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Tarnicus: Rest well :) I think these 2 games will take a while to move to the next lot, so I might actually have a break from the computer (for the first time in days besides sleep) and move my body a bit. I think it is going into shock from being so sedentary. Maybe a walk to get some more beer is in order :D
Ragnar is 100% correct, the Heir to the Empire trilogy is awesome. They should have made them into the next three movies.
Guys / Ladies,
Is Dragonfall as amazing as you all say?
I'm so tempted but spent so much already!
Sales are my weakness
Tarnicus: A man heading to Australia was stopped by customs and asked "Do you have a criminal record?" and his response was "I didn't realise that was a requirement anymore!"
IanM: The man who goes through the airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok
Man who stand on toilet seat, high on pot.
Ragnarblackmane: Go get beer, but then go to the library or nearest used bookstore and get the Heir to the Empire trilogy and read dat. Your brain and imagination will thank you.
Especially when "read dat" actually reads as "dead rat".
IanM: The man who goes through the airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok
Tarnicus: Haha I love variations of those jokes. That is the silly sense of humour my father passed onto me :) Jokes like "Have you read the Yellow River by I.P Daily?" and many Confucius jokes that I cannot recall.
I'm partial to elephant jokes myself.

why did the elephant fall out of the tree?
it was dead

why did the second elephant fall out of the tree?
it was glued to the first one

Why did the third elephant fall out of the tree?
it thought it was a game
JDelekto: BTW, if you have that problem, you can always talk to your credit card company and say look, over the next (insert time frame here), any charges from this merchant are mine. (This helped me one time with micro-payments from an app-store.)
I retried it and it worked :)
trentonlf: Ragnar is 100% correct, the Heir to the Empire trilogy is awesome. They should have made them into the next three movies.
I've been thinking that ever since the new movies were announced, myself.
trentonlf: Ragnar is 100% correct, the Heir to the Empire trilogy is awesome. They should have made them into the next three movies.
Yet another reason the decision to make everything from the EU non-canon was a ridiculous mistake, even if George *did* create the universe in the first place and it's his to do with as he pleases.
JDelekto: Especially when "read dat" actually reads as "dead rat".
Rats live on no evil star.
I noticed a few times people have said that they accidentally redeemed a game instead of converting to a gift. Is there a particular location to do that? Or just message Support?

Edit: Nevermind, found a choice for it in contact support.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by ArtisticMinstrel
ArtisticMinstrel: I noticed a few times people have said that they accidentally redeemed a game instead of converting to a gift. Is there a particular location to do that? Or just message Support?
When you buy the game you have to check the box that says "gift this order" and when you put an email address in use your own. If you need to convert it to a gift key after you have purchased it for yourself support has to do it.
IanM: The man who goes through the airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangkok
Tarnicus: Haha I love variations of those jokes. That is the silly sense of humour my father passed onto me :) Jokes like "Have you read the Yellow River by I.P Daily?" and many Confucius jokes that I cannot recall.
I heard several and used to make some up with friends in High School. Some of my favorite books:

"Brown Spots on the Wall", by Hu Flungdoo,
"The White Wave", by I.M. Cummings,
"The Bloody Stump", by Whobitcha Kokoff,
"The Lost Wallet", by Bill Fold,
"Under the Bleachers", by Seymore Cheeks,
"The High Knee", by Ben Dover,
"The Gas Chamber", by Ah Fahted

Oh, the list goes on.....
You guys made me finally get an avatar to be able to pick my comments out from other generic avatars of similar color.

Tarnicus: I had one issue with a "card blocked" message and tried again and it worked instantly. Which bank, if you don't mind me asking? NAB Visa has been pretty good for me on GOG.

Edit: make that two issues!! You jinxed me Niggles! I just tried to buy a gift copy of Shadowrun: Dragonfall and the payment failed lol
Niggles: St george - usually no issues but buying multiple things for small amounts in short space of time sets their falcon system off :/. Jinx!?!?!?!?.. *looks at Tarnicus's rep and arches at eyebrow* (^x-x)
Yes I walk amongst you mortals now...the end is nigh! Screenshot courtesy of Gragar :)
Tarnicus: Haha I love variations of those jokes. That is the silly sense of humour my father passed onto me :) Jokes like "Have you read the Yellow River by I.P Daily?" and many Confucius jokes that I cannot recall.
JDelekto: I heard several and used to make some up with friends in High School. Some of my favorite books:

"Brown Spots on the Wall", by Hu Flungdoo,
"The White Wave", by I.M. Cummings,
"The Bloody Stump", by Whobitcha Kokoff,
"The Lost Wallet", by Bill Fold,
"Under the Bleachers", by Seymore Cheeks,
"The High Knee", by Ben Dover,
"The Gas Chamber", by Ah Fahted

Oh, the list goes on.....
this is reminding me of the ending to Car Talk
cecil: I'm reposting my question since it's the final round just wanted an opinion on Shadowrun and what's it's similar to. I'm hoping for a modern day Jagged alliance more then hardcore RPG.
bugamn: I would say it isn't. It's more linear (at least the first one), and combat plays more like the recent XCOM, a few actions per character, which can be used for movement, or combat or other actions. Those are more restrictive than the time units system, but easier to plan for.
Thanks for the help is the original show run on sale also? Should I try that one first?