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j0ekerr: Strike Suit Zero is a good space combat game. with some very welcome old school dogfights, if a little confusing at times.
Ixamyakxim: Looks kind of neat - what are the "upgrades and loadouts" that the game's page mentions? Anything beyond the standard missle fare?
Haven't played that much, like I said at one point the combat got confusing, not helped by my very crappy controller, and I stopped playing.

You basically pilot a macross valkirye and yes, there's a variety of weaponry.

IAmSinistar: Strike Suit Zero is good but tough. Bonus point, the music is by the composer of the Homeworld soundtrack.

This is a really good price for the whole works.
You're making me want to get it, despite my natural reluctance to duplicates.

Sachys: It WAS june 2013. From June 18th to be precise - according to my "gifts" page.
Flash freebie during last year.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by j0ekerr
Sachys: It WAS june 2013. From June 18th to be precise - according to my "gifts" page.
madth3: It was free again last summer, wasn't it?
only momentarily - not the legendary "its 2015 - does anybpdy want a free copy of torchlight from 2013?" kind of free I'm on about!
HypersomniacLive: Calling it a night. Have fun and hope many get a few more freebies while I'm gone.

See you tomorrow.
Good night mate!
genkicolleen: Are you hinting that you'd like to have a copy of Torchlight?
foxworks: Quick, bombard 'em with copies of Torchlight! :D
I bombarded him with a copy of LBA instead. :D
Wish i knew about this sale sooner...would of grabbed shadow run and probably 11th hour for my mom lol
genkicolleen: Are you hinting that you'd like to have a copy of Torchlight?
foxworks: Quick, bombard 'em with copies of Torchlight! :D
Is torchlight unpopular? It seemed ok to me whenever I played around in it, though it was only for about 15 min. feeding you pets fish for them to morph is a little weird though.
foxworks: Quick, bombard 'em with copies of Torchlight! :D
IAmSinistar: Exactly! There's always a mad scramble to relieve oneself of keys when someone without Torchlight appears.

And yet it continues to sell in every sale. I can only imagine that there is some remote tribe of digital natives that burn it for fuel. :)
torchlichtensteinians! - the smallest, most underground nation in all of Yoorope!
HypersomniacLive: Calling it a night. Have fun and hope many get a few more freebies while I'm gone.

See you tomorrow.
Have a good night, sleep well when you get there. =)
HypersomniacLive: Calling it a night. Have fun and hope many get a few more freebies while I'm gone.

See you tomorrow.
Are you waiting on any game in particular?
tokur86: Wish i knew about this sale sooner...would of grabbed shadow run and probably 11th hour for my mom lol
The deals come back, don't worry.
foxworks: Quick, bombard 'em with copies of Torchlight! :D
Leonard03: Is torchlight unpopular? It seemed ok to me whenever I played around in it, though it was only for about 15 min. feeding you pets fish for them to morph is a little weird though.
its actually good, just when it became free on here, people overstocked on gifts to keep for new members - hence nearly two years later, people still have a joke about giving torchlight
HypersomniacLive: Calling it a night. Have fun and hope many get a few more freebies while I'm gone.

See you tomorrow.
trentonlf: Are you waiting on any game in particular?
He's just miffed he didnt get Torchlight for free! ;P
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Sachys
Leonard03: Is torchlight unpopular?
No, just overly abundant with a segment of GOG members.
Leonard03: Was that when Torchlight was free as well?
Sachys: That was June / July 2013
IIRC Torchlight was free twice. The first time in summer 2013 and the second time during last year's autumn sale (for 30 minutes or an hour).
*remembering the days when Fallout 1+2 were free*
Sachys: torchlichtensteinians! - the smallest, most underground nation in all of Yoorope!
Isn't that adjacent to Diabelgium? I always confuse those two.