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Tallima: How can I get steam codes for these games so I can download them?

(I swear insomnia brings the troll out of me)
trentonlf: Take your PC into the bathroom and shut all the doors and windows.
Turn on the shower to hottest setting until room fills with Steam
Leave computer in said Steam for at least an hour and the codes will appear :)
That sounds nebulous to me.
Tallima: How can I get steam codes for these games so I can download them?

(I swear insomnia brings the troll out of me)
Shendue: Just ask here:
Ha! So true!
Matruchus: Damn, its 2AM again. Time to go to bed.

If Halfway comes up I would appreciate if somebody could snatch me a key.

Good night.
vanchann: I was here when it appeared in the second round. If I knew, I had already grab one extra key.
Anyway I'll get a key for you if I'm here when it appears again. It's 3 am in Greece!

Edit: Good night.
Thx and good night.
Doth thou nox desire a nox?

Did you all manage to grab your copy? Damn thing practically flew past.

I saw it on the phone, and by the time I managed to load the payment confirmation page on the laptop it was almost gone.
trentonlf: Take your PC into the bathroom and shut all the doors and windows.
Turn on the shower to hottest setting until room fills with Steam
Leave computer in said Steam for at least an hour and the codes will appear :)
Haha....Post that on the Steam forum and someone might actually even try it. :P
pengchi87: It seems that my hunt is nearing its end now.

Games I got during this event :


It has been truly entertaining and memorable nights, posting and reading on the forums while waiting for games to show up, which is my first time actively participating in the community since joining GOG.

Hope you guys are having tons of fun too! I'll post again after a successful hunt of the last one. :-)
That's a great haul and welcome to the Insomnia club, they are the biggest community building event GOG has to offer. Fortunately a lot of hang around when sales are not on as well :)
Tallima: How can I get steam codes for these games so I can download them?

(I swear insomnia brings the troll out of me)
trentonlf: Take your PC into the bathroom and shut all the doors and windows.
Turn on the shower to hottest setting until room fills with Steam
Leave computer in said Steam for at least an hour and the codes will appear :)
Success! I got LBA2 last night after missing it again yesterday, by half an hour. Even better I landed a critical hit on it, my first freebie. Thanks GOG! Feels like a reward for hunting the game on at least 3 sales and getting up in the middle of the night to buy it. Sometimes GOG seems to read our minds. :)

eiii: I'm waiting for LBA2, have already missed it last night. This would be the 3rd sale I miss it. I always run into LBA1, which I already own, but also always miss LBA2.
Exoanthrope: Perhaps you should check your PMs. :)
Thanks again for your kind offer! But chasing the game down by myself feels just more satisfying, especially with that lucky hit on top of it. Sorry! :)
I'm sure there's still somebody who hasn't been as lucky as I was and you'll find a new home for your gift.

I also got Kyrandia today so I'm quite happy with the sale, although I like the flash sales more than the insomnia sale.
Tallima: Ha! So true!
You're welcome. XD
Hey, Tarnicus, how's the Devil? Which level of Hell are you based out of now? :P

EDIT: The Rep of the Beast!
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tekkaman-James
Tallima: How can I get steam codes for these games so I can download them?

(I swear insomnia brings the troll out of me)
No Talima, you are the codes.

And then Talima was a steam user.
bugamn: Fell for the obvious troll?

Edit: I was talking to the other Rayman.
Obviously :)
cecil: Thank you for the help :) on an unrelated not I just realized I think i'm one away from being 2*ed
budejovice: Hey cecil. Yep, 2 at 150. +1 to try to help. :)
I might even have a GA like you did when you got up ranked. That is if I may borrow your idea?

EDIT:Looks like I made it thanks everyone :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by cecil
trentonlf: Take your PC into the bathroom and shut all the doors and windows.
Turn on the shower to hottest setting until room fills with Steam
Leave computer in said Steam for at least an hour and the codes will appear :)
ElTerprise: That sounds nebulous to me.
Vaporous even.
vanchann: I was here when it appeared in the second round. If I knew, I had already grab one extra key.
Anyway I'll get a key for you if I'm here when it appears again. It's 3 am in Greece!

Edit: Good night.
Matruchus: Thx and good night.
Good night!. I can try as well.