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Tarnicus: Haha classic comment! I have met many who have come down with the serious disease you mention and have had a few close calls myself with it. Fortunately it has never managed to fully grasp a hold of me, and if it does, then I will choose euthanasia!
dgwake: Get older
Be responsible when raising kids
but NEVER EVER grow up.

or just skip kids and go straight to grand-kids ;)
I enjoy ageing for the most part :) I would much rather have had the experiences, knowledge and lessons learned, and to continue learning daily, than to go through it all again :) I think I have come to the realisation this past year that children might not be for me, as much as I love them; they are amazing sponges full of energy and wonder. Who knows, maybe some day but I think that I was meant to be a "part-time dad" with other beings rather than to raise my own full-time.
So I missed TIE Fighter for the third and final time? Drat. Well, time to try and grab a couple off the fresh list I want...
It seems that my hunt is nearing its end now.

Games I got during this event :

Jade Empire
Grimrock 2
Dead State
Wizardry 8
Beyond Good & Evil
Bad Mojo Redux
Tetrobot & Co
Rayman Origins
Mark of the Ninja
King of Dragon Pass
Battles Worlds : Kronos
Battles Collector's Edition

Gifts from generous Tarnicus
Grimrock 1
Shadowrun Returns

Critical Hit Freebies
Theme Park
Red Faction

Still to hunt for
Shadowrun Dragonfall

Although I'm about to leave the hunting grounds with a quite lighter wallet, nay, bank account, I'm proud to say I hunted many good game(pun intended). Now my hunt is about to end with just one game left to shoot at. I sold my Axe of Flames +3 and switched to Spear of Sleep Deprivation +5, now I hope I can end my hunt with a satisfying crit on the dragony head of Shadowrun Dragonfall. XD

It has been truly entertaining and memorable nights, posting and reading on the forums while waiting for games to show up, which is my first time actively participating in the community since joining GOG.

Hope you guys are having tons of fun too! I'll post again after a successful hunt of the last one. :-)
djdarko: Thanks. Wow the Seasoned finished several steps ahead.
Yeah. Now we have Fresh and Fresh Too :).
djdarko: Did Legend of Grimrock 2 ever rear it's head? Fell asleep to a Binaural audio discs and had nightmares for the past ??? amount of time.
That was pretty neat.
j0ekerr: Looks like I need new friends, or at least less torrent prone ones.

I still think that while the average consumer can notice the difference of picture quality between dvd and bluray, many can't see it.
I had one of those and i gently brainwashed him into a full HD believer with a lot of patience, sternly refusing to watch anything he may have downloaded if it was SD and forcing him constantly into HD projections of his favourite movies everytime.
In the end he had to surrender and started being annoyed as well when going back to SD.
Just bomb them with humongous amounts of HD movies that have visually amazing scenes. Eventually they'll get used to that so much that would be impossible for them to see anything SD without puking.
Damn, its 2AM again. Time to go to bed.

If Halfway comes up I would appreciate if somebody could snatch me a key.

Good night.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
trentonlf: Just had me a Subway Melt on flatbread, it was yummy :)
Tallima: That is a very good sandwich.

If you go on a slow day, this is my favorite:

White Bread
Provolone on the other side of the bread
Onions, a lot of oregano, salt, pepper, oil, vinegar on the meat.
Then put the cheese over top of the meat.

Now toast it in the toaster.

Once it comes out, put mayo, lettuce and tomato on it.

Get yourself a footlong because you'll eat it all. And if there's someone else who's just coming in (and you've applied the right amount of oil, vinegar and oregano for maximum aromatic bliss), you'll often get a "I'll have what he's having," which will really piss off the subway sandwich "artist" (if you call paint-by-numbers an artist).
I often times just get a 6-inch white with a thin layer of pepperoni. A couple of times I've even skipped on the pepperoni.
Ixamyakxim: What was it? I'm actually curious (did it have influences from another sci-fi film or was it actually pulled from an historic dogfight?). I have a strange phobia when it comes to clicking links - what's a vimeo Ragnar?

*edit As a side note, Han Solo recently crashed and survived, I shit you not, a WWII fighter plane. He's actually a total badass FOR REAL.

As he was going down, I wonder if he was humming the Indiana Jones theme song while shouting out "Never tell me the odds!"
Tarnicus: vimeo is a large video sharing site, like YouTube and is safe. The few first minutes showed the flight run to the Death Star, spliced with footage from other movies, one appeared to be an historical WW2 movie. I cannot remember what it is called but I have seen it; the one about blowing up a dam.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by paladin181
Both in the orange now. Wait. I hope that does't mean Rayman Oranges shows up next. ;)
djdarko: Did Legend of Grimrock 2 ever rear it's head? Fell asleep to a Binaural audio discs and had nightmares for the past ??? amount of time.
HunchBluntley: <i>Binaural</i>?
Ha, no not the Pearl Jam album.

Post edited March 07, 2015 by djdarko
HunchBluntley: <i>Binaural</i>?
djdarko: Ha, no not the Pearl Jam album.

Not available ?
cecil: any one have a list of what's left to come up?
ElTerprise: There you go:
Thank you for the help :) on an unrelated not I just realized I think i'm one away from being 2*ed
Tarnicus: Haha classic comment! I have met many who have come down with the serious disease you mention and have had a few close calls myself with it. Fortunately it has never managed to fully grasp a hold of me, and if it does, then I will choose euthanasia!
JDelekto: Are the youth in Asia better at fighting with foam weapons?
Haha I cannot help but think the same thing every time I hear that word :)