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Dalthnock: Hey, peeps. Did Shadowrun: Dragonfall pop up yet?

Say no.

And not because you asked nicely, it's actually not dropped yet.
ymerejsasnak: Anyone have any recommendations out of the remaining games that fit these criteria:

~$5 US or less sale price
Linux friendly (either actual Linux version or no major issues using Wine)
something that will run on my humble geforce 8400gs (only 256MB...sad I know)

Matruchus: FTL: ADVANCED EDITION should work and fits into your budget.

Link to game profile page:
Thanks. Was actually eyeing it last time it came up. But I'm sometimes wary of titles with 'roguelike' as part of their description (though, oddly perhaps given what I just said, Desktop Dungeons was the only game I had purchased on GOG prior to this sale)
high rated
budejovice: Ha! Trent's gonna need an alt account to gift soon. :)
HypersomniacLive: This might also apply to you too, mister! ;-)
You could always start a new backlog....
I'm nowhere near the league of these fine folks. :)

I haven't bought as many gifts this time around. Sadly Insomnia fell this time on my paycheck that covers rent and I'm trying to start building a rig soon.

And while I already have most of the games on sale during this promo, I would love to bag a crit or two for gifting. C'mon GOG, hook a guy up! :)
ElTerprise: Yes it did: 2015-03-05 20:34:51: Vangers EUR 1.39 (EUR 5.39) [75%] (200 copies)
Praymettin: Thank you ElTerprise. I had too many unplayed games anyway.
You're welcome.
Dalthnock: Hey, peeps. Did Shadowrun: Dragonfall pop up yet?

Say no.
SortaSane: No.

And not because you asked nicely, it's actually not dropped yet.

Thank you...
InaneKorruption: The funniest thing about trent is that he only registered in April 2014 yet he still has more rep than most older GOG users. Guess I better start gifting too.
Nope, the funniest thing about trentonlf is that he enjoyed The Last Airbender movie. :P
Good grief, how long have Among the Sleep & Sacred 2 been up for?

I guess the GOG majority finally succumbed to sale fatigue!
high rated
budejovice: [...] I would love to bag a crit or two for gifting. C'mon GOG, hook a guy up! :)
That sounds eerily like my own plan.
Matruchus: FTL: ADVANCED EDITION should work and fits into your budget.

Link to game profile page:
ymerejsasnak: Thanks. Was actually eyeing it last time it came up. But I'm sometimes wary of titles with 'roguelike' as part of their description (though, oddly perhaps given what I just said, Desktop Dungeons was the only game I had purchased on GOG prior to this sale)
The game is definitely worth the price. Basically it does have permadeath when your ship gets destroyed. Otherweise your crew gets killed and you recruit new ones, etc. Its a good game that has high replayability value. You will definitely die fast until you get used to the mechanics of the game. But every restart makes the game more enjoyable when you start to understand it. Highly recommended.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
MeganSC: This community sure knows how to make new guests feel welcome! Again, thank you very much :)
bler144: SC for South Carolina, or StarCraft, or Santa Clause?

No, none of those?
They stand for (rather stupidly, on my part) my surname. It's double barreled, hence the two letters. It's a fairly obscure name so I think I'm safe knowing that it is unlikely that someone will guess it :) I wasn't intending on posting on the forums when I made that username, I signed up purely to spend money...
stg83: Nope, the funniest thing about trentonlf is that he enjoyed The Last Airbender movie. :P
I most certainly did :)
HypersomniacLive: This might also apply to you too, mister! ;-)
You could always start a new backlog....
budejovice: I'm nowhere near the league of these fine folks. :)

I haven't bought as many gifts this time around. Sadly Insomnia fell this time on my paycheck that covers rent and I'm trying to start building a rig soon.

And while I already have most of the games on sale during this promo, I would love to bag a crit or two for gifting. C'mon GOG, hook a guy up! :)
Building a rig myself.
Hopefully the new one will last me alot of years to come.
Dammit, i missed Pier Solar...
Redfern: Dammit, i missed Pier Solar...
No you didn't :)
genkicolleen: lol~ My dad's 66 and a serious gamer -- he's playing Ascent - The Space Game as we speak; the latest in a long line of MMO's. I got my gaming tendencies from him (though I think that MMO's are evil. EVIL I say!) XD
As i already mentioned on this very thread, i started gaming on pc by playing point-and-click games with my mother. I played all the classics in co-op with her, we helped each other taking turns when one of us got stuck at some point.

And my father was what i would define a closet gamer.
My parents divorced when i was very little and i went to live with my mother, who some years after married another man. Buy she always stayed in touch with my father and from time to time i spent some weekends and vacations with him. At one of those times, i guess i was 12-13, i stayed with him on my holidays.
I had an Atari Lynx i received for xmas and i kept playing the thing 24/7 with the two games i had at the time, Blue Lightning and Rygar. Since i was basically glued at the screen all time, he kept telling me that i would become dumb if i kept playing every time, and constantly kept telling me to turn the thing off at least for a little and talk with other people or do something more healthy.
After a couple days with him at his place, i was sleeping at late night and woke up, i guess it was about 3 am, and aimed to the kitchen to take a glass of water. As soon as i came out of the bedroom, i started seeing a light and barely audible sound. I followed them and found my father, 3 am, mind it, on the couch COMPLETELY fixed on the Lynx. I swear by God, it looked like he was playing the world championship finals or something like that, he was totally hooked. I said "but,'s 3 am..." and he was, like, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I FINALLY REACHED LEVEL 6-2! DON'T TALK TO ME!" XD XD XD

Some years later he bought an early precursor of media center PCs, the OLIVETTI ENVISION (it was a revolutionary thing at the time, but didn't get much commercial success). I payed him a visit and he showed me the thing, enthusiastically. He kept saying that it was very cool and had lots of media functions, and was also pretty helpful for work.
I played with the thing a few and found out it had some videogames on a demo disk, so i asked him if i could try them. I started Street Fighter II and EVERY ENTRY OF THE HI-SCORE LIST had my father's name on it. "Work, uh? Sure." XD

I miss him a lot. I know it's kinda of a downer, sorry, but i gotta share: when i went to watch over him in the hospital after i heard he was really ill, i found a copy of a submarine simulator on his laptop. It may be stupid, but as a gamer it relieved me a little bit thinking that he was able at least to kill time and enjoy himself a little bit with something playful as a distraction those hard days.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Shendue