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Tallima: and now I Have No Mouth But I Must Eat Subway's EatFresh Menu For Lunch.
That must be the HD Director's cut, isn't it?
MeganSC: It's a painful disease that comes suddenly with no prior warning. I hear it can be remedied with activities including, and not limited to, battling small humans with foam weapons.

You seemed to have proven that theory correct.
Tarnicus: Haha classic comment! I have met many who have come down with the serious disease you mention and have had a few close calls myself with it. Fortunately it has never managed to fully grasp a hold of me, and if it does, then I will choose euthanasia!
I will continue to compile this list of remedies, but until then we must simply stay strong!
Tallima: I'm one of those wretches who got a crit 3 times now: Cognition, Shadowrun and now I Have No Mouth But I Must Eat Subway's EatFresh Menu For Lunch.
trentonlf: Just had me a Subway Melt on flatbread, it was yummy :)
That is a very good sandwich.

If you go on a slow day, this is my favorite:

White Bread
Provolone on the other side of the bread
Onions, a lot of oregano, salt, pepper, oil, vinegar on the meat.
Then put the cheese over top of the meat.

Now toast it in the toaster.

Once it comes out, put mayo, lettuce and tomato on it.

Get yourself a footlong because you'll eat it all. And if there's someone else who's just coming in (and you've applied the right amount of oil, vinegar and oregano for maximum aromatic bliss), you'll often get a "I'll have what he's having," which will really piss off the subway sandwich "artist" (if you call paint-by-numbers an artist).
Tarnicus: Haha classic comment! I have met many who have come down with the serious disease you mention and have had a few close calls myself with it. Fortunately it has never managed to fully grasp a hold of me, and if it does, then I will choose euthanasia!
Get older
Be responsible when raising kids
but NEVER EVER grow up.

or just skip kids and go straight to grand-kids ;)
Did Legend of Grimrock 2 ever rear it's head? Fell asleep to a Binaural audio discs and had nightmares for the past ??? amount of time.
djdarko: Did Legend of Grimrock 2 ever rear it's head? Fell asleep to a Binaural audio discs and had nightmares for the past ??? amount of time.
Not yet
Post edited March 07, 2015 by madth3
Tarnicus: I'll take a look at that later. Watching a video for 15 minutes is too passive for me at this stage of the day. I watched the first couple of minutes and it looks like something I'd enjoy, cheers for the link! :)
Ixamyakxim: What was it? I'm actually curious (did it have influences from another sci-fi film or was it actually pulled from an historic dogfight?). I have a strange phobia when it comes to clicking links - what's a vimeo Ragnar?

*edit As a side note, Han Solo recently crashed and survived, I shit you not, a WWII fighter plane. He's actually a total badass FOR REAL.

As he was going down, I wonder if he was humming the Indiana Jones theme song while shouting out "Never tell me the odds!"
vimeo is a large video sharing site, like YouTube and is safe. The few first minutes showed the flight run to the Death Star, spliced with footage from other movies, one appeared to be an historical WW2 movie. I cannot remember what it is called but I have seen it; the one about blowing up a dam.
any one have a list of what's left to come up?
djdarko: Did Legend of Grimrock 2 ever rear it's head? Fell asleep to a Binaural audio discs and had nightmares for the past ??? amount of time.
not yet, I think there is a link in the OP now to the list of games to come, maintained by Gragar
cecil: any one have a list of what's left to come up?
There you go:
cecil: any one have a list of what's left to come up?
Here you go:

Double Ninja :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
cecil: any one have a list of what's left to come up?
ElTerprise: There you go:
Thanks. Wow the Seasoned finished several steps ahead.
bler144: SC for South Carolina, or StarCraft, or Santa Clause?

No, none of those?
MeganSC: They stand for (rather stupidly, on my part) my surname. It's double barreled, hence the two letters. It's a fairly obscure name so I think I'm safe knowing that it is unlikely that someone will guess it :) I wasn't intending on posting on the forums when I made that username, I signed up purely to spend money...
Me too - I think I'd made a total of 2-3 posts in 14 months before getting sucked into this very enjoyable thread ;)

Thanks for not pointing out I mis-spelled Santa Claus. But totally, you should just make up something. Surfer Caboose, or Sin Chocolate or something.
MeganSC: It's a painful disease that comes suddenly with no prior warning. I hear it can be remedied with activities including, and not limited to, battling small humans with foam weapons.

You seemed to have proven that theory correct.
Tarnicus: Haha classic comment! I have met many who have come down with the serious disease you mention and have had a few close calls myself with it. Fortunately it has never managed to fully grasp a hold of me, and if it does, then I will choose euthanasia!
Are the youth in Asia better at fighting with foam weapons?
j0ekerr: Looks like I need new friends, or at least less torrent prone ones.

I still think that while the average consumer can notice the difference of picture quality between dvd and bluray, many can't see it.
You can find high quality stuff on torrents as well, just have to know where to look. :P

Also the problem is that once you start noticing the difference you cannot stop seeing it where SD just looks like crap and even in HD you are checking that Black levels are correct etc. Yes, I have been completely spoiled now, although the push for 4K I think is a little ridiculous as not everyone has a projector and a screen in their house.