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genkicolleen: Legend of Grimrock is up ^__^
And with 800 units, will probably be up for a long while ><
bah, grimrock.

If there is anything I definitly don't miss about oldschool-rpg's, it is the 45'-movement.
anybody want a copy of LOG?
CarrionCrow: And John Wick turned out to be really successful. The company wants to turn it into a franchise, and for once, I really like the idea of something being a prolonged series.

And yeah, that double feature's going to hurt. I just thought of maybe putting on King of New York as the third movie with David Caruso in it to help mitigate the pain, but where's the fun in that?
It's not fair to Christopher Walken to expect his good performance to soak up the madness from Caruso's two horrible ones. -laughs-
Ragnarblackmane: You know what's kind of a sleeper hit from Walken? Scotland, PA, a modern retelling of MacBeth.
Interesting. Hadn't ever heard of that one before, I'll have to check it out. =)
low rated
Momo1991: Tarnicus, you aren't from "the rest of the world"... like every person here - no matter where you go, there you are. Deal with it.

For the rest of us - we get consecutive Friday the 13th's two months in a row... hopefully we don't get Tarnicus two months in a row - one can only hope he goes walkabout soon!
Tarnicus: Still being bitchy Momo? You blocked me from GOG when I called you out for being an ass, removed me as a friend from Steam, and I've happily enjoyed myself here without interaction with you, and yet you still feel the need to make some snide comment? You've certainly got some issues, best of luck with them :) You leave me be and I'll leave you be and we can all go on our merry way eh?
I was doing it to make the rest of us that think you are full of crap laugh... GO WALKABOUT already :-p

Btw, you treated me like crap and so did your girlfriend - if that's how your treat your friends, I'd rather be your enemy :-D

And for the record, it isn't being 'bitchy" - only a guy with no clue would use that word. And you clearly don't have a single clue. Perhaps the "bush" will help you get one :-p
Tarnicus: I once had an amazing orgy with a PC, a Sega Megadrive 2
Ixamyakxim: I know I'm old when I hear "orgy with a... Sega..."

And immediately picture in my head me, a Sega, and the Sega mounted / attached to that weird thing that let it play "other" games. Was that like the CD hardware? I can't be the only one that remembers this right?
If I recall correctly, there was the SegaCD (or however it was styled), which played CD-ROM titles, and the 32X, which plugged into the Genesis' cartridge slot, and itself allowed 32X cartridges to be plugged in.

I'd be willing to bet someone's ninja'd me on this, though, seeing as how the post I'm replying to is already 40 minutes old as I'm typing this....
Crewdroog: NO! I've just been hanging out here and playing games. I missed some derailing and QQ-ing???? this saddens me to no end. :(
CarrionCrow: It's okay. -laughs- It happened a while back. Some moron decided that the appropriate way to get support's attention during the end of the year stuff, when they weren't even around, was to spam the forum endlessly.
wait, what do you mean we aren't suppose to do that? next you are going to try to tell me that tellling gog to screw off and that i'm leaving and never coming back is also in poor taste, after which you then berate anyone who tries to talk "sense" politely to you. You, friend, need a lot to learn when it comes to airing of grievances.
CarrionCrow: Interesting. Hadn't ever heard of that one before, I'll have to check it out. =)
On the one hand, it has Walken and Maura Tierney. On the other has Andy Dick.
Tarnicus: I once had an amazing orgy with a PC, a Sega Megadrive 2 (yes she was old but really did it for me) and an Amiga 500. Best night of my life! Someone tried to crash the orgy with an Amiga Emulator and we told that lemon to bugger off! The nerve to think that emulation could replace the real thing. That's like using a strap-on to replace the real thing. Sure it might fit but it isn't real :P
JDelekto: Now that's the kind of party to which high-school nerds dream of being invited.
Nah, that's the only kind to which they actually ARE invited. =P
CarrionCrow: It's okay. -laughs- It happened a while back. Some moron decided that the appropriate way to get support's attention during the end of the year stuff, when they weren't even around, was to spam the forum endlessly.
Crewdroog: wait, what do you mean we aren't suppose to do that? next you are going to try to tell me that tellling gog to screw off and that i'm leaving and never coming back is also in poor taste, after which you then berate anyone who tries to talk "sense" politely to you. You, friend, need a lot to learn when it comes to airing of grievances.
I must, since I try to avoid doing such things on the basis of those actions making me a complete asshole in the process.
Crewdroog: wait, what do you mean we aren't suppose to do that? next you are going to try to tell me that tellling gog to screw off and that i'm leaving and never coming back is also in poor taste, after which you then berate anyone who tries to talk "sense" politely to you. You, friend, need a lot to learn when it comes to airing of grievances.
CarrionCrow: I must, since I try to avoid doing such things on the basis of those actions making me a complete asshole in the process.

i may try your ways then... i'm still gonna spam the forum though. squeaky wheel and all :)
Ragnarblackmane: So does that mean you're going to *puts on sunglasses* find a cd-copier?
Ixamyakxim: So regretting that GoG won't let me upload that soundfile right now...


I loved David Caruso from the moment I watched Kiss of Death? The one with Nick Cage? Some movies are just so terribly bad you can't help but be a fan.

*edit Holy hell the movie just got 10 times more awesome - just looked at the cast list and I totally forgot it included Samuel L. Jackson, B movie extraordinaire Ving Rhames, Stanley Tucci (a modern day Roberto Benigni? - well, maybe not quite) AND Helen Hunt. She fell off a bit but had a nice run!)
Check out Session 9. He's actually decent in it, and it's a pretty effective little indie horror film. The setting is creepy as hell (real-life abandoned insane asylum in New England), so a lot of the filmmakers' work was done for them.
CarrionCrow: I must, since I try to avoid doing such things on the basis of those actions making me a complete asshole in the process.
Crewdroog: lol

i may try your ways then... i'm still gonna spam the forum though. squeaky wheel and all :)
-laughs- I guess that's one way to stay occupied. You spam the forum, I do my small part to wipe it all out, and nobody sleeps through a game they want.
Crewdroog: lol

i may try your ways then... i'm still gonna spam the forum though. squeaky wheel and all :)
CarrionCrow: -laughs- I guess that's one way to stay occupied. You spam the forum, I do my small part to wipe it all out, and nobody sleeps through a game they want.
omg that would be so fun, but i'd get so banned. lol i like it here too much
CarrionCrow: I must, since I try to avoid doing such things on the basis of those actions making me a complete asshole in the process.
Crewdroog: lol

i may try your ways then... i'm still gonna spam the forum though. squeaky wheel and all :)
I suggest trying the double-dildo approach - it is after all the double-insomnia deal thingie :-p