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Momo1991: Are you all still AWAKE? Go to sleep - momo says :-p
hi momo!

and no. :)
CarrionCrow: As the last bit of Insomnia crawls along, am I the only one already mentally gearing up for whatever Summer might bring?
tinyE: summer?

Never heard of it. :P
That might be because you're currently dealing with a few mountains' worth of snow.

It's not a myth, though. It actually does exist. =)
bugamn: I could ask you to help solve that by buying the games to gift me, but I have Dragonfall and I'm not really interested on the other one :P Let's install a game and play while we wait for those two to go?
JDelekto: As much as I would like to, I actually have to eat something real quick and go to bed. I have to get up early to take the family to the Renfest tomorrow. It's the first time my grand-daughter (she's almost two) will get out and have some fun. Maybe sometime Sunday before we lose an hour!
Well, have fun with your family and specially with your grand-daughter. I have lost my grand parents a few years ago (they were quite old when I was born), so I hope you really enjoy it.
Wait a tic...

There are a lot of Americans in here and it's the middle of the night.

Crow never sleeps and I'm at work, what's everyone else's excuse? :D
Tarnicus: Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
infinityeight: That sounds more apocalyptic than post apocalyptic. I think that Brad and Jane single-handedly--well, single-somethingly-- destroyed the world!
Maybe Jane was Aes Sedai? It has been that long since I have read the World of Time series that I cannot remember their male counterparts, only that there was something about them not touching or things would blow up. Very valid point, apocalyptic it was :)
high rated
Tarnicus: Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
⁀⊙﹏☉⁀ ミ●﹏☉ミ ⁀(⊙̃﹏◎)⁀

Thank the gods it's too early for kids to be around...
tinyE: Wait a tic...

There are a lot of Americans in here and it's the middle of the night.

Crow never sleeps and I'm at work, what's everyone else's excuse? :D
More coffee than booze in my system.
Crewdroog: if it is starbound, it looks like it is still chugging away.
Ah that kinda sucks. When I first heard of it, it looked "sooner rather than later..." Now that later is here and it's still in development I don't think I'm as hopeful. (I have mixed feelings when it comes to extended development).
tinyE: Wait a tic...

There are a lot of Americans in here and it's the middle of the night.

Crow never sleeps and I'm at work, what's everyone else's excuse? :D
Sleep disorder. And games. Sweet, sweet games.
CarrionCrow: It was Kiss of Death. I remember that one. It was goddamn awful. -laughs-
Ixamyakxim: I did an edit of my first post to reflect the wonderful collection of B movie All Stars I had forgotten were in the movie. Please review if you want a deeper glimmer into my deranged film mind ;)
Thanks to your commentary, I'll probably be settling in for a round of torture. I'll find Kiss of Death online, and Jade's on Netflix.

I have a fresh copy of John Wick in the other room. 100 minutes of Keanu Reeves shooting people in the face.
But no. I'm going to watch the two reasons why David Caruso has no film career, and back-to-back, no less. -shakes head-
John Wick was delightful.
Crewdroog: if it is starbound, it looks like it is still chugging away.
Ixamyakxim: Ah that kinda sucks. When I first heard of it, it looked "sooner rather than later..." Now that later is here and it's still in development I don't think I'm as hopeful. (I have mixed feelings when it comes to extended development).
Yeah, that's why I said I"m not normally good with these kind of things. Unless it's out on the shelf, I'm probably not going to keep up with it, mostly for that reason. And I will never pre-order a game. Hahaha, it's funny, consoles tend to shovel the crap out way too fast, while PC games tend to leave you hanging for forever.
Ixamyakxim: I did an edit of my first post to reflect the wonderful collection of B movie All Stars I had forgotten were in the movie. Please review if you want a deeper glimmer into my deranged film mind ;)
CarrionCrow: Thanks to your commentary, I'll probably be settling in for a round of torture. I'll find Kiss of Death online, and Jade's on Netflix.

I have a fresh copy of John Wick in the other room. 100 minutes of Keanu Reeves shooting people in the face.
But no. I'm going to watch the two reasons why David Caruso has no film career, and back-to-back, no less. -shakes head-
Wow. That is a mind melting collection that I wish I had the gall to tackle one after the other. I watched the previews for John Wick alone and thought "My God, some producer had the balls and money to make this thing happen?" Nevermind watching it after Jade and Kiss of Death.

*edit Although I do salute you for finding movies 20 odd years apart, so alike and linked by equal amounts of cheese, overacting and faux seriousness
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
buy shadowrun please, it's great, absolutely awesome...

... and I want a new game
Ixamyakxim: Wow. That is a mind melting collection that I wish I had the gall to tackle one after the other. I watched the previews for John Wick alone and thought "My God, some producer had the balls and money to make this thing happen?" Nevermind watching it after Jade and Kiss of Death.
Is Jade the one with Chazz Palminteri(sp)?
Edit:Answered own question, thanks google! It is.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Ragnarblackmane