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Grargar: My job here is done for the time being. See you tomorrow. Good morning/afternoon/night/whatever to everyone!
Have a good rest!
the_voivod: I have neither Shadowrun. Is it worth one without the other?
2nd one reportedly much improved over the first.
Hi there insomnimaniacs,

I just wanted to share this. I got Secret of Monkey Island for a freebie yesterday and thought i would try it out with my daughter (9yrs) this morning, turns out she loves the humour and we have had a great time solving the puzzles of the three trials. Her favourite part was the sword fighting, of all things and we had to play pirate insult sword fighting for real afterwards.

Her face when we got to the sword master and all the insults were different, priceless. Moments like this are why i love games, especially as Monkey Island 1 was such a formative game for me as well.
Tarnicus: What did you miss Mister-Gosh and was it for yourself or another? I was told you were keeping an eye out for a certain game and I might have it :)
Mister-Gosh: I think not, it's LoG2 and Farcry 2. The other ones (especially Dragonfall about which I was so loud) I managed to get.
Did get Dookickers as well. No AoW3 though.
See, I'm not that unlucky, but the thing with semi-successful randomness is it always seems unfair I guess!
Edit, I missed Battle World Kronos as well.
Ah you got Door Knockers, great! There is another I believe I might be holding it for. So hard to say with this lack of sleep and so many conversations. I managed to get it from the sale glitch on my phone on the way to sleep last night.
trentonlf: Cows, are you planning on doing any cow tipping ;)
Crewdroog: SHHHHH!!! not so loud, the cows will hear you!

*sneaks towards cows, and then.....
LOL, awesome! :-)
Niggles: 2nd one reportedly much improved over the first.
The second one was originally a DLC for the first, but they improved the engine and re-released it as a stand alone. Definitely better over all. The first one is a little flat.
the_voivod: Does it follow on, or is standalone?
It's stand alone, with a few cameos and references to the original DMS campaign. Over all, you're not missing much.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by paladin181
Any educated guesses on how many copies of "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" is going to be available? And how much will it go for?
Crewdroog: lol
i'm on my phone? and when I said other side of I-90, I meant more like around Pa/Ohio, so i'm like in toledo right now. i think. it's dark. and there are cows. :|
trentonlf: Cows, are you planning on doing any cow tipping ;)
Haha that was my first thought too!
Tarnicus: What did you miss Mister-Gosh and was it for yourself or another? I was told you were keeping an eye out for a certain game and I might have it :)
Oh, one last thing, Rakkora is looking for LoG 2 as well and I was supposed to cover up, but I can't.
Paladin181 as well, I offered my help for LoG II.

If you guys know them enough to cover for them, well, the info has been given. Bye guys !
Redfern: There was...freebies? MWAHAHAHAHAH, I DIDNT KNOW THAT!
trentonlf: any time you click the buy now button on a game you have the chance to get it free, you don't have to buy it just click the button. ;)
Now, here's an interesting question: a) does clicking more than once on the "buy now" button have a chance of getting a freebie? and b) If you already own the game and click "buy now" (even though it shows owned), is it possible you can get a freebie?

Most of the games I have seen throughout this I already own and if I had the ability to get a free one to gift, I would have been clicking on all of them!
opticq: We are now 111 posts above the record!
Shadows looks beautiful yet boring.

Seems like that's a trend in games of late.
Dajjer: Any educated guesses on how many copies of "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter" is going to be available? And how much will it go for?
60% off, 200-600 copies.
the_voivod: I have neither Shadowrun. Is it worth one without the other?
its doesnt require you to have first one game to run this one.