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penumbren: I don't think I've ever read sexual metaphors that weren't atrocious in some way. (And I've written plenty of 'em myself over the years for different things. lol) I suddenly have a burning desire to read your parody.
So does that mean you're going to *puts on sunglasses* find a cd-copier?
Momo1991: Are you all still AWAKE? Go to sleep - momo says :-p
Not yet Momo ;)
high rated
CarrionCrow: I've got time. Virtually no money after round one, but still...-laughs-
Doesn't matter really, we're all in deep shadows right now.
Ragnarblackmane: So does that mean you're going to *puts on sunglasses* find a cd-copier?
So regretting that GoG won't let me upload that soundfile right now...


I loved David Caruso from the moment I watched Kiss of Death? The one with Nick Cage? Some movies are just so terribly bad you can't help but be a fan.

*edit Holy hell the movie just got 10 times more awesome - just looked at the cast list and I totally forgot it included Samuel L. Jackson, B movie extraordinaire Ving Rhames, Stanley Tucci (a modern day Roberto Benigni? - well, maybe not quite) AND Helen Hunt. She fell off a bit but had a nice run!)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Ixamyakxim
Crewdroog: this is a shout out to Genoan at GOG technical support who helped me get Din's Curse up and running and also to Gydion, a gogger who answered my post on the Din forum. Thank you!!! :) I was really worried that my main reason for watching this insanity wasn't going to work.

Give gydion some love Here (if you could). he is always very helpful
HunchBluntley: Let me know how you like Din's Curse. I've played it quite a bit off and on since it was released here last year. In fact, up until I bought Terraria (on Day 2 of Insomnia), I hadn't been playing much else for a while (unless you count mindless casuals, which I don't =) ).

Hopefully there'll be a bit more activity in the Din's Curse forum now that all those new copies were sold -- assuming most of the new owners even bother to PLAY the thing, of course. =)
I have the day off tomorrow and plan on playing it a lot, so i will let you know :) I love hack n'slash so I'm excited to try this out. I've wanted it since the first day it came out on gog, but I'm stingy, and was waiting for a good sale.

Oh lord, don't get me started on Terraria!!!! god that games is fun.
JDelekto: Now that's the kind of party to which high-school nerds dream of being invited.
justanoldgamer: I was a High-School nerd and no, not really.
Good for you!
Tarnicus: Yeah nowhere did it state exclusive, just that the Pee-Ess Fore will get it.
bugamn: So why are people so angry?
I still think the game should still be a PC *exclusive* i mean how many ****ing games are console only?. seriously?? ....
I was all PC until I was made to play Fallout 3 on PS3. I find now that I drift back and forth.

Now if my PC could handle high end games, I would definitely be playing more on it, like Skyrim or WoW (yes I want to play the new content sooo bad). However, if I were to buy a PC, I'd want to get top of the line, b/c I just am not into tinkering with them, and so I want to ensure I won't have to upgrade anything for a long while. But to do that requires a sizable investment.

Yeah, I don't think you miss out too, too much if you stick with PCs. You can use the game pad if you want, and most things that are exclusive to either PS or xbox are almost always also on PC. of course, there will always be exceptions. and there are a ton of PC exclusives. I think I will always drift back and forth, though I wish I was able to just stick to one like you. it'd be much easier.

EDIT: and that is suppose to be a reply to Ixamyakxim, I don't know what happened
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Crewdroog
bugamn: So why are people so angry?
JDelekto: a) lack of sleep; b) game which causes (a) not appearing on GOG's insomnia promo page; (c) not enough people purchasing the games to make (a) and (b) go away.
I could ask you to help solve that by buying the games to gift me, but I have Dragonfall and I'm not really interested on the other one :P Let's install a game and play while we wait for those two to go?
Tarnicus: I almost spat my beer on the screen reading that. It reminds me a parody of a short "romance" story I wrote many years ago, using atrocious sexual metaphors :)
infinityeight: I'd be disappointed if the sexual metaphors were anything less than atrocious.
Precisely, it is a staple in the genre! I wonder if I can incorporate them into my post-apocalyptic writings..."The earth shook as his muscled mass thrust powerfully. A slight moan escaped Jane's lips as she felt him penetrate her inner core...he exploded, molten movements blazing every cell in Jane's petite Pompeian pleasure-zone (wtf?). Brad erupted inside her; their passion igniting until nothing more than ash remained..." :P
Ixamyakxim: So regretting that GoG won't let me upload that soundfile right now...


I loved David Caruso from the moment I watched Kiss of Death? The one with Nick Cage? Some movies are just so terribly bad you can't help but be a fan.
Caruso and Cage together? Jesusfuckingchrist that must just be the crown jewel of overacting.
Crewdroog: Oh lord, don't get me started on Terraria!!!! god that games is fun.
About a year or so ago I saw a game in a mag that looked like Terraria in space (Starbound? The screenshots involved a digtal pixel monkey or something)

It seemed a bit more focused while still being open world, with the player using a land based resource collection to upgrade their star based ship, and then have it travel to rinse repeat. Any idea what happened to this one? Still in development? Out and lost to me? No idea which one I'm even talking about?
Picked up Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Taking the family to Disney this weekend so I guess I missed out on the regular Shadowrun since I'll be offline for the next few days.

It's been real fun folks, thanks for the tips, the laughs, and the company.
Am I misremembering, or did the last Insomnia Sale take 8 days?
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Zillatain
As the last bit of Insomnia crawls along, am I the only one already mentally gearing up for whatever Summer might bring?