable giving. I don't gift publicly so much anymore, however it won't stop me sharing. Sometimes deception from others get the better of me, however it is worth the risk as I find the Insomnia threads and community in general on these forums to be wonderful forums companions. Someone can only take what one gives, and we all set out own boundaries. One cannot give more than one chooses to. Just be smart about it and selective, and aware that there are people here with multiple accounts who take as much as they can. And then there are those who give so much and are almost impossible to find a gift for, as they almost always refuse.

The generosity from many in this community, especially during the Insomnia sales, creates a wonderful atmosphere, and it isn't worth letting a few rotten ones spoil all the fun :)
Bravo very well said :)
Tarnicus: I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
The_Blog: I highly recommend the VVVVVV soundtrack to you then. The album is called PPPPPP. I really like the track "Positive Force".
I still haven't beaten VVVVVV yet I tended to just get too lost and kinda gave up but it is an otherwise awesome game. As for Soundtracks I have to go with Bastion and Burn:Cycle as some of my favorite albums. Escape goat and Blocks that matter are also good games and soundtracks
Post edited March 07, 2015 by cecil