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Praymettin: So the seasoned games came to last. Did "Vangers" even passed up in the last round?
ElTerprise: Yes it did: 2015-03-05 20:34:51: Vangers EUR 1.39 (EUR 5.39) [75%] (200 copies)
Thank you ElTerprise. I had too many unplayed games anyway.
Tarnicus: Welcome to the forums, code for A Bird Story PMd and instructions on how to activate it :)
A very warm welcome indeed Tarnicus, +1 for the generosity as always. :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by stg83
InaneKorruption: Is Among the Sleep atmospheric scary or cheap jumpscare scary? After playing System Shock 2 I absolutely loathe cheap jump scares. I'm not looking to buy it as both BG1 and BG2 are on my backlog with a ton of other games. If it is atmospheric scary though, I might consider buying it some time down the line.

Just for trentonlf: Don't gift me this. There are no hints whatsoever of me wanting this game. It's a simple question.
Atmospheric, definitely. Beyond the creepy environments and the nature of the story, you play the entire game knowing you're in the body of a very small child that is definitely helpless against whatever is waiting for you. You don't sprint, you crawl because you're too young to know how to run.
ymerejsasnak: Anyone have any recommendations out of the remaining games that fit these criteria:

~$5 US or less sale price
Linux friendly (either actual Linux version or no major issues using Wine)
something that will run on my humble geforce 8400gs (only 256MB...sad I know)

FTL: ADVANCED EDITION should work and fits into your budget.

Link to game profile page:
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
MeganSC: Evening everyone :)

First post on this site having only signed up a few months ago. I've bought just a couple of games in this promo as I've been at work/asleep for the majority. The only other game I'm interested in getting my hands on is A Bird Story, seeing as I have a little store credit and would be able to get it for free.

Tarnicus: Welcome to the forums, code for A Bird Story PMd and instructions on how to activate it :)
This community sure knows how to make new guests feel welcome! Again, thank you very much :)
trentonlf: Oculus Rift looks pretty good, I would love to have one :)
The Rift is very neat, especially the DK2 version. As I said, my friend has one and I've used it on several occasions. Personally, while I am an Oculus supporter, I am comfortable waiting until the Consumer Version is available before I buy one. Hopefully, that won't be too much farther down the road.

Dajjer: Thanks. And thanks for the VR update. I know no one with a Rift but post on the boards when you try it out.
No problem! I will definitely post in the Among the Sleep subforum once I have tried it out in the Rift.
Manse: The only reason ANYONE knows that I gave away the plot twist is because you brought it to everyone's attention that I had spoiled it...way to go.
bler144: Not to mention the spoiler likely won't sink in for anyone who hasn't already started playing. It's not like announcing spoilers for a show EVERYONE is watching and already has context for.

By the same token, I'm not watching GoT, and of the hundreds of spoilers I've heard Red Wedding is the only one that's actually stuck. Who is good vs. bad? I have no idea.
I reread what he wrote and he was actually wrong with the spoiler. So luckily no spoiler.
dgwake: I am in the same boat. I want to get a VR headset but I know whatever one I get will be the one that fails.
I am going to hold off until Star Citizen in finished before looking into the best one for me
trentonlf: Oculus Rift looks pretty good, I would love to have one :)
Up until Nvidia, Sony and all the others announced a bid for VR market I didn't expect to see consumer level release of the O.R. for over a year or two, but now the competition is heating up so it may come out sooner than I thought.
madth3: When people talks about their backlogs that way I always think of something like this
I honestly don't see the connection.
bler144: Not to mention the spoiler likely won't sink in for anyone who hasn't already started playing. It's not like announcing spoilers for a show EVERYONE is watching and already has context for.

By the same token, I'm not watching GoT, and of the hundreds of spoilers I've heard Red Wedding is the only one that's actually stuck. Who is good vs. bad? I have no idea.
The_Blog: I reread what he wrote and he was actually wrong with the spoiler. So luckily no spoiler.
And so...all this for nothing.
Coelocanth: If GOG still had - or in future decides to again implement - signature blocks, I think I'll use this.
The funniest thing about trent is that he only registered in April 2014 yet he still has more rep than most older GOG users. Guess I better start gifting too.
Tarnicus: Welcome to the forums, code for A Bird Story PMd and instructions on how to activate it :)
MeganSC: This community sure knows how to make new guests feel welcome! Again, thank you very much :)
SC for South Carolina, or StarCraft, or Santa Clause?

No, none of those?
Manse: And so...all this for nothing.
Yep ^^
Hey, peeps. Did Shadowrun: Dragonfall pop up yet?

Say no.
Good thing there are two Fresh games, so the sale doesn't get stuck.

Nifty! Neato! Keane!