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bugamn: So why are people so angry?
Niggles: I still think the game should still be a PC *exclusive* i mean how many ****ing games are console only?. seriously?? ....
Developers want to earn money, that's how they pay the bills. In the case of console exclusivity, I'm sure the company making the console contracts them to develop the game.

I have no issue with that, but I'm sure a kickstarter game for the PC will make its way to a console.

Now, if the news reports (and how many people trust the news 100% these days?) that if this developer was releasing a version of the game for a platform, they they won't also be providing an update for the girl that brought them to the dance?
Tarnicus: I almost spat my beer on the screen reading that. It reminds me a parody of a short "romance" story I wrote many years ago, using atrocious sexual metaphors :)
penumbren: I don't think I've ever read sexual metaphors that weren't atrocious in some way. (And I've written plenty of 'em myself over the years for different things. lol) I suddenly have a burning desire to read your parody.

Also, congratulations on the current rep, which made me grin. (666 ftw!)
hey hey welcome back :) Oh what "things" do you speak of? I don't think I have that story anymore, I wrote it when I was in high school. It is a fairly easy genre to emulate :) I've never tried to write too seriously in that manner as I find the genre hilarious.

The moment of 666 rep was captured by Grargar, and I shall keep it as a token of this wonderful sale :)
Ragnarblackmane: Caruso and Cage together? Jesusfuckingchrist that must just be the crown jewel of overacting.
Oh God yes it was. Let me doublecheck to see if I had the name right just in case you want to pop some corn, crack a beer and enjoy a night of excellently terrible cinema... standby for edit with the confirmed name of the flick...
Tarnicus: Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
For the love of sanity...
low rated
Ragnarblackmane: Blake "Gandalf" Stormcrow?
Tarnicus: At the rate I am going with completing tasks, that would be fitting as my beard will probably that long and grey by then :P
Tarnicus, you aren't from "the rest of the world"... like every person here - no matter where you go, there you are. Deal with it.

For the rest of us - we get consecutive Friday the 13th's two months in a row... hopefully we don't get Tarnicus two months in a row - one can only hope he goes walkabout soon!
Ragnarblackmane: Caruso and Cage together? Jesusfuckingchrist that must just be the crown jewel of overacting.
Ixamyakxim: Oh God yes it was. Let me doublecheck to see if I had the name right just in case you want to pop some corn, crack a beer and enjoy a night of excellently terrible cinema... standby for edit with the confirmed name of the flick...
It was Kiss of Death. I remember that one. It was goddamn awful. -laughs-

And if you want to complete the David Caruso double feature, go with Jade after that. -shudders-
Post edited March 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Tarnicus: Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
That sounds more apocalyptic than post apocalyptic. I think that Brad and Jane single-handedly--well, single-somethingly-- destroyed the world!
JDelekto: a) lack of sleep; b) game which causes (a) not appearing on GOG's insomnia promo page; (c) not enough people purchasing the games to make (a) and (b) go away.
bugamn: I could ask you to help solve that by buying the games to gift me, but I have Dragonfall and I'm not really interested on the other one :P Let's install a game and play while we wait for those two to go?
As much as I would like to, I actually have to eat something real quick and go to bed. I have to get up early to take the family to the Renfest tomorrow. It's the first time my grand-daughter (she's almost two) will get out and have some fun. Maybe sometime Sunday before we lose an hour!
Tarnicus: Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
Ragnarblackmane: For the love of sanity...
A dwarf like you thinks you can stop me? No chance when I've got my staff clutched firmly with both hands! :P
Ixamyakxim: Oh God yes it was. Let me doublecheck to see if I had the name right just in case you want to pop some corn, crack a beer and enjoy a night of excellently terrible cinema... standby for edit with the confirmed name of the flick...
Not on netflix...not sure if I should be disappointed or relieved.
CarrionCrow: As the last bit of Insomnia crawls along, am I the only one already mentally gearing up for whatever Summer might bring?

Never heard of it. :P
Crewdroog: Oh lord, don't get me started on Terraria!!!! god that games is fun.
Ixamyakxim: About a year or so ago I saw a game in a mag that looked like Terraria in space (Starbound? The screenshots involved a digtal pixel monkey or something)

It seemed a bit more focused while still being open world, with the player using a land based resource collection to upgrade their star based ship, and then have it travel to rinse repeat. Any idea what happened to this one? Still in development? Out and lost to me? No idea which one I'm even talking about?

if it is starbound, it looks like it is still chugging away. I actually wasnt familiar with this (not surprising, I am behind on things like this) but space terraria sounds fun. oooo, and it has pets... :) sold.
Tarnicus: A dwarf like you thinks you can stop me? No chance when I've got my staff clutched firmly with both hands! :P
Tarnicus: At the rate I am going with completing tasks, that would be fitting as my beard will probably that long and grey by then :P
Momo1991: Tarnicus, you aren't from "the rest of the world"... like every person here - no matter where you go, there you are. Deal with it.

For the rest of us - we get consecutive Friday the 13th's two months in a row... hopefully we don't get Tarnicus two months in a row - one can only hope he goes walkabout soon!
Still being bitchy Momo? You blocked me from GOG when I called you out for being an ass, removed me as a friend from Steam, and I've happily enjoyed myself here without interaction with you, and yet you still feel the need to make some snide comment? You've certainly got some issues, best of luck with them :) You leave me be and I'll leave you be and we can all go on our merry way eh?
Ixamyakxim: Oh God yes it was. Let me doublecheck to see if I had the name right just in case you want to pop some corn, crack a beer and enjoy a night of excellently terrible cinema... standby for edit with the confirmed name of the flick...
CarrionCrow: It was Kiss of Death. I remember that one. It was goddamn awful. -laughs-
I did an edit of my first post to reflect the wonderful collection of B movie All Stars I had forgotten were in the movie. Please review if you want a deeper glimmer into my deranged film mind ;)